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Thread: What am I doing wrong and what's off with my form? Have slight lower back pain.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default What am I doing wrong and what's off with my form? Have slight lower back pain.

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    This is my second week and I'm struggling with SS already, which means that I'm doing something wrong I suppose.

    I place the bar on my posterior deltoids and scapula for the squat, bend over slightly and then go down and up. Here's my form from today's workout and it wasn't very pretty:

    As for the deadlift, I place the bar an inch away from the shins, bend over and grab the bar while making the shins touch the bar, and thensqueeze my chest out and pull. Still, there's a slight rounding in my lower back. Why? What else needs to be checked?

    My lifts so far: (1.5 failed means that the 5th rep of 1st set failed but the other 14 reps were successful)

    Squat 50kg 3x5
    Overhead press 30kg 3x5
    Deadlift 60kg 1x5

    Squat 55kg 3x5
    Bench press 50kg 3x5
    Deadlift 65kg 1x5

    Squat 60kg 3x5 (3.5 failed)
    Overhead press 35kg 3x5
    Deadlift 70kg 1x5

    Squat 60kg 3x5 (1.5 failed)
    Bench press 52.5kg 3x5 (2.5 failed)
    Deadlift 75kg 1x5

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2018


    I forgot to add these and I'm not allowed to edit my posts:
    I'm a 21 years old male who consumes a liter of milk everyday and has 3 or 4 calory-dense meals. I sleep at least 6 hours a day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Garage of GainzZz


    You posted this on Reddit, too. Good for you for joining. You will get better advice here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    As far as the squat goes. There are a few things going on. Your breaking at the knees first. Think hips back knee out simultaneously. Your stance looks narrow (hard to tell from the angle). Try opening up your stance and toes out 30deg. This will prob help you reach depth it looks like some of these were high. I would lighten the weight untill form improves. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by 1985 View Post
    As far as the squat goes. There are a few things going on. Your breaking at the knees first. Think hips back knee out simultaneously. Your stance looks narrow (hard to tell from the angle). Try opening up your stance and toes out 30deg. This will prob help you reach depth it looks like some of these were high. I would lighten the weight untill form improves. Good luck.
    Thanks. Is my deadlift OK?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Your back is rounding on the deadlift, which might explain the pain. Don’t rest after every rep - otherwise you are not doing a set of 5 but 5 singles.

    On the squat and dl, you look like you are not tight at all. Tighten everything up. Reread the chapters in the book. It looks like there is no hip drive at all on the squat.

    Go to a lower weight if you need to to execute it correctly.

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