You had a pain one time? That's awful. I can't even imagine how you must feel. Did it come back?
Dear Rip,
I am a novice starting your program. In my last workout during the OHP (115lbs) I felt an initial sharp pain like an electric shock shoot from my posterior forearm through the middle of my bicep while in the lower position of the press. Additionally the pain was only in the right arm. I noticed while trying to recreate the issue what seems to trigger it is having my hands pronated and bicep in flexión, eg when I picked up a bar to do a reverse curl it hurt the same while curling the empty bar up. (Did this only to test what triggered the pain, I do not do this as part of the training program). Performing the bench press did not trigger any pain what so ever. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Aldo Vargas
You had a pain one time? That's awful. I can't even imagine how you must feel. Did it come back?
I understand there is sometimes some discomfort associated with some of the movements but this was a bit more like a nerve jumping/popping pain, I thought perhaps there was some corrective exercise or something I could do to remediate it.
Again, did it come back?
Yes once again this past Friday during OHP only the right arm like the previous workout.
This is terrible news. Are you okay now? I think a grip change may help.
Ripp, I am using the grip prescribed in the book. I re-read the chapter on the press and it only describes one grip to use. At this time I still get a minor ache randomly through the day in the “elbow pit” area and the lower part of the bicep. I noticed that in an anatomical diagram the radial never passes right by where I get said pain. I don’t want to waste time going to the doctor as they will probably tell me to stop doing the OHP or send me to P.T. to do some B.S exercises with a resistance band or 3lb dumbbell. I thank you for taking the time to read and answer my question.
Aldo V.