Sounds like a good way to get started anyway. What are you pulling now?
I've been following SS pretty steadily for about 6 months now. I've became kind of obsessed with deadlifts though. I want to deadlift 5 plates eventually.
I'm thinking that I could probably deadlift more weight if I did them once a week at the beginning of a workout, so I'm not as tired.
I was thinking something like this once I'm ready for intermediate programming:
bench press/OH press
Power Clean
bench press/OH press
front squat
bench press/OH press
Power clean
Sound like a good idea?
Sounds like a good way to get started anyway. What are you pulling now?
Last workout was 360 x 5, but I have a ways to go until I stall on both deads and squats by following SS. I have a lot more in me too, but my ass is always whooped by the time I get to the deads.
I was thinking that this would be good for when intermediate training starts and my numbers are higher.
This will work for a while. When it stops working, it will be time to stop deadlifting and start doing haltings and rack pulls.
Mark, what would you consider stalling? Once I got back to actually pulling and trying a new method (training by percentages 75-95% and at different rep ranges) my deadlift has taken off. I have repped more weight (420x4) than I ever have. I don't know if it is the new program but my deadlift has taken off. My program (Wendler's 5/3/1 method) where you train bench, squat, dead, and OH press on their own days (M W F and the following M) has treated me well. Maybe I got lucky.
Next time that you are in Ann Arbor MI, first beer is on me!