Teaching an arm pull to novices is helpful? In what way?
Teaching an arm pull to novices is helpful? In what way?
It’s just an upright row followed by a flip to the shoulders in the rack position. If this is what is being taught to athletes, then I can see why Rip has a mixture of despair and contempt for these people.
Got it. The video they used was even weirder than this one. They didn’t even flip the bar. They just dropped it when it got past their shoulders.
It looks like he stole my clean technique from back before I knew about Starting Strength.
He owes me 50% of the money he makes from teaching this!
I especially love the disco music in the background. Oddly appropriate for this little bit of faggotry.
That being said, Ive seen videos of some of the mongoloid antics that "pass" for cleans with the football S&C crowd. If showing this little flip to the kids gets them to understand what they are supposed to be doing with their elbow and bar-rack position at the top of a clean, I guess it cant be all bad. But you would think a division I football player would have the natural grace, strength and speed to do it that way automatically.
Well, no. I think it is in fact ALL bad.
Currently between jobs, so I am not in direct control of my son's weight room time during the school day.
I had his Power Clean (8th grader) pretty well ironed out. We went to clean the other day at the globo gym in town and he has an AMAZINGLY bad arm pull now.
In talking to him it became clear that he has been COACHED to do a thing called "Jerkers." Essentially it is a high pull/up-right row from the hang position using a grip at a width for cleans. TEACHING an arm-pull as a precursor to doing cleans to the JH kids. I BET if I allow this to continue, this abortion is the next step in the "teaching progression."
Funny, I have taught hundreds of kids to power clean without a year or two of teaching them an arm-pull
Interesting. i was a below average athlete as a kid (couldnt make HS basketball team despite being a 6'4" freshman; never played more than 6 downs of football despite being over 200 pounds) but I took to the the power-clean easy enough as a 40 year old fart. Probably helped that my deadlift was already over three plates before I ever even tried a power clean, but I just don't see the difficulty of this movement.