1. Yes it would.
2. Try it now.
I am 41 year-old female weighing 125lbs at about 5'1". I train on a 4-day split that includes chin-ups twice a week but I cannot seem to achieve linear progress on this movement. I keep getting stuck at 6-8 reps, which seems low at a BW of 125lbs (I am not fat).
According to the Blue Book:
"A good rule of thumb is that when you can do 12-15 bodyweight reps, it is probably time to start doing some of the work weighted, possibly alternating higher-rep bodyweight workouts with lower-rep weighted workouts."
Question 1 - Would the number of BW reps be different for a female lifter?
Also from the Blue Book: "many people have made steady linear progress by microloading the chins"
Question 2 - Is it too early to try this? If so, what do you suggest I do to break my 6-8 rep plateau?
Of note, I do chin-ups as an assistance movement for my press. I could not care less about the size of my biceps.
Also, before anybody asks, here are my current numbers:
- Squat: 235X1X3
- Press: 101X3X5
- Bench: 141X3X5
- DL: 255X2X3
1. Yes it would.
2. Try it now.
Your lifts are really good, double bw squats and bench over bodyweight as well. one thing i noticed is how thick the grips are on the chins. i have noticed in my experience that when i chin on a "thin" bar, i can get a few more reps. perhaps it is proprioceptive feedback ??? either way, a thicker chin bar may be harder to grip as the reps go up and this may signal your brain that you are done when maybe you have a few more in the tank. just a very tiny detail i noticed, probably doesnt really matter
Thank you!
I'm sure you're right about the thickness of the bar. I bought this foamy bar as a pain-management device to work around inflammation in my fingers (from rheumatoid arthritis). That said, the swelling and pain has gone down quite a bit lately, as it typically does in the spring. I will try using a "hard" bar again tomorrow and see if I can tolerate the pain now.
[Stupid?] question 3 - If I were to set my 25mm Bella Bar on the rack to do chins, am I likely to damage the bar?