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Thread: Shoes as Proxy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Default Shoes as Proxy

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    I've been wondering something lately, and I'm looking for a reality check from more experienced folks before I get too far afield with my thoughts on it.

    Would it be accurate and would it be useful to regard whether a new trainee buys lifting shoes as an indicator for how likely the lifter is to continue meaningfully with training?

    Certainly, there can be confounding circumstances, but it increasingly seems to me that this equipment purchase might serve as a proxy for a few important and less tangible factors that make for success.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I think so, yes. Do you or do you not believe what more experienced people have told you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2022


    My first, non-SS coach told me the same about those who stuck with, or didn’t, the hook grip for the two weeks or so it took to get over the thumb pain.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2022
    Scottsdale Arizona


    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Donaldson View Post
    I've been wondering something lately, and I'm looking for a reality check from more experienced folks before I get too far afield with my thoughts on it.

    Would it be accurate and would it be useful to regard whether a new trainee buys lifting shoes as an indicator for how likely the lifter is to continue meaningfully with training?

    Certainly, there can be confounding circumstances, but it increasingly seems to me that this equipment purchase might serve as a proxy for a few important and less tangible factors that make for success.

    Thank you.
    Maybe. You might want to ask them if they have a old rowing machine under their bed that is no longer used. Could indicate weather $100-$200 of skin is the game means anything to them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Donaldson View Post
    I've been wondering something lately, and I'm looking for a reality check from more experienced folks before I get too far afield with my thoughts on it.

    Would it be accurate and would it be useful to regard whether a new trainee buys lifting shoes as an indicator for how likely the lifter is to continue meaningfully with training?

    Certainly, there can be confounding circumstances, but it increasingly seems to me that this equipment purchase might serve as a proxy for a few important and less tangible factors that make for success.

    Thank you.
    I’d imagine it would depend on how much the money means to them to some extent. If I’m a guy who makes multiple 6 figures a year then $200 is nothing to me and I don’t have to do without something else. If I make $30k a year and have to give something up to afford the shoes they mean more to me and I’d imagine I’d be more likely to stick with it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    I guess it could mean the intent is there at the time of purchase but only time will tell if they stay with it. People buy gym memberships and other exercise equipment all the time and never use them or use them only for a short time. I wouldn't place bets on a person's longevity based on a shoe purchase, especially if they only bought them because someone told them they "have" to in order to train properly.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Brainich View Post
    My first, non-SS coach told me the same about those who stuck with, or didn’t, the hook grip for the two weeks or so it took to get over the thumb pain.
    Seems a little bit extreme, but I don't pull enough to have a legal opinion.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Chicago, IL


    starting strength coach development program
    This is absolutely the case.

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