How has it progressed over the past 10 years?
My name is Ray, I‘m 32 from Austria. 178cm 75kg bodyweight and I got diagnosed arthrosis in my knees almost 10 years ago. I don’t feel any pain or something similar. It just makes weird noises when I for example get up from an sitting position.
I started to workout a view years ago because I also got type 1 diabetes and it helps to manage my bloodsugar.
Long story short, here is my question:
Can I lift heavy (squat/deadlifts) with Arthrosis in my knees or will it make it worse?
How has it progressed over the past 10 years?
from an objective stand, it didn't get worse at all. as i said no pain no limitation in movement or mobility. just annoying noises (sound similar to the noise your knuckles make when you crack them). but i should go to the doc and get an x-ray done.
You have no "symptoms", but you want to be sick so bad that you will ask The Doctor to please find some "signs" that you are sick?
Annoying noises that don't cause bloodcurdling pain are not worthy of your time trying to investigate, and they certainly aren't worth getting radiographs for. The single best treatment for mild to moderate arthrosis is regular activity made up of progressive resistance training and aerobic training, although the evidence seems to point very strongly towards progressive resistance training having a better treatment effect alone than aerobic training. If you study the physiologic process that leads to arthrosis, loading the joint in a progressive nature is likely the single best thing you can do to slow the disease process down. Several of us did a lengthy presentation on arthritis / arthropathies at the Starting Strength Coaches Conference some years ago. It might be worth your time to watch those videos on here.
The intention on seeing a doc was not for verification of being sick. It was for prevention -better safe than sorry-. Now i have an idea of what i need to avoid to keep my own knee as long as possible intact. I’m by far no expert nether in anatomy of the human body nor in training thats why I consult experts and that’s why i asked if lifting heavy over a long period will make it worse.
Thanks! I will check them out!