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Thread: Post your ideas for upcoming features here

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by seti View Post
    A customizable workout planner would be a good idea to make it useful past the novice phase. Here you could customize each workout: what exercises to do, how many sets, for how many reps. Also, you cannot track chinups in it's current form, even though chinups are added in the novice phase most of the time.
    I second this one. The app is wonderful, I would love to be able to use it with the HLM programming I'm running now.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Adelaide, Australia


    Thanks for the work so far. I'd love to see in the future:

    * Allow me to adjust my increments from a settings screen. I'd like them to automatically increase my bench and press in micro loads. Bit annoying having to change every time. So I could adjust my Squat to increase 2.5, bench 1.0, press 0.5 session to session, instead of the default 5.

    * Allow reversal of the 3x5 to 5x3 for women in the late stages of novice training

    * Light wednesday option for advanced novice

    * Chins, back ext and GHR for advance novice

    * Let me export my data so I can put it into a spreadsheet at home or whatever

    Thanks very much for listening.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2015


    Varying programs - HLM for example - and the ability to further those customise programs (3x5 in place of 5x5 for example).

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Everett, WA


    Allow for chin-ups and pull ups. We put in the number of reps and sets The new features are great keep going!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2015


    It was mentioned here before but i would like to secound that some kind of timer for measuring rest would be much appreciated :)

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    Enjoying the app. I would like the option to incorporate power snatches as well and being able to use the app to progress through to advanced novice program. Texas Method would also be great but I can understand and would be interested in a separate Texas Method app.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I'd find a timer that automatically started after checking off a set very useful. I'm hoping further updates allow you to select the alternative programming options laid out in the book as well.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Houston, TX


    Biggest two things, for me, would be:

    1. Backup/Export/Sync of data
    2. Common accessory exercises like chins and back extensions

    Also, for a mobile app I think saving the data for your current workout without requiring an explicit "save" step/button would be better. That is, save the state as it's changed.

    Nice app -- thanks!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    Great app and I would like to see power snatches added since they are in the third edition of Starting Strength, "it is useful enough that all lifter should know how to do it." I look forward to being able to use the app to extend into the Advanced Novice Program and Texas Method.

  10. #30
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aimee View Post
    Thanks for the work so far. I'd love to see in the future:

    * Allow me to adjust my increments from a settings screen. I'd like them to automatically increase my bench and press in micro loads. Bit annoying having to change every time. So I could adjust my Squat to increase 2.5, bench 1.0, press 0.5 session to session, instead of the default 5.
    Coming in the next version.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aimee View Post
    * Allow reversal of the 3x5 to 5x3 for women in the late stages of novice training
    Coming in the next version.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aimee View Post
    * Light wednesday option for advanced novice

    * Chins, back ext and GHR for advance novice

    * Let me export my data so I can put it into a spreadsheet at home or whatever
    All of these are on the list of to-do's, might not be the next version but definitely all good features and stuff I want to do :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Aimee View Post

    Thanks very much for listening.
    Welcome! Thanks for the feedback.

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