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Thread: Found a bug or something that's not quite right? Post it here.

  1. #11
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unfie View Post
    1. LG G4
    2. Android 5.1
    3. I don’t know if this is a bug or not, but I noticed that when I try to input my older workouts, I don’t have the option of selecting power clean. It is as if the app is assuming that any workout before today's date assumes it is part of the first two workouts ever where you do deadlift twice in a row. From Sep 9th and on I get the power clean option, but not before. Press and bench alternate, though. I have power clean checked for workout B, and I said that I already started the program.
    Thanks, this is a bug and I'll get a fix in for this for this weekends update.

  2. #12
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serack View Post
    Ah, this is probably a more appropriate place to post my concern than that main Q&A section.

    platform: iPhone 6+

    Just bought the App, first workout will be tomorrow. Before starting, I was hoping to enter my pre-existing training history but fresh out of the box, the when I tap "Training History" I get the message:

    Upon tapping {OK} I end up back at the home screen. I'm sure later after I've gotten a few workouts into the app, I'll be able to enter my pre-existing training history, but it seems inappropriate to me that I'm being gatekept from doing it now.
    Right now you have to enter at least one workout before the training history unlocks (otherwise the app doesn't know what to display as your last workout. I'll look into a fix for this.

  3. #13
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by beeftip View Post
    iPhone 5S
    iOS 8.4

    In "Today's Training", open video to show demonstration for any exercise. Video opens. Can't get back to app. Have to close the app and reopen.
    Try tapping on the screen and go to full screen, should give you an option "done" to get back to the app

  4. #14
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeanDrLily View Post
    Samsung Galaxy S3
    Android 4.4.2

    Great first version! Nice job on getting out a nice quality first release. I do this stuff for a living, and I know it's harder than it looks!

    Two things:
    1. On the progress graph, the bench and overhead press have their labels reversed. My bench numbers are labeled as press, and vice versa.
    2. I added some past workouts to build a history. When doing so, it seems to be ignoring the setting that I do power cleans. This might be because I originally said I didn't, but later changed it. When adding today's workout, it behaved correctly.
    Thanks, I'll look into those today.

  5. #15
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    Thanks for the feedback guys, here's a list of the fixes being done today:

    * [Android and iOS] Progress Chart Bench and Press and flipped
    * [Android] Videos not playing on some android devices and settings screen forum and newsletter not loading (I think this is the same bug)
    * [Android and iOS] Cannot enter workset weight of less than 20kgs / 45lbs (the weight of an oly bar).
    * [Android and iOS] Power Cleans are unlocking from todays date rather than in the past.

    Hoping these will be fixed today and updated on the android app store by tomorrow. iOS update will take a week unfortunately as they have to review everything.

  6. #16
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Betsy View Post
    I sent an email to support through the app and it came back as undeliverable. I re-sent adding an "m" to the ".co" at the end. It hasn't come back yet, so I guess that was the problem.
    Worst day possible to have problems with my email server - should be back up in a few hours. For now if you have any feedback please post it on the forum.

  7. #17
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    Well, that was timely - NOT! Hope you got it fixed. :)

    iPhone 6
    iOS 8.4

    This is probably operator error. I finally figured out what the 3 dots are at the left side of the exercise in Today's Training. I have a hard time accessing that but I think it's an issue related to my screen protector. However, once I choose to look at the video I can't figure out how to get back to the app. I've had to restart my phone twice to get back. What am I missing? Thanks!

  8. #18
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    And to reply to myself - if I just watch the video and press Done, I'm back in the SS app. But the first couple of times I seem to have gotten stuck in YouTube land. I just can't figure out now how I did that.

  9. #19
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    Droid user here,
    On the workout page where it shows you how to load the bar at the inputted weight it always shows the bar as 20 whether you have pounds or kilos selected, minor problem and doesnt affect anything but just a heads up.

  10. #20
    shabu is offline Starting Strength App Developer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Betsy View Post
    And to reply to myself - if I just watch the video and press Done, I'm back in the SS app. But the first couple of times I seem to have gotten stuck in YouTube land. I just can't figure out now how I did that.
    Yeah I have seen this issue sometimes, I think if you click to go fullscreen, and then tap the screen, you get the "Done" button. I'll stick a "back" button on there for the next update. Thanks for the feedback Betsy.

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