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Thread: Newb in NYC

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Actual progress this week on everything but the squat. Squatting high reps at lower weights to rehab hip flexors. I see a form check video in the near future so I can get squats straightened out once and for all- I feel like I could be so strong on this lift if I can stop hurting myself.

    Ive also dialed my calories down since Im not squatting heavy. 3000 cals, and I dont feel like it slowed my progress on other lifts too much.

    DL: 265
    BP: 160
    P: 115
    PC: 110

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Another week done.

    On the squat I discovered I was actually putting the bar in too low a position on the back. This may help explain some of the form issues/injuries Ive had the last month. My new bar position plus Rip's latest article about keeping the knees out and chest up has led to a break-through I think. Squats felt less akward and like I was finally using the major posterior muscles.

    Still hip flexor pair, which I hope is just residual from last week. During the squats I dont feel like theyre nearly as in play. So one last try at this squat thing and if things go sour again Ill just shell out the cash for a coach.

    Some PRs:
    DL: 270
    P: 120
    BP: 162
    PC: 115

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Another week.

    DL: 280
    Press: failed at 122 (only 4 reps per set)
    Bench: 165
    PC: 120

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Back on track...

    SQ: 220
    DL: 295
    BP: 175
    P: 122 (reset form with a narrower grip and worked my way back up)
    PC: 135

    Deadlift stopped moving for a minute, I think because my squat was so weak in comparison. Couldn't find the strength to break 285+ deadlift off the ground until I got my squat to 220.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Southern California


    Glad to see you're back on track. Question: how did you manage to overcome the hip flexor issue? Was it just the position of the bar and knees out that solved it? I'm having the same issue with my right hip so any further input on solving the problem is appreciated.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Gaucho View Post
    Glad to see you're back on track. Question: how did you manage to overcome the hip flexor issue? Was it just the position of the bar and knees out that solved it? I'm having the same issue with my right hip so any further input on solving the problem is appreciated.
    Im not really sure Ive seen the last of this issue. My hips are still far from right. e.g. kicking a soccer ball is a painful experience. So is raising my legs from a seat position with my thighs spread.

    Hopefully this is just a tendonitis thing that will get better with time. Though the problem has nagged me going on 3 months...

    Improving my form + foam rolling has helped. I don't seem to be aggrivating them as much now. But even still, over the last couple of weeks, by the 3rd day of squatting I find there is too much pain/weakness to do the workout.

    So for the time being Im happy adding weight 2x per week. Let me know if you have any insight.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Wood-Ridge, NJ


    How do you warm up before your session? A good warm up, and maybe some hip flexor stretches (everyday) would help.

    Maybe even a massage?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Southern California


    My warm up is 5 minutes on the C2 rower and situps per the Onus Wunsler program.

    My experience is the same as you Blood, I've been having the right hip pain for quite a while now. It's usually bearable, but it is persistent pain when squatting - even in my warm ups with the bar I can feel it. When I get to my work sets sometimes it hurts to the point where I just call it a day for squats, but that has only happened a handful of times and I've been on SS since last September. I've also had the hip pain outside the gym when I take an awkward step and the pain surges up and down my right leg.

    I've done a few resets to work on form, and reducing the forward knee travel has definitely helped the pain. Also, I've started doing figure four stretches which have helped. Like you, I've reduced my squatting to two days a week and that has helped too (I tried adding a light squat day when I was squatting 3 days a week but it didn't help the hip).

    Anyway, I hope both of our hip situations improve. Good luck.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Good progress in the last months.

    DL: 405
    SQ: 305
    BP: 202
    OHP: 142

    All while maintaining 200 lb bodyweight.

    Had to scrap the powercleans for the time being due to a meniscus injury.

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