Friday BW measurement: 171# (up six pounds in four weeks)
Squat: 3x5 @ 190#
Press: 3x5 @ 100#
PC: 5x3 @ 75#
Actually, I've been experimenting with doing presses first after some reading of Stacey's (nisora33) blog, in an attempt to be a bit more fresh when doing these, as opposed to following the squat. A week ago I repeated at 90# when I felt sloppy finishing off the last set. Ninety-five went well on Monday, but I'll have to admit I was a bit worried about 100#. I know it's not heavy for most, but it's all relative, hopefully. At any rate, I had to give myself several pep talks throughout those sets. I was really happy to reach 100 on the press. Squats were a repeat after failing to extend and lockout on my last rep on Wednesday. Today they went much better. Funny how much difference 48 hours makes. PCs were okay and I'm really enjoying doing these, though it is surprising how fatiguing these are.
I think it is hard to believe when people read that strength gains and weight gains go hand-in-hand. After stalling last year during a less than full effort at SS, I am gaining that appreciation (even if just in it for a month). I know the progressions won't last indefinitely, but I'm enjoying the work all the same - even if I do get a bit nervous when stepping under the bar to squat.