No problem. Just making sure people don't do what I did.
Squats - just the warmup, as City suggested. 45x5, 45x5, 95x5, 155x3, 205x2, 235x1
Press - 125x3x5
Chinups - 6/3/3
Press is now back up to where it stalled, but I'm not going to call it a PR because I changed the reps from 3x5 to 5x3.
Just read Wendler's 5/3/1. Awesome book. Of course, this means I have to wait a while before being able to buy Practical Programming. I'm making a list of training books I want to read (it's a short list so far). Included:
Practical Programming
Power to the People
The Strongest Shall Survive
That's as far as I've gotten. Does anyone have any other suggestions (assuming anyone reads my log)? I'm also interested in books that are not solely devoted to strength training, ones that cover conditioning as well.
Squat - 225x5x3
Bench - 167.5x5x3
Ab work - 3x8 with 35 lbs added
Book for you: Never Let Go by Dan John.
Thanks guys, I'll look into them.
Squat - 240x5x3
Press - 127.5x3x5
Kroc Rows - 50x20, 55x13
Made a 15 lb jump in my squats, will be making a 10 lb jump next workout. Didn't feel great. Did my squats feel this hard when I was progressing linearly to these weights? Probably. Probably felt harder. I guess it's that I keep expecting these weights to feel easy, and they don't. Burnout sucks.
Presses were a real grind. I just found out that one of the bars in my gym weighs 35-40 lbs (guy didn't know exactly), and I might have used that bar for my last press workout. That would mean I only did 115 - 120 lbs. I guess it doesn't matter anyways, as long as I legitimately made 127.5 today.
I could have just done deadlifts with a lighter weight, but I don't want to interfere with my squat's recovery, so I did Kroc rows instead. They're surprisingly hard, and I'm not using nearly as much weight as the guy in the video. I'll have to do these more often.
15 lb jump on squats? You are not a complete novice anymore my friend, so don't fuck with this. It's important to keep up constantly and smoothly. I have a lower squat than yours, and yet I keep on adding 10 lbs, not more. And be careful with the bars, because you could have stuck at the press, only because of switching the bars. Try not to change bars.