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Thread: Pistol's Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Pistol's Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Starting Date: Dec. 27, 2009
    Age: 25
    Height 6'1.5"
    BW: 185

    Starting weights:
    Squat 165
    BP 135
    Deadlift 225
    Press 75
    PC 135/145
    Log book stays at the gym will adjust numbers if my memory blows.

    My background:
    I was a sports guy, natural athlete that got away with just being able to pick things up really quickly and was willing to work harder than a lot of people who were bigger than me so I got away with being smaller, 6'1" 160 lbs, I was quick and preferred that over size. My first exposure to real resistance training was rock climbing. I would boulder about 3-4 hours a day 4 or 5 times a week. I was a back with biceps, and ripped so I was happy. Never trained at a gym for more than a month at a time, no idea what I was doing when I was there. 3 sets of 10 was my gym education, made sure the last reps of the last set needed some assistance, never saw any serious gains if at all. Body weight slowly increased as I got older and now I play rugby, really would like some meat on me to help protect my body.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    For the first week the hardest part was actually eating the quantity of food recommended. It was painful actually especially because I wasn't seeing any gains in weight pretty sure my squats started too low and I hadn't really committed to the program (doing crossfit workouts on off days). The crossfit workouts didn't affect my ability to increase work sets so who knows.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Second week:
    Sticking to it now for the most part,and my last "A" workout
    Squat 215 5,5,5
    BP 145 5,5,5
    DL worked up to 340 1rep max
    some friends at the gym were doing 1 rep max and curiousity got the better of me I used this as my DL component.

    Think the squats are in a better range at this point, they are starting to make me work for that last rep. The bench felt like I could have easily had another 5lbs on it which would've been a 10lb jump from last week. My push muscles blow as a result of rock climbing being my only training really and I was suprised.
    Tomorrow starts daily logs.
    Also much easier to eat this week and happy to report jumped from 185-190 lbs in the last week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Pistol Pete View Post
    Second week:
    Also much easier to eat this week and happy to report jumped from 185-190 lbs in the last week.
    Nice, sounds like you're a size that could make big gains on this program. At 6'1, I wouldn't be surprised if the next 30 lbs or so come fairly steady with lots of milk and food. Good luck with the lifts and mega meals.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    ^^ 30lbs would be good. My original intent was to get to 205 and then work conditioning for rugby but that very quickly went out the window and I'm riding this bus until it stops.

    Todays #'s
    Squat 225 5,5,5

    Press 95 5,5,5

    Pwr Cln 150 5,5,5

    Squats = goodness
    I look at that press number and laugh but considering a month ago I could only put up 85lbs twice (I mean it when I say my push muscles blow) it's nice to see.
    PC Was messing around with the technique a bit, I like to reread the descriptions in the book before I head to the gym and tried to follow it a little more closely, didn't like the slow until above the knees and canned it for the last workset which made it much easier, going to get a vid of the next one and hopefully Rip can tear it to pieces for me.

    Diet= started slow today so tonight will be painful. Still crushing my milk everyday, and keeping a pretty close eye on the calories hitting 5000-5500 np.

    Side note Not sure if anyone else has this problem but I just got home from the gym an hour ago and I already can't wait for my next work day, it just feels good when PR's and my weight are going up everyday (even if they are 95lb presses).
    Last edited by Pistol Pete; 12-14-2010 at 02:13 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    I have the same "problem."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    235 5,5,5
    150 5,5,5
    270 5

    Squats were feeling great again today I think I might have been lacking some hip drive after looking at my own form so I tried to focus on that today. I'm excited to hear Rip's thoughts but nothing yet.
    BP I did make a 10lb jump today from 140 last workout to 150 today after feeling the 5lb increase was a joke.
    DL felt great that is all.

    Also because I have two days off now I succumbed to temptation and did a crossfit workout about 15 minutes after completing my deadlifts. This was a painful experience and a lesson was learned. Workout was 100 Thrusters (front squat with press to finish movement if you're not familiar)at 95lbs and every time the bar is set on the ground = 5 burpees. My counts by the end were 100 thrusters....100 burpees <-- I detest this number and am ashamed it had to get so high, time 36:53

    On the plus side lifts are still going up easy and the scale now reads 195lbs. Up 10 lbs from start.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Jan. 17th

    245 5,5,5

    100 5,5,4

    Power clean
    150 5,5,5

    Squats still feeling good.
    Press, not liking that 4 rep finish. Time to invest in some 1 1/4 lb plates
    Powerclean felt like there were some form issues so I kept the weight at 150 for this workout and well, worked them out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Jan. 19

    255 5,5,5

    155 5,5,5

    280 5,

    Squats still good but encountered that impingement fun when the knees don't stay out, now focusing on pushing knees out a lot.
    Bench felt really easy actually, think it would've been okay with a 10lb hop again. Might try it for next bench.
    DL Can't add (mathematically) weights when I'm tired actually did my last warm up set at 290 but still no problems for a full set at 280
    Last edited by Pistol Pete; 01-23-2010 at 10:46 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Jan. 21

    265 5,5,5

    100 5,5,4.......

    Power clean
    155 5,5,5 form problems corrected or so I think.

    Squats- very last rep of the day was "fun" in the pure I love watching this number climb so steadily, sense of the word.
    Press- Figured I'd give it another go at 100 but no dice, my puny shoulders were having non of it. Going to deload to an undetermined number and do 2.5 lb increases (not excited about this but that's what my body is telling me).
    Power Clean
    Was pretty good, legs didn't feel as explosive as usual though but still got it done okay.

    Thoughts this week.
    I've realized that when I do the workout as prescribed I don't feel like I've done a whole lot of work, so I feel the need to do some more.
    Sunday I did 1RM squat after the workout cause I was curious--320
    Tuesday I did a bunch of squat snatches after my SS workout and then a hang snatch workout later that day.
    Thursday Did some more squat snatch and could tell I was weaker than usual.
    Biggest disappointment of the week,
    Weight =195lbs 0 gain and I am eating 3000+ calories and drinking my milk another 2000+ calories

    Realization stop f**king around and stick to the program get in, get out, drink milk, gain weight!!
    Got some good motivation though while I was working out on Tuesday. Was in the school gym watching some football players squat, O-line by the looks but it's Canadian university football (meaning they're not the same level athletes as a college team in the states at all) anyways, they were rep'ing about 360 doing quarter maybe half squats and struggling. My Goal -- I'm going to be deep squatting more than them before the term is up.
    Last edited by Pistol Pete; 01-23-2010 at 10:51 PM.

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