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Thread: Journey from Fat Hobbitt to 70's Big using SS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Calgary, Canada

    Default Journey from Fat Hobbitt to 70's Big using SS

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    My stats as a Hobbitt
    266lbs naked
    BF Im gusessing 35%+

    Squat 190lb
    Bench 165lb
    Press 105lb
    DL 225lb
    PC 95lb

    I am just learning the PC I had the opurtunity to spend a few mminutes with Justin and Rip @WFAC last week and they gave me some pointers.

    I normaly work out in my Garage alone so I dont typicaly get feed back on my form so I will try and post some videos to get your input.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Good luck. I'm jealous that you got some coaching from Justin and Rip.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Calgary, Canada



    BW 267.5 up 1.5 lbs

    Squat 3x5x195
    Press 3x5x110
    PC 5x3x95

    Work out was a little later and slower than usual, I had to watch the Hockey Game -GO CANADA! and then my wife and here friend were working out as well...

    Squat felt good, my form seems to be coming around

    Press, got better each set

    I feel like a retard doing Power Cleans. I guess I am a slow learner but my "form" or lack of realy sucks!

    On words and upwards
    Last edited by Razor; 02-26-2010 at 11:37 AM. Reason: forgot to add date

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Good luck with SS,
    don't beat your self about your form Its probably the most technical lift, in my mind anyway. A little advice, take the time to learn it right, read the notes in starting strength, lastly I personally find it easier to practise form with a little weight on and not an empty bar. All the best.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    From one Fat Hobbit to another, good luck and welcome to teh forumz.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Calgary, Canada


    Thanks Dusty, I definitely want to perfect my form, the power clean seams like the ultimate exercise for strength and power...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Calgary, Canada



    BW 266 lbs

    Squat 3x5x200
    Bench 3x5x165
    Dead 1x5x245

    Everything felt good added L-arginine and L- Glutamine and Creatine as supplimets as well as my regular mega doses of Multi Vitamins

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Calgary, Canada



    BW 267.5

    Squat 3x5x205
    Press 3x5x115
    Power clean 5x3x100

    My joint are a little sore in the morning but discomfort goes away with warm up sets. Getting stronger, one bite of the Elephant at a time...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Calgary, Canada



    BW 268.5

    Feel like 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag.

    Not going to lift to day rather not fill my drawers with liquid stool.

    Have nasty head cold and have been taking Echinacea it is helping with the cold but I think it is giving me the shits...

    I am drinking plenty of fluids and still taking my Vitamins so hopefully I dont get to dehydrated...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Calgary, Canada


    starting strength coach development program

    BW 265- The diarrhea gods kicked the crap out of me

    Squat 3x5x225 PR
    Bench 3x5x175 PR
    Dead 1x5 265

    Still a little tired and weak from being sick but the extra time off made me pumped to lift.
    I jumped my weight on the Bench and Squat by 10 pounds and had no problem getting my work sets done. I kept my DL increase at 20lbs I didn't want to go to crazy...
    Through out the last few days of being sick a focused on keeping hydrated and getting my supplements in. I’m sure most of the supplements just passed through my bowels at such a rate little absorption was able to occur. With the drop in BW obviously some dehydration took place as well.

    I have been under the care of a Chiropractor for a couple of years for what started as neck pain and lower back pain. As any good chiro does, he took x-rays, and measurements and did analysis. From this he discovered that the curvature in my cervical spine was nearly gone. I had a 1 degree “curve” in my neck instead of the “normal” 30+ degree curve. This plus the transition from C7 to T1 was very miss aligned my spinal cord had to make a sharp bend as it descended. As well he observed a 7 degree rotation in my Pelvis.

    I had schedule a reevaluation this week to see if things were getting better/ worse/ staying the same. I was feeling much better but wanted to see the real numbers. He took x-rays Wednesday and did the evaluation and I went in for a follow up today. He was “giddy as a school girl” as he put both x-rays up on the board and showed that the curve in my cervical was now 14 degrees and the transition from C7 to T1 and improved as well and the rotation of my pelvis had improved from 7 degrees to 4 degrees. Al the spacing between vertebrae looked great and I had no sign of degeneration at all. This mad me very happy as my 40th Bday is only 18 work outs away.

    Moral of the story; a good Chiro and smart strength training can make huge changes to your life.

    Now I need to Summit Mount Fat at 270lbs and begin the slow decent to base camp 1 at 245lbs

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