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Thread: The great reset and beyond

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    So, I found out what my problem was after getting some bloodwork done. Low testosterone. I'm 20 years old and my total test was only 361. So, they put me on Androgel. Woohoo! FML. Anyways, here was my workout today. I felt strong as hell. These weights felt like feathers!

    Squat - 225x3x5
    Bench - 185x3x5
    Deadlift - 315x1x5

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Good to hear about the belt, this will make your squat progression much easier. It did for me.

    For the press, if you keep resetting it at 135, it might be for a reason other than a legitimate "stall". Maybe you just don't get the stimulus needed to jump by 5 pounds at once from doing 3x5x130 once, so you could perhaps wait until you can do 3x6x130, 3x7x130, or buy some partial plates. I found some partial 1.25 plates on Ebay. These will let you add 2.5 pounds at a time, until it no longer works. Better than resetting!
    Last edited by Beltshumeltz; 05-24-2010 at 07:11 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Cool, I will do 130x2x5 and then 130x1xmax reps and see if that helps! i should really buy fractional plates. Today was my first day on the Androgel. Hopefully this was the reason I was having trouble with such light weights. Looking forward to continuing with a proper endocrine profile. However I am requesting that my doctor put me on testosterone cyponate injections as well as HCG injections after doing quite a bit of research on test. replacement therapy.
    Last edited by RandallH1989; 05-25-2010 at 06:54 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Squat 230x3x5
    Press 135x3x5
    Power Clean 195x3, 195x3, 195x3, 195x2, 195x1 (hitting 2nd pull too early I think)
    Weighted chin ups 4xMR - 25x5,20x6,20x6,20x6

    Everything except power cleans went really well today. I got about what I expected on the chin ups. The squats were easy. The press was relatively easy and I should be able to hit 140. Next week I will be out of town on vacation and will miss my Monday and Wednesday workouts.

    Day 2 of Androgel. Feeling pretty good. Big improvement over not taking it. My mood is great, I am more aggressive both in the gym and in my daily life.
    Last edited by RandallH1989; 05-26-2010 at 06:50 PM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Squat 235x5x5
    Bench 190x5x5
    Deadlift 325x3x5

    I won't be working out for another week due to me going out of town so I did a bunch of extra volume today. It is day 3 for me of Androgel. I put half of my dose on in the morning, and I felt like I normally do. When I put the other half of my dose on about 2 hours before my workout, took my energy crap, and went and worked out.. I was a beast. It's actually a bit scary as right now I can't really feel much pain at all. All of this volume felt like I was lifting nothing. I could not feel the weight. I'm not sure if this is how it's supposed to feel, or if I need to cut back on the hormone, but I feel like I could have added a million pounds to everything. Hoping this continues.. Hoping my balls don't fall off.. knock on wood (literally right now, hopefully that stays too)

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by RandallH1989 View Post
    Squat 235x5x5
    Bench 190x5x5
    Deadlift 325x3x5

    I won't be working out for another week due to me going out of town so I did a bunch of extra volume today. It is day 3 for me of Androgel. I put half of my dose on in the morning, and I felt like I normally do. When I put the other half of my dose on about 2 hours before my workout, took my energy crap, and went and worked out.. I was a beast. It's actually a bit scary as right now I can't really feel much pain at all. All of this volume felt like I was lifting nothing. I could not feel the weight. I'm not sure if this is how it's supposed to feel, or if I need to cut back on the hormone, but I feel like I could have added a million pounds to everything. Hoping this continues.. Hoping my balls don't fall off.. knock on wood (literally right now, hopefully that stays too)
    How long do you have access to androgel for? Does it bring your testosterone levels down to what is normal for a 20 years old, or higher than that? I know steroid abuse is bad, but if you use it just to have normal (or slightly higher) levels, I wonder whether it's even bad at all.

    Now I'm really curious how your log will progress, maybe you won't even have a problem raising your press by 5 pounds for a while.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I probably have some form of testosterone for the rest of my life.. I don't know where it puts my levels at yet because I haven't been taking it that long. I didn't take my doses yesterday or today just to see what would happen and I feel pretty normal. Right now i'm going through a long process of finding out exactly what's going on with me and I am also getting a sleep study done.

    I'm pressing tomorrow so we will see what happens. I was a complete animal in the gym last Friday and hopefully it'll happen again. I don't know if it was because of the Androgel or the monster energy drink + Jack3d energy powder crap I took, but probably the gel because of the lack of pain I felt all night.

    And no, I am NOT abusing it. I'm simply using 100% legally prescribed Androgel to normalize my testosterone levels.
    Last edited by RandallH1989; 06-03-2010 at 09:44 PM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Is it even physically possible to abuse a testosterone gel? Well, I guess maybe if you bathe in it...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by PVC View Post
    Is it even physically possible to abuse a testosterone gel? Well, I guess maybe if you bathe in it...
    That's a pretty good point. It's pretty weak stuff.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Squat - 240x3x5 (kinda nasty form)
    Press - 140x5,140x4,140x4, back off set @ 125x4
    Power Clean - 190x3, 190x2, 190x2, 180x3, 180x3, 180x3
    Weighted Chin Ups - 22.5x8,22.5x8,22.5x6,22.5x5

    BW down to 204.5.

    Didn't feel as crazy as I did that one workout a week ago. Not sure what happened. Just the right combination of conditions I suppose.

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