[I'll go week by week for now, to avoid posting a gazillion times.]
A note on weights: I decided to go "full novice" and start with relatively easy weights. I have some microloading chains for when my shitty press starts to stall. Warm up sets are as per Starting Strength Wiki template, or close enough if I forget to bring my notebook to the gym. After a few light hang cleans or 3-position cleans, power clean warm-ups tend to move quickly to singles@135 due to lack of standard size bumper plates other than 45lbs.
A note on diet: GOMAD or 1/2GOMAD most days, always eating plenty on the side. Rapid weight gain is part of the plan at this stage.
A note on the shit I'm posting: "As Rxd" means I did all the prescribed reps. Any deviation or additional work is noted. Stuff like "That went well" is for general context, which I feel is important when looking back on your old entries. Feel free to ignore.
Here we go, now:
Week 1
4/12/10 Sq 3x5x225; BP 3x5x175; DL 1x5x335
As Rxd
Everything felt reasonably easy/hard. Grip still a weak point on DL?! Bodyweight 90kg
4/13/10 A bit of bball, which sucked bad. Biked to/from work.
4/14/10 Sq 3x5x230; P 3x5125; PCl 5x3x135
As Rxd
Very last Press rep was hard. Micro loading already?
4/15/10 Rest.
4/16/10 Sq 3x5x235; BP 3x5x180; DL 1x5x345. Also a handful of 1xdouble overhand rack pull+hold x 315; 2ble overhand x405 F, alternate x1. [note: adding some grip work because this has seemed to limit me recently on heavy DLs]
As Rxd
Went ok. Still need to work on grip.