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Thread: Grizzlybucks quest to finally get strong

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Central Ohio

    Default Grizzlybucks quest to finally get strong

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm a pretty good size guy (Rip would have considered me an adult male at about 13, 6'3" 220) but due to a dislocated elbow at 11, and a knuckleheaded ortho, I never played organized contact sports, so I never lifted, or worked on getting strong. I work in a fairly physical job, so I am pretty strong, just not for someone who's nearly 6'4" whose weight has been between 225 and 300 for the last 22 years, now 44 years young, even though Rip may characterize me as "elderly" I'm ready to finally have a go at a strength program, better late than never.

    I've been working out pretty regularly, 5-6 days a week for the last 18-20 months, but have flitted around trying some of this and some of that. I finally did some more research on routines on the web and was led here. At least my excercising has gotten me from 280 to 240, though I'm sure I lost more muscle than necessary, due to inadequate protein intake as well.

    Got SS2 in the mail last week, read it up, and though I slightly tweaked a groin muscle trying to stretch in anticipation of squatting "deep" I got started today.

    Squat 125x5x3
    Press 65x5x3
    tried some DL's and when I got to 95, my groin told me to stop, so I did some pendlay rows 135x5x3

    I am a trouble shooter for an electric utility, so I work a swing shift, and often times won't get a day off for 15-20 days in a row. In fact I worked a 2nd shift Sunday, 15:30-23:30 and had to turn around and work a day shift today 7:30-15:30, then had to turn around again and work tonight's 3rd shift 23:30-7:30. As you can see sleep can be a struggle sometimes, but I do my best to get as much as possible. Eating can also be a struggle, but I try to pack 3-4 meals for each shift, ranging from 200-500 cals, all including 20-50 grams of protien, and try to avoid processed and fast food junk.

    I'm going to give this a go, and try it slow and steady and see if my 44 year old body keeps up, or if my odd work hours and age make me adjust my programming earlier than I hope.
    Last edited by grizzlybuck; 05-17-2010 at 10:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Central Ohio


    Squats 135x5x3
    BP 135x5x3
    Assisted chins (giving groin ouchy another week or so) 80x5x3

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Central Ohio


    third workout

    Squats 145x5x3
    Presses 65x5x3
    Pendlay Rows 140x5x3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Central Ohio


    Squats 155x5x3
    BP 140x5x3
    Chins 2x3 plus jump negatives

    ran into my nephew who was working chest day, he did 405x6 then 455x3 then 405x5 x4 x4 x3, said usually just does 405x5x5, but is going to try to outdo a buddy this weekend and do 550, I want to be strong like him when I grow up (he's 20 years younger lol)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Central Ohio


    Squats 165x5x3
    Press 70x5x3
    Rows 150x5x3
    Last edited by grizzlybuck; 05-30-2010 at 08:58 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Central Ohio


    Squats 175x5x3

    BP 145x5x3

    Tried DL's, groin still not completely happy, may try the Starr recovery on it, did do 95x10x2 as a start

    Chins BWx2x3 plus jump negatives, really even though two chins looks pathetic, I'm pretty pleased, I couldn't do chins or pullups as a kid, and at 44 I'm no longer a kid, and I'm weighing in around 240 so to be able to do any makes me feel pretty good

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Central Ohio



    Squats 185x5x3
    Press 75x5x3
    Rows 155x5x3

    squats felt good, but I don't think I'm getting good enough depth, I have to work on shoving my knees out more, I thought I was, but either I'm not, or I'm one of the very few whose flexibility will not let me get below parallel just by shoving out knees. I guess I'll make sure my knees are out and if they are I'll let the increasing weight help my flexibility, though I'm using a foam roller also.

    My right shoulder hurt through my squats and I had to widen my grip quite a bit, this also really affected my press, the first set was ok, but the last two were major struggles, I may have to come up with a way to micro load already

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Central Ohio



    Squats 195x5x3 I've been noticing that my depth has not been good enough, I thought I was shoving my knees out and it was just my flexiblity keeping me from getting deep, alas, I found out that I'm not special and if I conciously shove out my knees, I can get deeper, wow I have to shove them out a lot more than I thought, I guess I'll stick to this weight again since only the last set was done at the new deeper depth

    BP 150x5x3
    Chins 3, 2, 2 plus negatives

    I'm, overall, pretty pleased with my workout, it's good to know that I can get deeper on my squats. The BP was easy, which is a relief after the struggle on the Press last workout, and 3 chins on my first set was a PR

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Central Ohio


    Squats 205x5x3 felt pretty good, worked on pushing knees out and got better depth

    Press 80x5x3 felt good, after struggling mightily at 75lbs last time, figured I might have to stick to 75 again, but it went well, all but last 2 reps where I felt my balky shoulder hurting

    DL's, yes, DL's, after working up from the bar on the lowest pins, and feeling pretty good, I decided to have another go at 135, that felt so good, I tried 160, which felt so good I went ahead and did 195x5x1 for my first DL workout

    All and all very, very pleased with today's effort, considering that because of the holiday and my work schedule, I've had 6 workouts in 12 days, every other day obviously, I'm happy. Now I'll take off 3 days and start up again Monday, hopefully I can stay on a normal pattern for a few weeks, but I doubt it

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Central Ohio


    starting strength coach development program
    Been a long time since I posted up my progress (thankfully, I have some progress to post ) I have had a hard enough time getting in the majority of my workouts and getting adequate rest, just haven't had time to keep my log up to date. So here goes

    Reset on squats, because I became aware that I was nowhere close on depth, and because of a former back injury, I decided to reset big-time, knowing that it'd build back up soon enough
    BP 155x5x3
    Chins 2,2,1 plus negatives

    SQ 145x5x3
    Press 85x5x3
    DL 205x5x3 (I know, I'm an idiot and didn't realize I was only supposed to do one work set, I make up for it later by doing something equally stupid)

    SQ 155x5x3
    BP 160x5x3
    Rows 160x5x3

    SQ 165x5x3
    Press 90x5x3
    Chins 2 3/4, 2, 1 3/4 plus negatives

    SQ 175x5x3
    BP 165x5x3
    Rows 165x5x3
    started doing one armed DB farmers walk (1/17 of a mile, the length of the indoor track circling workout room at my Y) as I have had off and on problems for years with aches and pains on the muscles on either side of the spine, specially when fatigued 40lbx2laps each arm

    SQ 185x5x3
    Press 95x5x3

    BP 170x5x3
    PC 85x5x3 (yeah me, finally decided to try PC's)

    Press 100x5x3
    DL 275x5x1 (realized that I was only supposed to be doing one work set, so I decided, what the hell, if I could do 3x5 at 225, then 1x5 at 275 should be fine, wasn't too bad really)

    SQ 215x5x3
    BP 175x3x1, 170x3x1, 170x5x1 and 175x5x1 (confusing mess, I know, the gym was empty and there was nobody to spot, I have right shoulder and left elbow pains due to years of misuse, and I talked myself right out of these, the 3rd rep of the 1st set was HARD, and I wimped out and quit, did the same at 170, then pulled out the "I'm being a mega-pussy card and did a set of 5 at 170, then made myself do a set of 5 at 175)
    PC 95x5x3 (not too pleased with my rack position, or the form in getting there, decided that I should stay at this weight for a bit)

    SQ 225x5x3
    Press 105x5x3 (HARD, happy though to have made it here with 5lb jumps with the shoulder and elbow issues)
    DL 285x5x1

    SQ 235x5x3 HARD, decided to start using 5lb jumps
    Press 107.5x5x2, x3x1, x2x1
    DL 295x5x1
    (worked a couple of doubles and had family commitments, so was away from the gym 3-4 days so I decided to do workout A again, elbow and shoulder really affecting progression on the press, I feel pathetically week, considering I weigh 245 and am struggling with 107.5 pounds on the press )

    SQ 240x5x3
    BP 175x5x3
    PC 100x5x3 (form felt pretty good, so I went up 5lbs)
    farmers walk 55xtwo laps

    SQ 245x5x3
    Press 107.5x5x1, x4x1, x3x1 (failed at this weight again )
    DL 305 FAIL, 300 FAIL, 285x5x1
    I got very little sleep, they are killing me at work, working virtually every day and double shifts 2-3 times a week, I am an Electric Company Trouble shooter, so the heat and storms are wreaking havok on my training, also got to the gym late with too little time before work to do proper warm-up for the press and DL, reading The Truth article and realizing that a bad day is just that helped my mental outlook

    after being forced to take 2 days off again, and having failed so miserably last time out, I decided to redo the 7/6 workout, albeit with a slight reset
    SQ 245x5x3
    Press 105x5x3
    DL 285x5x1 (dropped back here, as I realized that I stupidly jumped too far after realizing I was to do only one work set, felt good though)

    SQ 250x5x3
    BP 180x5x3 (got a spotter on the last set, and it was the easiest of the three, knowing someone was there if I got stuck)
    Chins <2x3 plus negatives, really disappointed in these after not doing them for a while, and seeing Rip's advice to someone that they should have been doing these, as they can really help the BP and Press. I need to retake reading comprehension, as after I started doing PC's, I thought I needed to alternate DL's and PC's just like the Press and BP's. Now I will try from here to do;

    Workout A Workout B
    Squat Squat
    Press BP
    DL/PC Chins
    Back extensions

    SQ 255x5x3
    Press 107.5x5x3 (yeah finally)
    PC 105x5x3, really do enjoy the heck out of these
    Farmers walk 60x2 laps each arm
    Last edited by grizzlybuck; 07-15-2010 at 10:04 AM.

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