Yesterday: The good, the bad and the ugly.
Squat 2 plates - GOOD, bar goes up, nothing to report.
Bench 115 - UGLY, shoulder was hurting during warmup and completely failed me on my last warmup rep (a single at 110, I know not the best choice). I skipped the working weight completely. I need to see a RMT about this. Doctor was useless. This has been going on for over 2 months now.
Deadlifts - BAD. (sorta, really I'm just stupid). It must have been the heat or something. I warmed up with 135x5, 225x5. Then i put a pair of 25's on and thought I was going to lift 250x1 (yes, 225+25+25=250)... then i put another 15 on so I could do my 265... so in reality I did a single at 275 then a triple at 290 and I failed to get it off the floor for another rep... waited 30 seconds and failed again. Good news is that it was not my grip failing - this is new. It was my hamstrings! They BUUUUURRRNED when I was filing to lift the weight. I kept pulling till my vision blurred and it was definitly my hammies failing.
soooo.... I'm going to go again on saturday and perhaps bring a calculator.
I did lift it for three reps already. I was able to pull enough to "lighten the bar" (ie, the bar bent and wiggled just a hair to correct for minute starting position error)... and my hams were on fire but grip was still strong (thumb and palm still keeping solid contact).
I am confident that I could not have pulled that weight for another rep if I had straps.
Squat 230 - I'm starting to get loose. I have noticed that I'm getting some motion in my lumbar that I need to clamp down. I still managed 3x5 and it wasn't terribly hard, but definitely slowed me right down on the last couple reps.
Press 110 - 5,5,4 I was SO close... I was pressing that last rep for at least 10 seconds. It was SO slow once it passed my head, then my hips cocked, the bar got un-level and I started wobbling. I did everything I could to get my body in the correct position and keep pushing the low side of the bar up but it just stopped. I'm going to have to drop in to a local Fastenal and get some washers for microloading at this point.
Powerclean 155 - 3,3,3,3,2. This was a repeat weight because my last jump was an accidental 10lbs. I don't know why I failed it. Must be the additional fatigue from the other lifts. I DID notice that my form was pretty crappy today. I was nearly missing reps forward and backward (last rep was forward, as well as low). I also noticed that I was losing power by bending my arms on the second pull.
I feel like I'm maxing out, but I also feel like it is harder than it should have been. My lower back is tired on my warmup squats and generally tired every day. I'm eating like crazy and drinking more milk than ever. I managed 8 hours of pretty solid sleep last night, plus an hour or laying around in bed before getting up. I even got my head buzzed which dropped at LEAST a pound of bodyweight and should be keeping me cooler.
Based on Jamie's advice I did my 45x10 and 95x5 warmup squats with an overhead snatch grip. Felt good
I also did my PC warmups as hang-snatches up to 95lbs and hang cleans at 135 to work the jump. I think that when I PC with my work weight my feet never leave the ground. I get to my toes, but never actually jump.
I will repeat the OHP and PC weights again, then start microloading both... or reset if they fail again.
Other thoughts:
I also noticed that I'm getting fat. I pretty much never weigh myself, I can see that I'm actually getting wobbly in the thighs and gut. I'm okay with it for now, but if my lifts aren't continuing there's no point in being a fatty.
I think it may be time for a belt. Is not being able to keep the lumbar solid an indicator of time for a belt, or is it an indicator that I'm doing it wrong?
... I can't ever imagine weighing that much
Well, it's sort of like I told Johnny Pain... It became uncomfortable for me to bend over and tie my shoes LOL For a little while anyway. And I actually considered cutting 500 calories from my daily intake when that happened. He advised me against it, and told me to get rid of a lot of junk food instead, if I was eating any. I don't really eat a whole lot of junk food. At any rate, I decided just to stay the course, like he said. For me his advice made sense in the long-run. I was always a weak guy, so for now, it makes sense to eat a lot of quality food and try to gain as much muscle as I can and not worry too much about the fluff.
And here's what's interesting... Right now my weight is still climbing, but not as fast as before. BUT, my belly isn't getting any larger. My chest, upper back, shoulders, arms and legs are. I don't have a six-pack, but I can see the outline of the top of my abs. So, what I mean to say, here, is that my daily intake, combined with the weight lifting, is not making me obese, and it is controlling the accumulation of fluff that I have around the middle. So it's not too bad. I don't look like an Abercrombie model, but I also don't look like the kind of guy people would want to fuck with, either.
I think that once a balance is reached, the weight from adipose tissue is kept in check, leaving you looking healthy and strong. That's my take on it, anyway. But I'm not packing down 7,000 calories a day, I keep it around 5,000 or so, but I don't worry too much if I go over.
That's sort of what I was alluding to with my comment... right now I am saying "I could never imagine weighing what I weigh now" and at this point I think to myself "I could never imagine weighing 240"... but I realize that if i keep gaining weight and i can still see those top couple abs as you describe (same here) then why the fuck would I stop? And if i got to 240, what's stopping me from shredding off all that fat and being a ripped 220?
My whole perspective on bodyweight has changed. I have a couple friends that are 240lbs and they want to lose weight. I used to be all gung-ho encouraging them, but now I'm trying to tell them they should be pulling 550 and squatting 450, not trying to lose weight.