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Thread: Starting Strength, Waterpolo and Connditioning

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


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    Right, i forgot about the frequency of your waterpolo.

    Sorry I missed the squat vid, I just had a look. You pace and upper body are fine. I wouldn't worry about the depth, you're getting plenty but you don't seem to be rounding to get there... you could cut em short as it gets heavy if you need to.

    I definitely don't like the way that you start by shooting hips back, then half way down allow the knees to go forward. Try to find some other user's videos that have had a good review from rip and watch their knees. They go forward near the start (first 1/3) of the movement and they stay put the whole way down.

    When you do this it feels more like you're squatting "down" instead of squatting back.

    Also I can't tell from the video if you are keeping your knees pushed out or not. By keeping the knees out HARD (especially when you hit bottom) you'll get plenty of hamstring bounce.

    Let me know if any of this was helpful.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by MazdaMatt View Post
    Right, i forgot about the frequency of your waterpolo.

    Sorry I missed the squat vid, I just had a look. You pace and upper body are fine. I wouldn't worry about the depth, you're getting plenty but you don't seem to be rounding to get there... you could cut em short as it gets heavy if you need to.

    I definitely don't like the way that you start by shooting hips back, then half way down allow the knees to go forward. Try to find some other user's videos that have had a good review from rip and watch their knees. They go forward near the start (first 1/3) of the movement and they stay put the whole way down.

    When you do this it feels more like you're squatting "down" instead of squatting back.

    Also I can't tell from the video if you are keeping your knees pushed out or not. By keeping the knees out HARD (especially when you hit bottom) you'll get plenty of hamstring bounce.

    Let me know if any of this was helpful.

    Of course your post is helpful. Lets me overthink what i*m doing and correct if neccessary.

    With Sqatting back i refer to this part of Rips script:

    4 basics of execution:
    Sit back (stick your butt out!)
    Squat down (bending/flexing the knees)
    Balance the weight by keeping your chest and shoulders upright while your upper body leans forward slightly to keep the bar above the midfoot
    "Keep knees tight" - i.e. don't relax your quads and simply "drop" into the bottom position, keep your thigh muscles tight throughout the motion

    Focus on keeping knees out is when i get up. the way down it just runs quite good. only up sometimes i need to correct. but i'll get it.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Squat 132 x 6 x 3
    Bench Press 132 x 5 x 3
    Deadlift 198 x 5 x 1

    13 Pullups
    3 coreexcercises

    - keeping breaks short, but form proper
    Last edited by B117; 06-13-2010 at 03:27 AM.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Quote Originally Posted by B117 View Post
    With Sqatting back i refer to this part of Rips script:

    4 basics of execution:
    Sit back (stick your butt out!)
    Squat down (bending/flexing the knees)
    Balance the weight by keeping your chest and shoulders upright while your upper body leans forward slightly to keep the bar above the midfoot
    "Keep knees tight" - i.e. don't relax your quads and simply "drop" into the bottom position, keep your thigh muscles tight throughout the motion

    Focus on keeping knees out is when i get up. the way down it just runs quite good. only up sometimes i need to correct. but i'll get it.
    Look at this guy's squat form check:

    Compare what his "sit back" and your "sit back" look like. This should well explain what I meant.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Yep, there's a big difference. Maybe because he has a wide stance, or so?
    Is it bad, what i do, or just "different"? Powerlifters and weightlifters told me using the hipdrive like that, for my normal stance.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    St. Thomas, Ontario


    I used to squat like you. Ass back, then down. I developed this because I started with stronglifts, not SS, and they really pushed "break at the hips first, ass back, then down".

    When I started squatting more like the other guy's video I noticed a HUGE difference in the hamstring tightness at the bottom which really let me bounce hard and hip drive.

    It is at least worth trying out. Be sure to focus on knees-out when you do it and you'll get the bounce - and love it.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Thanks, i testet the other way today, but theres much quadwork for me it seems. Not that much as i squat back. Could this stand in relation wie anthropometry?

    Workout A
    Squat 137,5lbs x 5 x 3
    Press 77lbs x 5 x 3
    Power cleans 93,5lbs x 3 x 5

    + 33lbs x 5

    - as last times, short breaks
    - PC is getting better, focus on keeping the bar close works

    Last edited by B117; 06-14-2010 at 06:13 AM.

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Maybe it will come with added weight - a video of you trying that form may point out differences. You're still squatting pretty light so you'll likely figure it out more as you need to (when it gets heavy).

    PC's look good... try to get those videos right-side-up, though. It is hard to see the bar path when it is sideways.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by MazdaMatt View Post
    Maybe it will come with added weight - a video of you trying that form may point out differences. You're still squatting pretty light so you'll likely figure it out more as you need to (when it gets heavy).

    PC's look good... try to get those videos right-side-up, though. It is hard to see the bar path when it is sideways.

    I'll see and do. Today was pretty good.

    Squat 137,5 x 6 x 3
    Bench Press 137,5x 5 x 3
    Deadlift 209 x 5 x 1

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2010


    starting strength coach development program

    Workout A
    Squat 143lbs x 5 x 3
    Press 77lbs x 5 x 3
    Power cleans 99lbs x 3 x 5

    Pullups+ 33lbs x 5
    Core Rotations 2 sets

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