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Thread: Twofold's SS Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Twofold's SS Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Decided to keep a log for accountability reasons - thanks for popping in!

    Background - Currently sitting at 200lbs, 20%-ish bf, 6'3. 24 years old. Three years ago, I was about 300lbs, one million%-ish bf. I was working out about eighteen months back, using a kettlebell while doing muay thai three times a week, but I managed to dislocate my left shoulder while doing turkish getups, leading to training apathy and a massive loss of strength in my left shoulder. I've had to equalize my strength over the last few weeks as my left arm was way weaker than my right. I used db bench press & military press to do this. My upper body is still weak as hell (and my left arm is still about 3/4 inch circumference smaller than my right), but I'm sure that'll change soon enough.

    I got back from backpacking about six weeks ago, during which I did no exercise and drank a ridiculous amount of alcohol over the course of seven months. South East Asia is one giant party town. While in Thailand, I did two weeks of muay thai. It was ridiculously hardcore and ridiculously fun. I'm hoping to head out to Thailand again, perhaps in November, and I want to be in good shape to make the most of any training I do out there.

    My goal is so push SS as far as I can and add in conditioning sometime in the future.

    Nutrition - I spent an evening reading JPs posts and put together a diet routine. I posted it up and JP said it's not too bad. Good enough for me.

    It can be found online here -

    I'll do my best to stick to it and evaluate where I am further down the line. I usually wake up around 10pm and go to sleep about 1-2am. I workout at about 1130am, meaning the 'morning snack' is my PWO shake. It also has 5g of creatine in it.


    Fucked up already by doing workout B instead of A by accident. Haha. Oh well. Not the end of the world.

    Squat - 70kg 3x5 - 5, 5, 5
    Press - 30kg 3x5 - 5, 5, 5
    Inverted Rows - 12, 8, 8


    I went with inverted rows over pendlay rows, mainly because I didn't want to get information overload while learning to do exercises I haven't got much experience with. Will try to switch over to pendlay rows on Friday. (As for why I'm doing rows - my gym said they don't allow folks to do power cleans. Doh.)

    Squat seemed comfortable. 70kg seemed fine. Will try to bump up to 75kg next workout. Not quit breaking parallel though. Hip crease is about an inch too high. Will work on this by doing squat stretch.

    Press was fairly easy until the third set. Really struggled to get the 5th rep in and I felt like I was going to pass out. Oh well. Onwards and upwards. Will try 32.5kg for next time.
    Last edited by twofold; 06-28-2010 at 09:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010



    Squat - 72.5kg (+2.5kg) 3x5 - 5, 5, 5
    Bench Press - 40kg 3x5 - 5, 5, 5
    Deadlift - 75kg - 1x5 - 5


    Grip seems to go on later sets while doing squats. My left shoulder becomes uncomfortable when dealing with higher weights. Will start doing shoulder dislocations & doggcrapp shoulder exercise to work on this. Apart from that, seems fine. Still about an inch-ish away from hitting parallel consistently. I hit it half the times, but sometimes I miss it ever so slightly. Flexibility seems to be improving, though.

    Bench Press, at 40kg, was easy as hell. I want to take it easy, though, to make sure strength with both arms increases at the same speed. I made sure to keep the bar straight and try to keep the load even on both sides.

    Deadlift at 75kg felt heavy, but doable. Pretty sure my lower back is rounding a bit, though, but I left my camera at home so I couldn't confirm. Will have to remember for next week. In the mean time - going to practise getting in deadlift position at home using a radiator pipe and re-reading SS until I get a better idea of deadlift form.

    Overall - happy with the workout and looking forward to Friday already.

    Diet adherence so far is also 100%. Yay. Aiming for 90% adherence, which at 5 meals a day, 7 days a week means 35 meals, meaning 3 cheat meals. Should be easy enough!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010



    Squat - 75kg (+2.5kg) - 5, 5, 5
    OHP - 32.5kg (+2.5kg) - 5, 5, 5
    IR - 13, 9, 8

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010



    Squat - 77.5kg (+2.5kg) - 5, 5, 5
    Bench Press - 42.5kg (+2.5kg) 3x5 - 5, 5, 5
    Deadlift - 80kg (+5kg) - 1x5 - 5

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010



    Squat - 80kg (+2.5kg) - 5, 5, 5
    OHP - 35kg (+2.5kg) 3x5 - 2, 2, 2
    PR - 60kg - 3x5 - 5, 5, 5


    Hard workout following a bad nights sleep. Slept maybe 2-3 hours total last night and I feel shattered.

    Squat felt surprisingly light, though, considering 77.5kg felt like the world on my back.

    Failed hardcore with the OHP. On the last set, trying for the third rep, I held the weight for about ten seconds at half ROM, pushing as hard as I could. Upper body strength is terrible! Can't wait 'til next Monday to give these a go again.

    First time trying rows - form was ok. 60kg is light enough to practise with. Will ramp up the weight next time and work on form further.

    (Spoke to the gym owner re: power cleans. He said I can give them a go when they get some bumper plates in - he doesn't know when that'll be though. Sigh.)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010



    Squat - 82.5kg (+2.5kg) - 5, 5, 5
    BP - 45kg (+2.5kg) 3x5 - 2, 2, 2
    Deadlift - 85kg (+5kg) - 1x5 - 5


    Squat - 85kg (+2.5kg) - 5, 5, 5
    OHP - 35kg 3x5 - 5, 3, 2
    IR - 10, 9, 8

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010


    starting strength coach development program

    Squat - 85.0kg - x
    BP - 47.5kg (+2.5kg) 3x5 - 2, 2, 2
    Deadlift - 90kg (+5kg) - 1x5 - 5


    Still lacking squat depth, so I've decided to stay at 85 until it's sorted. I'm literally one inch away from breaking parallel. Ordered some do-win shoes which should hopefully arrive in time for Friday's workout. Will see how they do.

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