starting strength gym
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Thread: Briks' Log

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Bodyweight- 199.8

    Bench Press- 1x250

    Dips- 8x40

    Ok, so I went for a 300 pound bench Friday. I had my Dad around to spot me and I was feeling good, so I figured I'd give it a shot for fun. I knew I'd either barely get it or barely miss, and I barely missed. I mean, BARELY MISSED. I got through what my normal sticking point is and had the bar creeping upward for a long time before giving up. I think I would have gotten 298 pounds, thats how close it was. I couldn't even be upset with the fail. The really interesting thing was how much I felt the effects throughout my body. My wrists, forearms, abs, lower back, etc. were all fully engaged in the lift. I guess thats what happens when you try a limit lift like that. Hopefully even though I failed, just putting my body through that and some other heavy singles and doubles causes my body to adapt a little bit to heavier weights. I am going to switch the programming a little bit on my bench over the next month or so, switching to 3x3's linearly instead of 3x5's. A little reduction in volume but increase in poundage to see if I can get my body used to the heavier weight, then give 300 another shot in a few weeks. I know you could say theres no reason to fuck around with this stuff and that I should just do the program, but since I've benched for the last so many years, I don't think I'm really a novice there anyway and besides that, ITS FUN. 300 pounds is a lifelong goal that I honestly didn't think I'd ever reach a couple years ago when I was 160 pound dude who "couldn't gain weight". So the fact that I am right on the doorstep now has made me want it that much more. After I get it, I'm still going to have to add another 15-20 pounds on it by the end of the year to get 300 paused for our Board Contest, but just getting the 300 touch and go will make 2010 a great year.

    Dips were Dips.

    I start Pins to Pillars tonight on the squat. Should be interesting.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Nice bench!!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by misspelledgeoff View Post
    Nice bench!!

    But I missed it!!

    Hopefully I get it when I try again in a few weeks though and I will try to video my attempt. Even though it won't count for your board contest since its touch and go, I'll still post it on the site if I get it.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    GOOD GOD MAN! The idea of benching 265 right now blows my mind... And don't even get me started on the big 300. HOLY SHIT!

    Even though you missed that (BARELY) you still had a kickass workout! RIGHT ON!!!! And shit, you could probably get that though next time you bench with no problems...

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by gamedog View Post
    GOOD GOD MAN! The idea of benching 265 right now blows my mind... And don't even get me started on the big 300. HOLY SHIT!

    Even though you missed that (BARELY) you still had a kickass workout! RIGHT ON!!!! And shit, you could probably get that though next time you bench with no problems...

    Maybe I could get it next time but I don't want to go that THAT heavy again for a few weeks. It really took a lot out of me. My next bench workout is Wednesday and I will attempt 3x3 with 260. If I get that, I will go up to 265 the following workout, etc. After I get 3x3 with 270, I'll know that I have 300in the bank and I'll try it again. Hopefully this whole process takes about a month.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Briks42 View Post
    Maybe I could get it next time but I don't want to go that THAT heavy again for a few weeks. It really took a lot out of me. My next bench workout is Wednesday and I will attempt 3x3 with 260. If I get that, I will go up to 265 the following workout, etc. After I get 3x3 with 270, I'll know that I have 300in the bank and I'll try it again. Hopefully this whole process takes about a month.
    You know what homie, you're probably right ;-) You're setting yourself up for success with a plan like this, going at it smart. Right on!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Bodyweight- 197.6 (Didn't eat much all weekend while partying)

    Squats- 150x5x10
    Presses- 140x5x3

    First day of Pins into Pillars. The program calls for 4-5 weeks of 3 days/week squatting. 10 sets of 5 reps every day, with linear progression. You are supposed to start with 50% of your 1 rep max. My highest actually done max was 300. I think a couple weeks ago I would have been good for 315 or 320, but since I hadn't actually done it, and since I hadn't squatted in like a week and a half, I used 150. This was a little tough and kind of a grind, but not brutal at all. My back was sore at first but loosened up throughout the workout (though its sore again today). My knees were definitely feeling it with all these reps, but nothing that I can't deal with. My plan is to do 12 total workouts this way. It will actually take 5 weeks instead of 4 because I know I have to take a 2 days off for separate vacations and one off for a wedding. I will make ten pound jumps up to 180, then make 5 pound jumps. This would have me finishing at 220x5x10. I'd be extremely happy with that, as all this volume should put a ton of muscle on my legs. Then, assuming my back and knees are feeling good, I will go back to novice progression and hopefully blow through 300 before long.

    Presses were tough, but good. They have felt basically the same every workout from 130 up to 140, which is a great thing. I'll just keep making the 2.5 pound jumps and see how far I can take it. I figure I'd have to get 170 or 175 for my sets of 5 by the end of the year to get a 200 pound 1-rep max for the board contest. Maybe a little less because I will clean the weight when I attempt the max, and that supposedly adds some weight to your lift.

    I still don't feel comfortable doing powercleans or deadlifts right now with my back. I'm hoping to get back to them in a week or 2 if this thing heals up.

    I also started taking creatine last night. From what I've read from Dr. Kilgore and other sources, I don't really see a good reason not to. It only cost me $13 for what should be about a 2 month supply, so its pretty cheap. I am now taking a multivitamin/mineral, magnesium, and creatine. Pretty basic supplementation.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Bodyweight- 200.0

    Squats- 160x5x10 (2 min rest between sets)
    Bench Press- 265x3x3

    Session 2 of Pins into Pillars. This went well. It really loosens up my back doing this many reps and I love being able to work on my form with the lighter weights. I know that its easy to have good form when the weight is light, but I am using this to find which cues I need to really emphasize for myself when the weight gets heavy again. I have a feeling this program is going to get real brutal real quickly anyway though. I am going to make 2 more 10 pound jumps up to 180, then do 8 more sessions adding 5 pounds per workout, which would have me ending up at 225x5x10 (trying to maintain the 2 minute rest periods).

    Bench was solid. I decided I was going to try to do triples with 265. I didn't even know if I could do that though. It was just a guess. Well, I got 3 sets of them so I was very happy with that. I wanted to add some more volume though while still doing heavyish weights, so I did 2 more triples with 250 as "back-off" sets. Great overall workout. I'm trying to get my body used to the heavy weights and go for another shot at 300 in a few weeks.

    I am going to miss my Friday workout due to a weekend trip to Denver. Tonight I am going to try to do some chins and heavy shrugs though. I get back at 3pm Monday though so theres no reason I should miss my Monday workout. It will be session 3 of PiP and another 2.5 pounds added to the presses.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Yeah buddy, Pins Into Pillars is gonna get REAL brutal once you start nearing your workout-to-workout squat PR's ;-) Just remember, focus on good form and make sure you have the essentials of it down (knees pointed out in line with the toes, hip drive, pushing from your heels) and you'll do good.

    Solid workouts, BTW. Right on. Your bench is going to be 300 before you know it, man that was a nice triple!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Thanks Game.

    Yeah, PiP is gonna be tough, but I think its just what the doctor ordered for me with my lower back injury. I am already feeling much better than I did before I started. And yeah, those form cues really help too. I don't see how it can hurt to get under the bar for 600 work reps of squats over 12 sessions when it comes to really grooving your form. And if I can come out of it with an added 8 or so pounds of bodyweight, that will make things a lot easier for me when I got back to novice progression.

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