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Thread: 120 days of Linear Progress

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


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    msingh, glad to see things are continueing in PR territory for you. Shooting the hips to the point of back rounding is usually cued by "don't lift the bar, press your feet into the floor".

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Weymouth, MA


    Nice work, stay focused and keep attacking the weights. I'll keep an eye out for a DL vid.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    3x5 105 kg

    Practiced DL today. Realised a few things: I'm not build for deadlifting. I have long torso and legs (long arms too though), which means to setup flat I have to go too low, which means my hips will rise too fast. So no problem you say, just setup higher. I do that and now my setup no longer gives me a flat back, it's arched, which I can maintain thru the lift, but it's not picture perfect flat. So either I switch to rack pulls (which i cant cause my rack is shit), or I just keep going with a)low setup + flat back + hips rising too early or b)higher setup + arched back + hips rising ok. Fuck that shit. May have to look for an alternative to the deadlift for lower back strength and then add rows for upper back work although i dont know if i'm built to be retarded at rows too

    I'm not build for bench press either with my cartoonishly long arms and actually want to progress so I've also decided to specialise in the bench press and treat the press as an assistance exercise. May adopt a TX model for bench:

    monday: volume on bench (5x5)
    wed: recovery + assistance (press)
    fri: intensity

    goals have changed, a 3 plate squat and a 4 plate DL is probably the best i'll ever manage with good form given my anthropometry. sad, but whatever, i never wanted to be powerlifter so it's fine. maybe oly lifting will be a better fit, we'll see. Gonna get to a 4plate dl and a 3 plate squat, 2 plate bench and revise my training accordingly.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Hm i just realised i've been deadlifting in heeled shoes. I'll try barefoot next time, might do the trick.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Weymouth, MA


    Seriously, stop making excuses. Get a video of your DL up. And by arched back, do you mean it's hyperextending or rounding?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Ok so when Mark says middle of the foot, that doesn't mean when you look down at your own foot. What a misleading, useless and redundant cue that is then? If i'd just stuck with the usual 'keep the bar close to the body at all times' i'd have got it right in the first place! The other thing I did was deadlift without heels and form is satisfactory. I was working with 60kg so nothing heavy and when I DL heavy i'll have a vid of that to show you.

    Not rounding or hyperextending, just not a straight line.
    Last edited by msingh; 09-18-2010 at 08:28 PM.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by msingh View Post
    I'm not build for deadlifting. I have long torso and legs (long arms too though), which means to setup flat I have to go too low, which means my hips will rise too fast.
    What does someone with a long torso, arms, and legs look like?

  8. #28
    manisstrong Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by LudwigVan View Post
    What does someone with a long torso, arms, and legs look like?
    A tall person

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Weymouth, MA


    Quote Originally Posted by msingh View Post
    Ok so when Mark says middle of the foot, that doesn't mean when you look down at your own foot. What a misleading, useless and redundant cue that is then? If i'd just stuck with the usual 'keep the bar close to the body at all times' i'd have got it right in the first place!
    The book explains this cue in detail and states exactly what you just discovered.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Apartment 1, Ivory Towers


    starting strength coach development program
    08/29: Creates a new log called "120 days of linear progression".

    09/18: Totally gives up on his new goals and on using linear progression. Blames anthropometry (long torso, arms and legs???).

    20 Days. Congratulations sir. You have once again managed to astonish me.

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