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Thread: SD's SS log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default SD's SS log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Some background info first. 33 yr old male, 5'9" and 78kg/171lbs, live in the Melbourne area, Australia. Been training for about 3 years on/off, a few minor injuries (always the lower back) and 1 major have kept me from really getting anywhere strength wise. Was doing fairly well up to the start of last year, had a 1.5 body weight squat and dead and then broke my hand in February of 2009, kept me out for 10 months or so (it was a complicated break) and of course lost everything i had gained and had to start again. Anyway enough bullshit from me, i've just started the SS routine again the last 2 months and thought i would post a log.

    Workout A:

    Squat 3 x 5
    Bench 3 x 5
    Deadlift 1 x 5
    Dips 3 x failure

    Workout B:

    Squat 3 x 5
    Press 3 x 5
    Power Clean 5 x 3
    Chins/Pulls 3 x failure

    Just read rips article on ab work, which basically state's training the abs eccentrically/concentrically is useless when you use them isometrically when lifting weights, so i'm cutting out all ab work (usually sit-ups/cable cruches/hanging knee raises etc.) Should give me time to add some grip work if i feel it necessary, although deadlift is nowhere near a weight where the grip will fail yet. About to hit the gym for workout A.
    Last edited by SDAssassin; 08-30-2010 at 09:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Melbourne, Australia


    Starting weights 19/7/2010:

    Squat: 55kg
    Press: 35kg
    PC: 40kg
    Deads: 70kg
    Bench: 50kg

    Last 2 workouts:

    Squat: 3 x 5 x 77.5kg
    Bench: 3 x 5 x 62.5kg
    Deads: 1 x 5 x 77.5kg
    Dips: 18,12,8

    Squat: 3 x 5 x 80kg
    Press: 3 x 5 x 45kg
    PC: 3,3,3,2,2 x 55kg
    Chins: 10,5,5

    Today's Workout: 31/8

    Squat: 3 x 5 82.5kg
    Bench: 3 x 5 65kg
    Deads: 1 x 5 80kg
    Dips: 18,9,7

    *Warm-up includes
    5min rowing machine
    20 shoulder dislocations
    Leg swings 2 x 10
    Glute bridges 2 x 10
    Sqaut stretch 2 x 30secs

    Comments: Squats are getting harder now, still working on better hip flexibility. Bench was solid and deads were hard but fine. Will start using my dipping belt to add weight and do 3 x 5 next time i do dips. Some humorous observations today, first time i have seen a tosser curling in the power rack, have read plenty of stories about these tools but it was the first time i have seen it. And had to complete my squats with a guy in the rack next to me squatting 130kg high bar, manpon on the bar and i'll be generous and say they were half squats at best. Just had a chuckle to myself and kept squatting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Melbourne, Australia


    Today's Workout: 3/9/2010


    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 50kg
    1 x 5 70kg
    3 x 5 85kg


    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 35kg
    5,4,3 47.5kg

    1 x 5 40kg
    5 x 3 55kg

    Pull-ups: 7,5,4

    BW: 79kg

    Comments: While squatting, i'm pretty sure i buttwink at the bottom due to lack of flexibility, I will try get my hands on a video camera to confirm. If so i'll have to start doing the squat stretch as often as possible and i will keep the weight at 85kg till i am satisfied with my form. Failed on the press but it's the first time ever at 47.5kg so i'm still happy. Got the 5 x 3 on the PC's after failing at this weight last time, will hopefully video my form on these as well, see what it looks like. Pull-ups were tough as shit, always are. Love not doing ab work!
    Last edited by SDAssassin; 09-03-2010 at 12:11 AM. Reason: added body weight

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Melbourne, Australia


    Today's Workout: 6/9/2010


    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 50kg
    1 x 5 70kg
    3 x 5 85kg

    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 5 55kg
    3 x 5 67.5kg

    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 5 50kg
    1 x 5 70kg
    1 x 5 82.5kg

    1 x 10 Bw
    3 x 5 Bw + 5kg

    BW: 80kg

    Comments: Everything felt good today and was mainly concentrating on keeping lumbar extension through out the squats and deads, the vids look pretty good to me. I posted them in the technique thread for some feedback (too scared to post it in rip's Q and A, he will probably just abuse me for being an idiot and tell me to go read the book.) Will do it again once the weights get heavier.

    Deadlift @ 82.5kg

    Squat set 1 @ 85kg

    Squat set 3 @ 85kg
    Last edited by SDAssassin; 09-05-2010 at 10:03 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    SD, your squats look 1-2" high to me. On your deadlifts, you are setting up with your scapula slightly behind the bar. Your shoulders should be distincly in front of the bar on setup for your scapula to be directly over the bar.

    Good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Melbourne, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by misspelledgeoff View Post
    SD, your squats look 1-2" high to me. On your deadlifts, you are setting up with your scapula slightly behind the bar. Your shoulders should be distincly in front of the bar on setup for your scapula to be directly over the bar.

    Good luck.
    Thanks Geoff, i pretty much got the same suggestions from the technique thread as well, a couple things to work on going forward. The deadlift set-up should be easy to correct, but the squat depth is a flexability issue, thats as far as i can go down before i start butt winking.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia


    Today's Workout: 8/9/2010


    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 50kg
    1 x 3 75kg
    3 x 5 90kg

    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 3 35kg
    1 x 5 45kg
    2 x 5 47.5kg

    1 x 5 40kg
    5 x 3 57.5kg


    BW: 81kg

    Comments: Trying to get better depth on the squats, but they didn't look much deeper than last time. Couldn't find the 1.125 plates for the first set of presses but after scouring the gym for 2 mins, managed to locate them for the last 2 sets. Minor shoulder soreness while doing the last set, although it only hurts while doing the exercise, not after. PC's felt good, although they took a lot of me, posted a vid in Rip's Q&A hopefully get some feedback. 2 less reps on the chins than last time, not sure what the hell is going on there, but i do hate them with a passion.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia


    Today's Workout: 10/9/2010


    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 50kg
    1 x 5 75kg
    3 x 5 92.5kg

    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 50kg
    3 x 5 70kg

    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 5 60kg
    1 x 5 80kg
    1 x 5 90kg

    1 x 10 Bw
    3 x 5 Bw + 10kg

    BW: Didn't weight myself

    Comments: Squats felt hard as f@$%, still working on depth and hip drive. Bench is getting harder, widened the grip slightly on the first work set but didn't like it. Deadlift was solid and will add another 5kg next workout. Dips were hard at +10kg, probably shouldn't of jumped 5kg here.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Melbourne, Australia


    Workout: 13/9/2010


    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 50kg
    1 x 3 75kg
    3 x 5 95kg

    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 40g
    4,3,3 50kg

    1 x 5 40kg
    3,3,3,2,3 60kg


    BW: 81kg

    Comments: It's 24hrs after this WO and the hamstrings are pretty sore, means i'm doing something right in the squat, will video form at 100kg. Stalled on the press, but happy with my progress here, always found this to be a hard exercise. Hands got a bit sweaty on the PC's which made it hard (at its still not hot here yet), may need to use chalk at some point. Still working on the rack and trying to make the first pull off the ground as quick as posssible. Pull-ups, f%$*ing hate em.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Melbourne, Australia


    starting strength coach development program
    Workout: 16/9/2010


    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 60kg
    1 x 3 80kg
    3 x 5 97.5kg

    2 x 5 20kg
    1 x 5 40kg
    1 x 5 60kg
    3 x 5 75kg

    1 x 5 60kg
    1 x 5 70kg
    1 x 5 80kg
    1 x 5 95kg

    1 x 10 Bw
    3 x 5 Bw + 11.25kg

    BW: 81kg

    Comments: Just started using a belt and its bloody uncomfortable, made it very hard to tell if my back was in extension on the squats and deads. Bench is getting pretty close to failure, will have to use a spotter or bench in the rack from now on. Did some power shrugs at the end, just for the hell of it, traps are pretty damn sore today.

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