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Thread: Jalapen0's SS Journal

  1. #1
    Jalapen0 Guest

    Default Jalapen0's TM Journal (was SS)

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I've now switched to Texas method, as of page 11.

    Hey all,

    First post. I've been reading the forums for a while and started SS about 5 weeks ago. After 3 weeks of SS, I got my balls snipped. (A vasectomy for the medical types) No working out for a week and a half. So I've dropped the weight 10%. Anyways, that's getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning.

    I started working out in January 2010. I was doing my own thing. I've learned alot along the way but haven't really gained or lost anything. I'm stronger, no doubt but no real mass gains and no real fat loss either. I did learn alot of new exercises, mainly deadlift, RDL, and rows. I've only missed maybe 10 workouts the entire year. I then decided things weren't really working so I decided to give SS a try. Wow, what a difference squats 3x a week makes. In 3 weeks, I started to see my quads and my shoulders pop a bit. I think this is gonna work. However, I guess I was a pussy because I was doing rows instead of Power cleans. That's going to change starting now. Here are my stats and my workout from 8/30/10.

    Age: 35
    Height: 6'
    Weight: 217
    BF: No idea really. I always thought 20% so it's probably more like 25%

    Monday's workout (B)
    Squats: 3x5x205
    Dips:3x5x(-60 assisted)

    Workout notes:
    This was the best workout I've had since I can remember. I blasted the reps. Perhaps it's a bit light but my balls still hurt some so I was being careful. I also got some cheap skater shoes with rubber soles and was using them for the first time. What a huge difference over my squishy running shoes.

    Well, I'm over weight a bit. My goal is to gain weight so I can lose weight easier later. I'm not going to count calories though. I eat well, including lots of meat, eggs, oatmeal, and 1% milk. I'm drinking about a third of a gallon a day. I'm not scared of eating double cheeseburgers either.

    Wednesday's workout (A) will look like this
    Squats: 3x5x215
    Bench: 3x5x145
    PC: No idea. I'm going to learn it and see how it goes
    Chins: 3x5x(-65 assisted)

    Squats: +10 a workout, until I miss.
    Press: +5
    Deadlift: +15. I'll admit that I was being a pussy previously and only adding 5 a workout because the weight felt so heavy. I've come to the realization that DL's always feel heavy. My squats were catching up too fast to my DL which I think is a problem.
    Bench: I might try +10 a couple workouts then go +5. We'll see how bar speed is tomorrow.
    PC: I imagine +5.
    Dips: -5 on the assistance machine.
    Chins: -5 on the assistance machine.
    *I have a pair of 1.25lb chains that I bought at home depot for microloading.

    Squats: 315, long term. Best is 5x225
    Press: 135, short term. Best is 5x100
    Deadlift: 405, long term. 315, short term. Best is 5x295
    Bench: 225, long term. Best is 5x160
    PC: To figure out how to do it.
    Dips: Stop using the machine.
    Chins: Stop using the machine.

    Alright, let's see how this goes.......
    Last edited by Jalapen0; 03-28-2011 at 04:29 PM. Reason: Rename thread to TM Journal

  2. #2
    Jalapen0 Guest



    All I got to say is, if you want to feel like a complete tard, go to a gym and try to teach yourself powercleans for the first time.

    I actually had a great workout.

    Squats 3x5x215 - Intense. Pushed the bar probably faster than I ever have before. +10lb
    Bench 3x5x140 - Way too easy as I predicted. Bar speed was fast all the way through with short breaks. +10lb
    Powercleans - Bar, then 3x5x95 - I felt like a big moron. Especially when I pull the weight up to almost my shoulders and then jump, just because something in brain clicked and said you forgot to jump. Anyways, I got it down pretty good by the last couple sets and I was pretty beat from it. I think I'm getting a good 8 inches off the ground. 95 is a good weight I think to practice next Monday. I'm not sure how I'm going to warm up though. We have no bumper weights and no adjustable stands that I've found. I'll look better Monday. Might have to just warm up with the bar. It's already too low to pull 25lb plates off the ground, I can't imagine lower. Less than perfect but better than doing rows (and being a pussy). One thing to note, I need to continue to wear tighty whities to the gym because PC's are not going to be easy on my sore balls.
    Chins - 3x5x(-60) Pretty easy. I'm going to cut 10lbs next round. I'm still feeling out the weight here because I changed Chins and Dips from 2x8 to 3x5. The reason for this is my goal: get off the damn assistance machine.
    Last edited by Jalapen0; 09-01-2010 at 07:38 AM.

  3. #3
    Jalapen0 Guest


    Woke up with a stuffy nose and sore throat. Kinda sucked but then got to the gym.

    All I got to say is something is working.....

    Squats 3x5x225 - WTF? Did someone fill these wheels with helium? It was like they weren't there. I completely blasted the reps. I wasn't even tired afterwards. I seriously might jump +15lbs. This workout tied my PR. My left elbow did start getting a bit sore during warmups but then it went away. I think I read something about what can cause that so I got some research to do. My left wrist is sore too but I think that is still from the PC's on Wednesday.
    Press 3x5x100 - Had no problem with this weight. Last 2 reps were a little slow but got em up without too much trouble. Probably should jump it +5 but I'm contemplating jumping +10lbs. I'm still thinking about it. Tied PR.
    Deadlift 1x5x285 - 15 lbs away from a PR. Again, this was way too freakin easy. Jumping 20lbs for the new PR and 10lbs away from 3 wheels.
    Dips 3x5x(-50) - Didn't have any trouble. Felt really good and capped off another fantastic workout. -5 lbs closer to getting away from assistance next time.

    This shit is workin. I think all the extra food and milk I've been consuming is really doing the trick. This workout really kicked ass. I have also been noticing my traps are starting to pop a bit. My body shape definately is looking better but I still got a gut. With all this eating, it might stay there, I don't know. I feel like a million bucks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Good progress habaner0!

  5. #5
    Jalapen0 Guest


    Thank you. I cannot wait to see how the next couple weeks goes. I feel like I've got alot of upward room after today which is a big change over the last few months. I think it's because of food intake.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Unsolicited advice warning...

    Don't go nutz with the 10-15# squat jumps. At 5# increments per workout you are still adding 60# to your squat per month. I've made the best and longest running gains when each workout felt like I had head room left. For you it could be the difference between stalling out at 295 and having to reset early versus driving through to 365+ without a blip.

    My LP ended a lot earlier than it should have because I was too aggressive.

    end unsolicted advice.

  7. #7
    Jalapen0 Guest


    Advice understood and will take that into consideration. I was hoping I would get an opinion on it.

    On another note, my left wrist and elbow is really sore now. So, I probably was bearing some weight with it at some point during squat warmups. I will work on that Monday.
    Last edited by Jalapen0; 09-03-2010 at 11:51 AM.

  8. #8
    Jalapen0 Guest


    Man, the gym was empty today. I guess people think they don't have to work out if they have a holiday. My mind wasn't really into it today. I could do the lifts but it was harder today. My wrist was bothering me too.

    Squats 3x5x235 - I really tried to concentrate on bearing load on my back vs my hands. My wrist was sore anyways. It felt a little better on the last set though. I'll do some wrist stretches before squats on Wednesday. I'm sure I was making some form mistakes and the weight felt heavy. I just couldn't concentrate very well today but the work was done. This was a PR and every squat workout is now a PR as long as I'm adding weight. +5lbs next workout.
    Bench 3x5x155 - Last set was a bit tougher, last couple reps had medium to low bar speed. +5lbs next workout
    Powercleans 3x5x95 - I really just didn't get the hang of these today. Nothing felt right. I felt like I was lifting the weight with my arms, I wasn't racking right, the hook grip felt weird (first time for that) They did kick my ass though and it didn't bother my wrist as much as I thought it would. I have a feeling it will take many weeks to get this down.
    Chins 3x5x(-50) - Felt tough but in reality I was moving quick. I'll add another +5lbs for next workout.
    Last edited by Jalapen0; 09-06-2010 at 07:32 AM.

  9. #9
    Jalapen0 Guest


    I forgot to mention that as of Saturday, my weight is 219.

  10. #10
    Jalapen0 Guest


    starting strength coach development program
    Fairly good day today.

    Squats 3x5x240 - I widened my grip and leaned forward a hair more. My left shoulder is inflexible and is causing my wrist issue. Wrist didn't hurt but my shoulder did. I'm going to have to read up on some streches that will help with this. I could handle the weight though. +5lbs next workout.
    Press 3x5x105 - These kicked ass and a new PR. +5lbs.
    Deadlift 1x5x305 - Again kicked ass and the weight was pulled easy. No grip issues. New PRs from here on out. +15lbs, 3 plates on monday!
    Dips 3x5x(-45) - Tough but really not too bad. Was able to crank them out fairly quickly. +5lb.

    I'm pretty happy with today's workout. My wrist feels better today but my whole left arm is causing me problems with squats still. Hopefully it will be even better on Friday. On another note, we have a baby coming in the next few weeks (3rd one, gonna be busy). I'm hoping to be able to get to the gym anyways but I'm sure it will cause me to miss at least a couple workouts. Then there is always the issue of sleep.

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