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Thread: ReStarting Strength: My SS log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default ReStarting Strength: My SS log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello all, I have just signed up to the Starting Strength forums and this will be my second time attempting the program. I decided to make a log to keep me on track and hopefully to get feedback as I get back into serious barbell training. Last time I was doing the program from the kethnaab write-up, but have since gotten SS:BBT and PPST thank god! The books really helped me understand some major form problems I was having. Also, last time I did follow a "70's big diet"(read: copious amounts of dblchzbrgrs) in addition to GOMAD, which got me strong but quite fat(after reading Rip's Clarification post, I came to realize my body type is prob not the best for that diet). Anyway, I spent a few months last winter doing the program the first time, with the following results:

    185-189 pounds
    Lifting PR's:
    Squat 285 x 5 x 1, 280 x 5 x 3
    Deadlift 325 x 5 x 1 DO
    Bench 215 x 5 x 3
    Press 155 x 5 x 3
    P Clean 165 or 170(don't remember) x 3 x 5

    By that point an elbow injury began really interfering with my lifts(clean and bench particularly) which was due to form problems holding the squat and pulling on the clean. This was shortly followed by a bad back strain/sprain which put me out of commission pretty much altogether. I lost fat once I was injured since I was a bit dejected and didn't want to be unable to lift AND pretty chubby, so I went down to a low of 156 lbs after a couple months of dieting + some lifting(bodyweight work etc + cardio). I'm currently ~165 lbs and ready to get back into serious barbell training and get strong, this time with much better form hopefully

    Hope this wasn't too long lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    First session back, this is from Wednesday:

    Squat 185 x 5 x 3
    Press 105 x 5 x 3
    Dead 225 x 5 x 1

    Everything felt good. I did a couple barbell lifts recently(before being back on the program, and squatted 225 x 5 x 3 with no real issues and pressed something like 135 x 3, 115 x 5 x 2) so I thought I'd start well below those numbers and get some momentum going. Hoping to make large jumps the first few workouts/weeks and milk that as much as possible before getting back to usual progression. Since I'm posting this late, my next workout will be in an hour or so lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Today's workout:

    Squat 195 x 5 x 3
    Bench 165 x 5, 5, 8
    Power Clean 115 x 5 x 3
    Chins x 10, 6, 5

    Doing cleans in sets of five atm because I find that that way I can get in the groove with my form by the last 2-3 reps of my set. With sets of 3 I'm making small adjustments each rep, so I get maybe one really good one in and then have to stop and start again. Will switch to 3's at some point when form is really solid and weights get heavier

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    So I'm supposed to be on a Mon-Wed-Fri schedule but I didn't get much sleep Sunday night, and yesterday I essentially got home from a long day at school and went right to sleep, so no training last night. Anyway, I'm hoping to train today, Thurs, Sat and get back on my Monday schedule next week.

    Today's workout:

    Squat 205 x 5 x 3
    Press 115 x 5 x 3
    Dead 245 x 5

    Extra shit:
    BB Curls 65 x 8, 85 x 8 x 2

    I haven't done barbell curls in quite some time, and I must say I forgot how easy they are compared to the compounds. All the lifts felt good today, although my first set for squats and press I needed to adjust my form a tad to get in the groove. Hoping to continue the 10 pound increases as long as possible. Wish me luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Thursday September 23

    Squat 215 x 5 x 3
    Bench 175 x 5 x 3
    Clean 125 x 5,5,8
    Pullups BW x 7,6,6

    Everything felt pretty good. I think I need to change my warmup scheme either overall or specifically for squats and pressing, because so far my second and third sets of five are often easier than the first. I can only think this would be due to insufficient warmup. I've been doing a couple minutes of jump rope then either a couple barbell complexes with just the bar or straight into the squat warmup(using the SS warmup calculator posted in the training forum), but by the time my first work set comes around I just don't feel fully warmed up. Today, for example, my third set of squats felt much easier than the first. Bench was similar.

    Bench was still good, no spotter today(work out at home and it just depends if my dad is home to spot me) so I find taking the bar out of the rack is tiring, since I have to fiddle to keep my shoulders retracted and just generally waste energy before I even get started on my presses. Cleans felt fantastic!!! This is prob the first time I could ever say this. I've started using two couch cushions to start from(using 35 lb plates) so that the start height was correct, plus I could dump the bar onto them no problem. This was a HUGE help. They were feeling so good that by the third set I just kept going and got 8. Maybe this was foolish but I was just having fun with them. With pullups I'm trying to consciously retract my shoulder blades. Overall a great day
    Last edited by The Brute; 09-27-2010 at 10:01 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I realized that I didn't really outline my goals in this log, so here goes:
    Initial goals are to get back to my previous numbers(which were in my first post). That is my first priority. My short term goals beyond that are 2 plates on the bench, 3 on the squat, and eventually 4 on the deadlift(if dead and squat stay at the same relative weights for me this will be a while after i hit a 3 plate squat). Those for working sets, not 1RMs. In the long term I'd like to get a 2/3/4/5 like so many other ppl on here. And one other thing would be that I'd like to get my clean #'s closer to my bench eventually, which I'm to understand should be close in strength in a balanced trainee. Weight-wise, I want to gain continually throughout my novice period, but I won't be doing 7000kcals a day trying to hit 200 pounds in 3 weeks. This morning I weighed in at 165, and I hope to be gaining steadily(at least 1-2 lbs/week) from here on out. I will be trying to eat at least 3500kcals on training days, and at least 3000 on off days.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Monday September 27

    So I had planned on training saturday to get my three workouts in, but Friday night I ended up being out till almost four and getting to bed at 5, and by time I woke up(after sleeping all saturday) it was time to get ready for my cousin's stag Saturday night. Then I didn't want to train Sunday and screw up my Mon-Wed-Fri again, so I thought I'd just take the extra rest and come back fresh today. And I did.

    Skwat 225 x 5 x 3
    Press 125 x 5 x 3
    Dead 265 x 5
    BB Curl 85 x 8,8,4
    Dips BW x failure(didn't count) x 1

    Today was pretty good, I moved quickly through my workout, and I find that if I can keep a good pace going with warmups and what-not that its much easier to power through everything. The squats felt pretty good, although I think I may still be having a little bit of butt-wink at the bottom, so I guess this means I need some time spent stretching my hammies and calves and what not. I find that some days it just takes me a while to get in a groove with my squat form, but usually by set three I'm feeling good. I think I should post a vid of my squat form for ppl to look at and comment on in the near future. Press felt fairly heavy, I'm not totally sure whether I'm gonna do +10 pounds again next workout or just start with 5's. I'm excited to get back to 1 plate and beyond again. Deads felt really good.

    My eating could have been better today, I have really only eaten 3 meals today(although each meal was solid), plus my mid- and post-workout shakes. I had better at least have a shake or something before bed lol.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Wed, Sept 29:

    Squats 235 x 5 x 3
    Bench 185 x 5 x 3
    Clean 135 x 5 x 3
    Chins x 10, 10, 6

    Today was a pretty good workout, I took videos of my squat work sets as well as two power clean work sets to get some feedback. I will post them in the technique section, maybe I should post links here as well. I'm just uploading them to youtube right now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I'll also be posting this in the technique forum, but in case anyone would like to have a look and comment on my form that would be highly appreciated. The first vid is my squat work sets, all in one video, each set from a different angle:

    And my last two sets of power cleans(i'm doing 3 x 5, not 5 x 3 as I mentioned in an earlier post):

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Sunday, Oct. 3

    So the last few weeks my schedule keeps getting messed up(busy with a million things non-exercise related lol), so that I've only got in 2 workouts or so per week, but I will keep trying to get all my workouts in and hopefully have better luck from here on out. Worst comes to worst I may just have to train as often as I can, changing days depending on the week(instead of a Mon-Wed-Fri schedule like I had hoped. We'll see.

    Today's workout:

    Squat 245 x 5 x 3
    Press 135 x 5 x 3
    Dead 285 x 5
    BB Curl 85 x 8 x 3
    Dips BW x 12, 7

    Squats felt pretty good, I'm working hard on my form every session, trying to push my knees out and sit back, and trying to make sure I don't lose hamstring/adductor stretch when I hit depth. My lower back was a little creaky after the squats, maybe that means I was losing lower back tightness during some reps, I'm not totally sure. Presses went well, I really focused today on trying to drive up with a really straight bar path, and that definitely helped. Last rep of last set was really hard, the bar almost stopped just above my forehead, but I didn't take no for an answer and managed to lock it out. Prob have to be realistic and move to 5 lb jumps from here on out. Deads were great.

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