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Thread: Gibbo's Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Castleford, West Yorkshire

    Default Gibbo's Training Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    So, here goes.

    I started Starting Strength 5 weeks ago, and thought I'd set up a log on here. I figure it will act as a backup for the logbook and I'm keen to get your input folks.

    Age: 30
    Height: 6ft
    Weight: 220lbs (started at 195lbs)

    Current lifts (5x3)
    Squat: 220lbs (started at 135lbs)
    Bench: 185lbs (started at 135lbs)
    Press: 112lbs (started at 75lbs)
    Deadlift: 240lbs (started at 135lbs)

    I had some training experience, but cut the weights way back when I started so I could focus on form having read the book. I also fence Sabre, but am taking a bit of time out to focus on getting stronger.

    I'm currently doing deadlifts and not alternating them with the powercleans until my deadlift gets up. Have been doing back extensions on the non DL day. This will change soon. I'm trying to get out of my gym membership so I can get to a place with bumper plates and proper bars (the ones in my current gym have no knurling in the middle which is problematic now the squats are going up - the bar wants to slip down my back real bad and this has not helped left arm tricep tendonitis).

    I'm probably going to have to reset as I'm travelling to the US for a wedding this week and won't get the chance to hit a gym whilst I'm there. It is going to cost me three workouts so I'll drop the weight when I get back using JP's '10% cut and failure on the last set' system. So the log will start in earnest then, but I wanted to get it down on paper now before wedding chaos descends.

    Looking forward to continued progress. Whilst I'm away I'm going to set some goals to aim for, rather than the "get strong(er)" type stuff I started with. I looked at MazdaMatt's log and liked the idea of setting target weights to acheive by year end.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Castleford, West Yorkshire


    So the lay off was longer than planned. I got sick after the wedding with a flu-like bug, and was totally exhausted for a week. Spent last week getting diet back on track and trying to put back on some of the weight I lost from 2 weeks off. Long story short I went back to training on Friday night.

    Squat: Worked up to 190lbs x5x3
    Press: Worked up to 100lbs x5x3
    Bench: Figured I'd do a few as I had the weekend to recover....worked up to 160lbs x5x3
    Curls: 35lb dumbells. 3x10

    Foam rolled, stretched, contrast showered. felt good. Little sore this morning and yesterday, but nothing too bad. Helped my dad shift 3 tonnes of manure today (I'll call that conditioning) which helped to loosen things up.

    Early to bed tonight and back at the gym tomorrow.

    The coach noticed me pressing out of the rack, and asked if I had always done it that way. He wants to teach me to clean tomorrow, which should be fun.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Castleford, West Yorkshire



    Squat: Worked up to 195lbs x 5x3
    Bench: Worked up to 165lbs x5x3
    Deadlift Worked up to 260lbs x5x1

    Powelifting coach is keen to do a monthly 1RM with 90-95% of my true 1RM in each lift. Tonight was deadlifts. I pulled 300lbs for 1x3. Felt awesome.

    Olympic lifting coach taught me to clean so I don't have to use the rack for pressing, which is good because it frees it up for others to squat. There is only 1 rack and there are 4 platforms, so it makes sense. Plus, it was damn good fun and I'm always up for learning something new.

    Foam rolled, stretched. Massage from wife.

    Felt good this morning.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Castleford, West Yorkshire



    Squat: Worked up to 200lbs x5x3. Was watched for depth by coach. Got the depth but lower back was loose at the bottom. Butt-wink I think. Belt helped a little but not much. I'm going to try high bar position next time and see if this helps. Coach doesn't like low bar position much I can tell.

    Press: Worked up to 100lbs x5x3: Will begin going up incrementally again following this workout

    Clean: 60lbs x lots. Worked on the movement with the coach. Getting a lot smoother, just need work on finishing the rack properly and keeping the bar close in.

    Hips are tight this morning and shins aer a little beat up from deadlifts earlier in the week and cleans. But still feeling good. A little nervous about squat progression because of the back issues, but it's good to have a coach to work through it with me, even if it ultimately might mean switching to high bar.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Castleford, West Yorkshire



    Warmed up with some light cleans.

    Squat: Worked up to 210lbs x5x3. Leant forward a little too much on the last couple of reps, prompting the coach to observe that I wasn't using my legs all the way up as much as I could. I'm 10lbs from my best lift before the layoff. Coach is taking me through the high bar squat on Monday because he thinks this will teach me to use my legs more and take some stress off my lower back.

    Bench: Felt really strong on the warmups and probably got a bit greedy. Worked up to 190lbs and got three reps, then stalled. Dialed back to 180lbs x5x3, ego firmly in check....

    Deadlift: Worked up to 265lbs x5x3 felt like I had plenty left in the tank, but didn't want to push too hard given the earlier bench experience.

    Did some curls to finish.

    Decided to set myself a target of a 1.5xbw squat & deadlift for sets accross and a big wheel press in the next 6 months.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Castleford, West Yorkshire



    Learned to high bar squat today. Felt very odd at first, but gradually adjusted to the new position OK. Lower back felt better and I had a bit more leg drive out of the bottom of the squat, though I still need to work on this. Worked up to 210lbsx5x3, which is the same as last workout but wanted to get used to the new position before pushing on.

    Press: Worked up to 112lbs x5x3 because I couldn't find microplates in the gym. Turns out they do have them afterall, I just had to ask. Whoops. Got the reps, but the last 3 of the final set were SUPER slow. Will see how the next pressing session goes, but I might need to drop back on these after this stupid mistake.

    Powerclean: Learned how to powerclean tonight, which was awesome fun. Worked up to 100lbs for 3x5 and felt strong and fast. I'm looking forward to doing some more of these.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Castleford, West Yorkshire


    Wednesday (forgot to do this so am updating on Friday morning)

    Squat: High bar is going well. Worked up to 220lbs x5x3. Looking forward to 225x5x3 tonight.

    Bench: Felt good, last few reps were hard but made 185lbsx5x3

    Deadlift: Again, felt strong. Worked up to 270lbsx5x1. These were hard work, and I needed to take a stand up and take a breath or two between each rep.

    No accessory work today as needed to be taxi for the wife. Was in and out of the gym in 45mins.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Castleford, West Yorkshire



    Squat: Worked up to 270lbs for a single. Then backed off and got my reps at 225 x5x3. Felt strong. Squatting 270lbs felt like a distant dream 3 months ago.

    Press: My press is shit. 112lbs went up for 5x2, then 3x1. So I backed off and did 2x5 and 1xmax at 10% less. This is such a frustration for me.

    Powerclean 100lbs x5x3. Felt like going higher on the weight, but the coach wants me to focus on technique at this stage and I'm happy to follow his advice rather than pick up shitty habits.

    Curls to finish.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Castleford, West Yorkshire



    Squat: 230lbs x5x3. These were hard tonight. To be expected after Friday's effort.

    Bench: Hard some form issues to work through with the coach, so kept at 185lbs x5x3 for tonight and did some back off sets.

    Deadlift: Worked up to 275lbs x5x1

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Castleford, West Yorkshire


    starting strength coach development program

    Reset squat by 10% because of form issues last time. Did 5x2 and maxreps x1

    Press was stuck at 112lbs. Backed off 10% and did 5x2 and maxreps x1

    Powercleaned 112lbs for 3x5 and did some clean to press just for fun. Working on the rack position.

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