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Thread: My Starting Strength Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default My Starting Strength Log

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    I've decided to post one of these in order to solicit some feedback on my horrible but improving form. I decided to start SS on September 17 this year after performing a crazy hacked up routine for about 2-3 weeks.

    I began weight training after purging about 45lbs of mostly body fat since May of this year. My goal is to become a stronger healthier individual and I'm well on my way! I follow SS pretty closely however I am not 100% compliant. I kickbox 3 times weekly and also add in some crunches and curls. This is more about healthy lifestyle and becoming stronger to me so it needs to fit into my life not overtake it. I promise to never bitch about the program, I have read the YNDTP thread with the clarification article!

    I've started to record my sets and post them up here in order to improve. I've read most of the SS book, watched the dvd, but doing is different than seeing.

    Some quick stats:
    Male, 28 years old, 5'8", 215lbs

    Starting Lifts:
    Squat: 115lbs
    Bench Press: 95lbs
    Deadlift: 185lbs
    Press: 45lbs
    Power Cleans: 135lbs

    Current Lifts:
    Squat: 210lbs
    Bench Press: 140lbs
    Deadlift: 240lbs
    Press: 80lbs
    Power Cleans: 135lbs

    September 17th, 2010
    I performed a lot of my previous routine this day, but I threw in the squats to see if it was something I could handle. SS really started on September 20th.

    Squats - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 65 lbs
    Set 4: 5 x 80 lbs
    Set 5: 3 x 100 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 115 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 115 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 115 lbs

    September 20th, 2010
    Squats - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 65 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 90 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 120 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 135 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 135 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 135 lbs

    Barbell Deadlift
    Set 1: 5 x 75 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 95 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 155 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 200 lbs
    Set 5: 5 x 225 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 225 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 225 lbs

    Bench Press
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 80 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 90 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 105 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 115 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 115 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 115 lbs

    September 22nd, 2010
    Squats - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 75 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 105 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 135 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 150 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 160 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 160 lbs

    Shoulder Press - Barbell
    Set 1: 10 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 10 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 10 x 50 lbs
    Set 4: 10 x 60 lbs
    Set 5: 5 x 85 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 105 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 105 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 105 lbs

    Power Clean*
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 3 x 95 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 95 lbs
    Set 5: 3 x 95 lbs
    Set 6: 3 x 135 lbs
    Set 7: 3 x 135 lbs
    Set 8: 3 x 135 lbs

    Bent-Over Row - Barbell Gave these a shot in case I couldn't perform the clean, which I cannot!
    Set 1: 10 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 10 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 10 x 50 lbs
    Set 4: 10 x 60 lbs
    Set 5: 5 x 85 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 105 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 105 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 125 lbs

    * My powercleans are pitiful. I have a short humerus, poor shoulder flexibility, and I cannot pop my delts up with my arms all bent out of shape. I'll keep banging at them.

    September 24, 2010
    Squats - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 85 lbs
    Set 4: 5 x 115 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 159 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 175 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 175 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 175 lbs

    Bench Press - Barbell, Flat
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 80 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 90 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 120 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 135 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 135 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 135 lbs

    Barbell Deadlift
    Set 1: 5 x 135 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 160 lbs
    Set 3: 2 x 210 lbs
    Set 4: 5 x 235 lbs

    September 27, 2010
    Squats - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 95 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 130 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 170 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 190 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 190 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 190 lbs

    Shoulder Press - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 55 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 70 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 90 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 100 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 95 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 95 lbs

    Power Clean
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 3 x 80 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 100 lbs
    Set 5: 3 x 130 lbs
    Set 6: 3 x 145 lbs
    Set 7: 3 x 145 lbs
    Set 8: 3 x 145 lbs

    The press was *really* difficult today. I reduced the weight by 5lbs.

    September 30, 2010
    Squats - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 95 lbs
    Set 4: 5 x 135 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 170 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 200 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 200 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 200 lbs

    Bench Press - Barbell, Flat
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 75 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 95 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 125 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 140 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 140 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 140 lbs

    Barbell Deadlift
    Set 1: 5 x 135 lbs
    Set 2: 3 x 165 lbs
    Set 3: 2 x 215 lbs
    Set 4: 5 x 240 lbs

    Set 1: 10 reps
    Set 2: 10 reps
    Set 3: 10 reps

    Set 1: 30 reps
    Set 2: 30 reps
    Set 3: 30 reps

    EZ-Bar Curl
    Set 1: 10 x 35 lbs
    Set 2: 10 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 10 x 45 lbs
    Set 4: 10 x 55 lbs

    October 2nd, 2010

    Squats - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 105 lbs
    Set 4: 5 x 145 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 185 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 210 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 210 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 210 lbs

    Shoulder Press - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 55 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 70 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 80 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 80 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 80 lbs

    Power Clean
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 3 x 85 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 105 lbs
    Set 5: 3 x 135 lbs
    Set 6: 3 x 135 lbs
    Set 7: 3 x 135 lbs

    EZ-Bar Curl
    Set 1: 16 x 35 lbs
    Set 2: 16 x 35 lbs
    Set 3: 16 x 45 lbs
    Set 4: 10 x 35 lbs
    Set 5: 10 x 35 lbs
    Set 6: 10 x 35 lbs

    Set 1: 10 reps
    Set 2: 10 reps
    Set 3: 10 reps
    Set 4: 10 reps
    Set 5: 10 reps

    Set 1: 30 reps
    Set 2: 30 reps
    Set 3: 30 reps

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Hey man, welcome here. Couple of things I noticed on your squat.

    -You're doing high bar, are you aware of that?

    -You don't seem to be going low enough

    -Your not shoving your knees out, which contributes to the above

    -Your stance looks too narrow


    -Get new shoes, flat soled ones

    : )

    You might want to start a form check thread to get better feedback on that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Carnivroar View Post
    Hey man, welcome here. Couple of things I noticed on your squat.

    -You're doing high bar, are you aware of that?

    -You don't seem to be going low enough

    -Your not shoving your knees out, which contributes to the above

    -Your stance looks too narrow


    -Get new shoes, flat soled ones

    : )

    You might want to start a form check thread to get better feedback on that.

    Thanks Carnivroar.

    They're intended to be low bar squats. Depth is a known issue and I'm working on it... the latest squats are a bit lower and wider than the original video:



    I'm also concentrating on pushing the knees out, is it not evident in the latest?

    I ordered a pair of converse shoes... no idea where to get WL shoes though, figured I'd start with chucks.

    I poked Rip in the Q&A section, he gave me a ton of things to work on

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Missed a workout this week.

    Wednesday, October 6, 2010

    Squats - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 135 lbs
    Set 4: 5 x 155 lbs
    Set 5: 4 x 185 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 225 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 225 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 225 lbs

    Bench Press - Barbell, Flat
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 65 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 95 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 125 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 145 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 145 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 145 lbs

    Barbell Deadlift
    Set 1: 5 x 135 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 155 lbs
    Set 3: 3 x 185 lbs
    Set 4: 2 x 225 lbs
    Set 5: 5 x 250 lbs

    Set 1: 10 reps
    Set 2: 10 reps
    Set 3: 6 reps

    Set 1: 30 reps
    Set 2: 30 reps
    Set 3: 30 reps

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Friday, October 8, 2010

    Learned a valuable lesson today while performing the 210 warmup squat... load appreciation. I entered that set thinking it was a 'warmup' and divebombed into the hole expecting to shoot back out... I did, but it wasn't easy!

    Squats - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 115 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 160 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 210 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 235 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 235 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 235 lbs

    Shoulder Press - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 50 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 60 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 80 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 90 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 90 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 90 lbs

    Bent-Over Row - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 80 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 100 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 130 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 145 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 145 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 145 lbs

    Set 1: 45 reps
    Set 2: 45 reps
    Set 3: 45 reps

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Monday, October 11, 2010
    I kickboxed earlier in the morning and my hip was a bit stiff. Also loaded the first work set of squats as 230 instead of 240.

    Dips - Chest Version

    Set 1: 10 reps
    Set 2: 10 reps
    Set 3: 10 reps

    Set 1: 10 reps
    Set 2: 10 reps
    Set 3: 10 reps

    Squats - Barbell
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 120 lbs
    Set 4: 5 x 165 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 215 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 230 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 240 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 240 lbs

    Bench Press - Barbell, Flat
    Set 1: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 45 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 85 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 105 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 135 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 150 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 150 lbs
    Set 8: 5 x 150 lbs

    Barbell Deadlift
    Set 1: 5 x 135 lbs
    Set 2: 5 x 135 lbs
    Set 3: 5 x 155 lbs
    Set 4: 3 x 180 lbs
    Set 5: 2 x 230 lbs
    Set 6: 5 x 260 lbs
    Set 7: 5 x 260 lbs

    Lat Pulldowns - Wide-Grip
    Set 1: 10 x 80 lbs
    Set 2: 10 x 110 lbs
    Set 3: 10 x 130 lbs

    Stationary Bike
    Time: 00:20:00

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Are you really 215 lbs? Where are you hiding it?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    213 today. Don't understand the hiding comment?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    This day was a wash. On top of generally feeling like shit I also had some hip pains. Had to give up after 4 warmup squats. Went to physio the next day and the PT says my glute med needs some work. He recommends some abduction work on a nautilus machine. Sane advice?

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