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Thread: Barry's SS Log

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default OW Session 3

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • Squat 240
    • Press 122.5
    • PC 105

    Squat These were difficult. Felt like my brain went to a different place. I had a little GM on a couple reps in my second set. Hips were rising faster than my chest (closing hip angle). Corrected on the third set. Last rep went up with no real issues thought it felt like it took ten minutes!
    Press Felt very heavy. I was still fatigued from my squats on the first set. I prolly should have waited a few more minutes between. Second and third were not as bad.
    PC No real problems here. Still a pretty light weight when compared to my other lifts.

    Also payed a bit of attention on my PC set up. I wanted to make sure I re-set each rep. I noticed I am getting my scapulas WAY ahead of the bar. Since this is the same set up I have been using for my DL, I think I may have found my problem there. When on SL I found I had a problem of being behind the bar. Perhaps I am over compensating.

    Asking Santa for a Belt for Christmas. I think I am about ready to start using it on my Squat, DL and Press worksets.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default OW Session 4

    • Squat 245 4,2,1/Fail
    • Bench 3X5X170
    • Back Ext 3X10X10
    • Chins 3.75, 3, 2.5


    Squat Barely made it out of the hole on rep 4 of the 1st set, knew rep 5 would not come up. I did not even attempt. Barely made rep 2 on the second set and was crushed by rep 2 on the third set. Had to dump the bar. Not sure if eating 100% would have fixed this but I am sure I would not have missed this many reps.

    Bench This was not terribly difficult.

    Back Ext Will keep adding weight. Easy but I don't wanna overload.

    Chins About the same as the first attempt last week. These damn things make my arms SORE!

    I know I'll have bad workouts but I'll take the blame for this one. Looking forward to Wednesday. Deadlift Day!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default OW Session 5

    • Squat 3X5X245
    • Press 125 3,2,1
    • DL 295 Double

    Squat NO Problem after eating the required amount of food this week. Form was good, reps were hard as hell, just the way it should be. I think I am developing tendonitis on my humerus' at the deltoid tuberosity. Hurt like hell after squating. I am not supporting the bar with my arms/hands. I am pushing my elbows up HARD to keep my upper back tight. Adding chin ups are what I believe started the pain.

    Press Too painful to do all my reps. Hurt like hell to even hold the bar. Pretty sure I would have gotten this without the pain.

    DL Fock these twelve sided plates! I may change gyms just to get away from them. I've tried everything I can to keep them from rolling away from my shins. First two reps went fine then the bar rolled away, I had to stand up, reset, then start over agin. The bar barely broke from the floor. I should have rested and done 3 singles but was too pissed off.

    I need to figure out what is going on with my humerus'. Both hurt but the pain on right arm is excruciating when working out. Now that I am at work and cooled down, it doesn't even hurt to push on the area with my fingers. If I find nothing with "SEARCH FUNCTION" I'll post the question in one of the strength and conditioning forums.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default OW Session 6

    • Squat 250 2,fail
    • Bench 3x5x175
    • Back Ext 5x10x10
    • Chins 0

    Squat This is what I get for not working out Friday, having too many parties over the weekend and staying up too late watching football.

    Bench Last rep of set three was a bit of a struggle. Very slow bar speed.

    Back Ext Upped the volume to 5 sets. Will keep adding weight. I've had back issues in the past so I'll err on the side of caution and go w/2.5 lb increments for now. My gym has DB's in 2.5 increments up to 30 lbs.

    Chins Upper arm still sore after squating and benching. I'll let this rest another workout and see how it feels.

    Hope to get 250 behind me on Wed. If I rest and eat I should be good. MY second set of squats just pinned me at the bottom and I dumped the bar. Saw no need to try a third set.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default OW Session 7

    • Squat 250 5,2,4
    • Press 125 5,4,4
    • PC 110x3x5

    Squat Not sure what the hell happened on the second rep of the second set. Almost fell over I GM'd so bad. I came up with my upper back slightly rounded and racked the bar to make sure I was okay. No problems so I completed my third set. I hope to get this Friday. Paid a little more attention to what may be causing my arm pain. Trying a wide grip to see if that helps. Squatting has become very difficult but I am still making progress.

    Press Arms were sore by the time is started. Could not bounce off the bottom at all. Since I could not use the momentum out of the bottom I could not get the last reps.

    PC Felt sluggish but not a problem. Had a little trouble getting the bar speed up. I wasn't jumping or stomping. Once that was fixed things went up easier.

    This was one of my better workouts in while, even though I missed reps. The effort put forth was all I had physically and mentally. Did not leave a bit in the tank on any set of my squat or PC.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default OW Session 8

    Happy Christmas Eve and a Merry Christmas to Everyone!

    • Squat 250x5x3
    • Bench 180x5x3
    • Back Ext 15x10x5
    • Chins 0

    Squat Had a tough time on a couple of reps on the second set with depth. Corrected on the third set. These were very difficult today. Had not eaten yet. Got to the gym a bit later than planned. Felt really shakey/weak but still had decent strength.

    Bench Getting really tough on the last rep of each set. Last rep of last set almost stalled. The bar kept going up but it was slow!

    Back Ext Went well with 15lbs. I'll try one more 5lb jump here.

    Chins Arms still sore. Right one is worse but feels like the healing is making progress. May be able to add these back in next Wednesday.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default OW Session 9

    Workout completed 12/27

    • Squat 255x5x3
    • Press 125x5x3
    • Dl 295 fail

    Squat Very difficult, pulled something slightly in my right glute & lower back. Most likely my knees are still going forward a little.

    Press While my arm pain is still pretty significant, I managed to get in all the reps very slowly. 127.5 will be interesting on Friday.

    DL Completed my warm ups and realized whatever I did to myself squating was going to get worse if I attempted worksets. I need to drop to 265 or so and video.

    I'll see what my back/glute feels like tomorrow. Maybe a light squat day is in order here. I'll see what warm ups feel like and go from there. Still not sure I can add chins back in. After squating I am in alot of pain. Obviously my arm flexibility is not what it should be.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default INDTP Friday!

    I deloaded to 230 today for light squats. Got in 1 crappy set and 1 rep on the second set. The arm pain set in so bad I bagged the whole workout.

    So today, I've been reading others posts about arm pain similar to mine. I may have discovered my problem and it's not the chinning. I think I am pulling the bar DOWN into my back (trying to get a really low bar position) instead of getting it in a comfortable position and raising my chest elbows. Everyone I can find on here with this issue has solved this the same way.

    So I think I'll take Friday off from squating heavy or medium. Instead I'll practice squating with alot lower weight, try to find a better position for my arms/bar. If it's a little high, I'll live with it if it makes this go away. I'll also powerclean and work on my DL form to get that reset and press to finish it all up.

    I'll see about deloading my squat for a bit until I get this sorted out. Not that big of a deal since my DL needs some work too. At least they will stay in proportion to some degree this way. I hate to lose some hard fought progress but this needs to be corrected before I really hurt myself and have extended time off.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default INDTP Friday

    • Squat 205x5x3
    • Press 127.5 5,4,4
    • PC 115x3x5
    • DL 265x5x1

    Squat Worked on a bar position that would not hurt my arms. Not 100% sure I have it. Only had pain after my last set.

    OHP Very hard. 5th rep failed halfway up on last two sets

    PC Had not eaten this AM (I was in the gym at 6AM). They made me dizzy! Still think I am doing alright. Fatigue will probably make me miss reps in a couple more workouts.

    DL Practicing form. I now know why this is not done after power cleans. My hammies were on fire!
    Last edited by Swible; 01-04-2011 at 01:46 PM.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default OW Session 10

    starting strength coach development program
    • Squat 210x5x3
    • Bench 185 4,4,4
    • Back Ext 20x10x5
    • Chins 3

    Squat Working on arm/bar positioning and hip drive. Felt better today, hardly any pain at all. Bar is about 1/2 inch higher than before. Concentrated on weight of the bar on my back and tightness. Think I am confusing arms up for a tight back with jamming my arms up as hard as I can push. I noticed lack of hip drive on my sets above 240. I hope these adjustments make a big difference. I'll be back up to where I was in a few of weeks.

    Bench Very slow on the forth rep on sets one and two. Third set the 4th rep felt as if it just stopped halfway up. Kept pushing and it went up. Should get this one Friday. Going to 2.5lb jumps next.

    Back ExtNo problems here.

    Chins One set today. Hope to be able to add the others two sets back by the end of next week.

    No sleep last night due to a stupid cold I have. Could not breath well at all. This also affected my strength today. No real pain in my arms either. That was really good news. I was beginning to dread my workouts because of it.
    Last edited by Swible; 01-04-2011 at 01:45 PM.

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