29th of June, 2011

Squat 107,5kg

Overhead Press 45kg

Power Clean 60kg

Personal Notes

Squats went great and I am getting used to having a "heavy" weight on my back. For me, today was an excellent squat session because my motivation and mentality has improved.

Overhead press could have gone better. The last rep of every set was a push press. I figured, since I can't make the 3x5, I might as well do push press for the remaining reps for some extra training, since my main sticking point was near/past the forehead.

Power Clean just went horrible. I started with 62,5kg. However at my first set, I knew I needed to practice my form again. I was wobbly after racking the first rep and the second rep just fell down to the ground. I didn't even have a chance to rack it. I chose 60kg to practice with, because any lighter and I smash it in my throat or I can simply reverse curl it and the only bumper plates my gym has are 2 20kg plates. Also I am not allowed to drop the weight, so I also need to lower it in a controlled fashion. I can do that, however I do tend to lose control whenever I lose concentration/focus. Hence I need to use the rubber plates to minimise the damage to the equipment and to keep my membership.