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Thread: David's Log: Starting Strength

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Smile David's Log: Starting Strength

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi everyone,

    I just completed my first workout on the Starting Strength program:

    Squat 185 3x5
    Bench 165 3x5
    Deadlift 220 3x5

    I'm a 44 year old man at 6'2" 275 lbs. I have never lifted weights before the last 6 months when I got a gym membership and hung out with all the kids doing high reps with light weights that didn't really do anything.

    About a month ago this guy walks in covered in Tattoo's, about 5'10" and about 265 lbs. This guy was very big muscle wise. Lucky for me I was near him when he was benching and he asked me to spot him. Was kind of nervous since he had 4 45's on each side. Luckily I didn't have to do much except help him with the liftoff. I introduced myself to him and asked him "how does one get to look like you?"

    His answer-10 years of "going balls to the walls and being smart." So I asked Ken "what should I be doing to start out right and be smart.?" His answer was very short-"Buy Starting Strength by Rippetoe." So I went home and found the book and DVD on Amazon and they arrived 3 weeks ago.

    Last few weeks I have been practicing form-stretching out my long dormant muscles, tendons..... and adding some weight on the bar until I felt I was at my 3x5 limits while maintaining good form. Ken has been watching my lifts and says my form is good thanks to the SS video which helped a lot.

    My goal is to get as strong as I possibly can.

    My weight was up around 300 and I dropped 25 lbs with dieting but now I think I just want to add strength and muscle and let that slowly help me with my weight. Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems instead of going down 50 more lbs then going back up I'll hit the weights hard and let my body naturally reshape itself as I get stronger and build muscle.

    My diet is thus:

    BF-6 eggs scrambled, bok choy, bell pepper, onion, tomato and 16oz 2% milk.

    Snack-Almonds, protein shake with 16oz 2% milk

    Lunch-meat with veggies and fruit. It depends on what I feel like each day with the meat. I love red meat so this is usually my choice 85% lean hamburger.

    Snack-beef jerky(love it) fruit and veggies.

    Dinner-meat, veggies and fruit.

    I drink a ton of water and more milk throughout the day.

    I completely redid my diet to get rid of all processed food and went Meat, dairy, veggies, fruit....trying to stay as natural as I can. Makes me feel a lot better. But I also listen to my body and if I feel like I need more carbs I'll buy a pizza but thats about a once every 2 week kind of thing. I have a lot of family so one weekend day each week I eat whatever I want because someone is always having a dinner or a BBQ. I started using fitday to track my eating and I am currently around 4000 calories a day. I imagine that will go up as the weights get heavier.

    I'm looking forward to this log helping me chart my progress as I do this program. I will be doing the SS program in its entirety with Power Cleans and nothing else. No bicep curls.

    I'm looking forward to the weights on my bar going up and my body becoming what I want it to be.

    Any advice would be most welcomed,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Wednesday workout.

    Squat 195 3x5
    OHP 115 3x5
    PC 110 5x3

    Squats were very hard. I overdid DL on Monday with 3x5 instead of 1x5. Didn't realize it until I got home and was reading the progression part of SS again. Still got them in.
    Power Clean still working on technique. I like this lift and am looking forward to some weight getting on the bar.

    Breakfast-6 eggs with cheddar cheese, oatmeal with honey.
    Snack/pre-workout-Protein shake w 16oz milk..
    Post workout-protein shake w/16oz milk.
    Red meat coming up next meal-yumm.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Wake Forest, NC


    You are my age, my height, lifting similar amounts and starting SS at the same time as me. I'll be watching your log.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Friday workout.

    Squat 205 3x5
    Bench 175 3x5
    DL 265 1x5

    Squat felt really good-especially my last set I was really feeling a good stitting back position and really focused on hip drive. Now I am stoked about getting that 2nd wheel on in two more workouts. I woke up at 4:30 this morning hungry so made a big bowl of strawberry shortcake with lots of whipped cream and another bowl of leftover chicken pot pie. Breakfast=6 eggs, bok choy, green bell pepper, onion.

    I went up 45 lbs on my DL since the first time I did it 3x5 by mistake and it was easy. 265 was a good weight as the last rep I had to struggle. Really enjoyed my workout and can't wait for Monday.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Squat 215 3x5
    OHP 125 3x5
    PC 120 5x3

    Squat felt good-last two on last set was a good battle but knocked them out. I am looking forward to next workout getting that other wheel on there. Still doing the 10 lb increases as I find I still have a little left over after each exercise. Did 10 lb increase on OHP because the 115 felt light last time. Will go down to 5 lb increase next time. PC is coming along. Spent some time correcting a little arm pulling I was doing.

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