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Thread: Sync and Spouse Training Log(s)

  1. #231
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Southlake, TX


    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Wife and I BOTH lifted today
    Her first.

    Squat: 33x5x2, 47x5, 61x3, 75x2, 84x3, 75x3x4.
    My wife has a shooting pain that may be a groin pull or may be...something else? She has squatted with a narrower stance several times to avoid it. Today she went to normal stance and it was fine through the last warmup, but then hurt so much that she couldn't do 88, tried 84 and succeeded but it hurt a lot, so we backed down to 75.
    She's more than strong enough to lift 88, but we'll have to figure out what's going on there.
    Bench: 11x5x2, 19.5x5, 28x3, 36.5x2, 44.5x3x5. Sets got grindy at the end but they all went up. Maybe +1 next time.
    Deads: 54x5, 68x3, 82x2, 95x1, 108x3x2. Not easy but went up fairly well. We'll see what COACHING does for her on Saturday.

    Then me. Weight 254.2/39%, 7 day average 252.7/39.4%
    Didn't wear fitbit last night so don't know about sleep. It was OK-ish but not great.
    Belt still 46.5" for now.

    Coach changed things up - instead of light squat, he has me starting on Pin Press. First time EVER doing it, so my form was godawful and I have limited perception of "doing it right".
    Pin Press: 45x5, 95x3, 115x1, 135x3x3
    Elbows hurt moderately afterward, probably in part because of poor form on a few of my workset reps. +5 next time

    Bench Press: 45x5, 95x3, 135x1, 170x1, 187.5x4x2, 170x4x2
    So, no intensity bench last week, remember. Well, my volume bench at 187.5 was JUST below my intensity bench planned for Saturday at 192.5. (also, I'm older, so I detrain quickly without intensity). My first set was grindy and barely went up the last rep, second set I hit that on my third rep and 4th was going nowhere.
    Coach realized this was off (had the same issue with another lifter in the gym JUST before I went), so we backed off volume to 170. From now on I'll keep volume at ~90% of intensity, same as Squat.

    Deadlifts: 135x5, 225x3, 260x1, 290x5
    They went up OK. Hook grip on last single, straps on the workset. First reps were FAST. My form still needs work! +5 next week.

    Saturday is wife's birthday - we'll go to the gym together, she'll get her half hour of coaching on deadlift, and then I'll do volume squat and intensity press and bench. She'll likely do squat and press at home later, and then after exercising our muscles, I plan to make her mussels for dinner! (steamed in white wine with shallots, aka Moules marinières)
    Last edited by synchronicity; 07-12-2024 at 07:35 PM.

  2. #232
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Southlake, TX


    Yesterday (7/13/24, Saturday) we both lifted:

    Wife at the gym did some deadlifts, including a set of 5 at 66 pounds. It was easy for her (she's lifted 108), but this was primarily form, and she made the adjustments quickly.
    At home later in the evening she did:
    Squat: 33x5x2, 47x5, 61x3, 74x3x5. We only did 74 because she's been having that issue with what is likely a muscle in her upper right thigh. Coach thinks it may be an abductor muscle (we asked about it)
    Press: 11x5x2, 18x5, 25x3, 32x2, 38x3x2, 37x3x3. She couldn't complete 38 on the second workset, so I backed it down to 37.

    Meanwhile, at the gym, on my end:
    Squat (volume day): 45x5x2, 135x5m 195x3, 235x1, 260x5x3
    They all felt heavy but went up pretty well. However, I totally messed up my first rep on the final set (way too far forward), and it almost cost me that set.

    Press (intensity day): 45x5, 75x3, 105x1, 130x1, 142.5x1x5 (4)
    New PR on Press. However, missed the last rep - it just wasn't there.
    We'll see how volume and pin press goes and decide if we'll do +2.5 next week or not.

    Bench (intensity day): 135x3, 155x1, 175x1, 192.5x3x2
    All went well, somewhat to my surprise. Also a new PR here. +2.5 next week.

    Weight 254.2/36.8%, 7 day avg: 253.2/37.5
    Sleep 6:05, 7 day avg 5:39
    Belt still 46.5"

    Last note: my 290 deadlift on Thursday was more than I lifted at the tournament in May, so that is yet another PR. Wish me luck Tuesday as I attempt to squat 295 for 2 sets of 3 reps.

  3. #233
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Southlake, TX


    starting strength coach development program
    Wife lifted yesterday
    Squat 33x5x2, 47x5, 61x3, 74x2, 75x3x4 Still trying not to further strain that abductor muscle
    Bench 11x5x2, 19.5x5, 28x3, 36.5x2, 46x3x3 (3,3,2), 45x3x2. 46 was just a bridge too far, so we went down to 45 for the last 2 sets. Maybe try 46 next time.
    Deads 54x5, 68x3, 82x2, 95x1, 108x3x2. Really want her to get more coaching and do this weight with improved form. Saturday helped but I could tell the difference at home.

    I'm supposed to lift today but have a headache and an upset stomach so I may not, unfortunately.

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