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Thread: Sync and Spouse Training Log(s)

  1. #241
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Southlake, TX


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm neglecting to post results, but I'm still being regular with training sessions:

    8/6/24. Weight/BF% avg 248.7/40.8%. My seven day average is now below 250. BF% is higher, not sure how much of that is real.
    Sleep avg. 6:31. I'm getting more days with 7+ hours now.

    My wrists still hurt. As noted, wrist wraps arriving Wednesday so used the ones at the gym on Tuesday.

    Tuesday is volume day.

    Squat: 45x5x2, 135x5, 195x3, 235x1, 265x5x2, 255x5. Felt HEAVY! Coach dialed me down to 255 for last set.
    Press: 45x5, 65x3, 95x1, 115x1, 125x3, 115x4x3. Was SUPPOSED to be 125x4x4. Maybe it was my wrists, maybe it was something else, but couldn't even get 4 on the first set. Ugh. Spent the next 3 at 115 working on form.
    Rack Pulls: 135x5, 225x3, 255x1, 285x5, 275x5. Working on form. Coach put me down to 275 as my deadlift is 300 (going for 305 on Thursday).

    Speaking of Thursday:
    Avg weight/BF%: 247.8/41.6%. Weight still under 250. BF% still higher than previous.
    Sleep avg: 7:12. My fitbit also does a "sleep score", and my average on that is 79.9. 80 -89 is considered "good". My sleep time and "score" are near their highest since I started tracking my sleep.

    Pin Press: 45x5, 95x3, 135x1, 142.5x3x3. Using my new wrist wraps! Bar went up OK. Still getting down the form. We'll see if this helps my actual press on Saturday.
    Bench: 95x5, 135x3, 155x1, 175x4x4. It felt heavy but it went up fine. My shoulders and wrists still hurt.
    Deadlift: 135x5, 225x3, 275x1, 305x5. I was dreading this, but the workset went up fine. I almost lost my grip on the heavy single (didn't use straps as I'm working on grip strength). I was surprised by how (relatively) easy the workset was.

    My wife and I plan to be on vacation at the end of August. If everything goes well, I'll hit a 3 plate workset deadlift the day before our vacation starts.
    Of course, that means I'll lose ground while off and have to make it up when I return...

    Oh well, I lift to live, not the other way around. A big reason why I'm lifting is to be able to go on vacations and enjoy them for as long as possible.

  2. #242
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Southlake, TX


    starting strength coach development program
    Been awhile since I've posted. I have been lifting.

    Weight/BF% 247.9/41.6% Sleep 7:28. (all 7 day averages). Weight still under 250, sleep over 7 hours!

    Squat: 45x5x2, 145x5, 225x3, 270x1, 300x3x2. Second set was better than the first. Last rep of first set was VERY slow.
    Press: 45x5, 70x3, 105x1, 125x1, 142.5x0, 135x1, 137.5x1, 137.5x0, 135x0, 130x1. It may be that squats are gassing me so much that I have nothing left in the tank for press. I've lifted 142.5 more often than not previously and 135 should be an easy single. Yes there's form issues as well, but...

    Bench was at home, and it was awful. 95x5, 145x3, 175x0. Couldn't even come close to unracking yet. Realized later that I have the bar hooks set too low.

    Missed 8/12/24. Then 8/15/24:
    Weight/body fat%/sleep: 249.2/40.7%/6:49. Some not good sleep

    Pin Press: 45x5, 95x3, 135x1, 145x3x3
    Bench: 95x5, 135x3, 155x1, 175x4x4
    Deads: 135x5, 225x3, 275x1, 310x5

    Nothing major to report. All lifts generally good.

    Weight/body fat/sleep: 249.6/40.6%/6:38

    Squat: 45x5x2, 155x5, 225x3, 275x1, 305x3, x1. Squats are getting really tough. I failed the second rep on the last set, not from lack of hip drive, but the bar got too far out in front of mid foot and that did it. It's too heavy now for me to easily recover. Frustrating.
    Again, squats are rapidly approaching a limit where programming may need to change soon. 5lb/week jumps are...tough.
    Press: 45x5, 75x3, 105x1, 135x1x5. Reduced heavy singles to 135 and they went up fine. I may be a bit rangebound here.
    Bench: 45x5, 95x5, 145x3, 175x1, 190x2, x0
    Bench was done at home. Hooks were lifted higher. I need the bar flush against the rack posts to get lift off. First set of 2 was OK but exhausting. Second set went down and was not going back up at all. This is why we bench in a rack with safeties and someone around! The bar was not collared, but I still had my wife unload some weights so I could dump the rest.
    Be safe with your benching, people!

    Weight/body fat%/sleep: 249.3/40.1/6:41

    Squat: 45x5x2, 135x5, 205x3, 245x1, 270x5x3. My last few reps on set 3 were high. I was completely gassed at the end of this.
    Press: 45x5, 75x3, 105x1, 125x4, 3, 3, 3, 3. It was supposed to be 4x4, but on the second set it was obvious I was done at 3, so we made it 4 more sets of 3 to get my 16 in.

    Weight/body fat%/sleep: 249.3/39.6/5:52. Sleep has been bad recently.

    Pin Press: 45x5, 95x3, 135x1, 147.5x3x3. These went fine. I need to remind myself to widen my stance before I start.
    Bench: 95x5, 135x3, 155x1, 175x4x4. Went up fine. Coach lifted it off for me on the last 3 sets.
    Deads: 135x5, 225x3, 275x1, 315x5!!!
    THREE PLATES! They went up fast and pretty smooth. A few were off my shins, but otherwise the bar speed was great.
    My deadlift SHOULD be well ahead of my squat at this point in my training, and my limits here are more in form (Overweight and overall anthropometry works against me), as well as getting used to using the straps.

    I'm about to go on a two week break, so hitting 3 plates was nice.

    Last, I'd had a goal of squatting three plates before the end of August. Since I hit 305 for a triple a week ago, I decided to come into the gym on Saturday 8/24 and try for a single.

    Weight/bodyfat/sleep: 248.7/39.7/5:39.

    Squats: 45x5x2, 135x5, 225x3, 255x1, 275x1, 295x1, 315x1!!!!
    It was a grind. I made sure to hit depth (didn't on 295), and coming back up the bar dipped on my left side. I was JUST stuck but put in that extra push and nailed it!
    Huge difference between deadlift (5 reps, room to run) and squat (single, barely).

    I'll now be out for two weeks. Obviously will reset a little on return and start back up. Still a nice way to end this portion of training. The rest of the year will be moving up from the reset, ironing out even more glitches, and looking at cracking the leaderboard at the gym.


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