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Thread: Back under the Bar in the Bronx

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The Bronx

    Default Back under the Bar in the Bronx

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    After discovering Rip and his book a little over a year ago, I decided to stop exercising and start training. I attempted to "be on the program" with enthusiasm over the last year. I worked with Wolf one day last August, then In September I attended the conference in Brooklyn. (So much fun!!)
    It was a reality check. To my dismay YNDTP applied to me.
    Well this time im going to be on the program. .... I hope.

    Yesterday I hit 215x5x3 and filmed it.... knees going to far forward... I gotta sit back. Rip yelled at me about that.

    Off the top of my head my last PRs for 3 sets of 5 were
    Squat: 270
    Press:135x5x2 135x4

    After the seminar, I know my form was holding me back.

    I'm 6ft and weighed 218 at the time and weigh 213 and 33 years old now.

    Hopefully will be setting new PRs soon!!!
    Last edited by LennyD; 01-10-2014 at 07:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    Form and technique make a big difference. Welcome back and keep it up.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The Bronx


    Thank you carson, you are right and thank you for the support. I have Knee slide problems, and I am hoping to fix it quickly so I can keep going up by 10 till I at least hit my old PRs, at least that is the plan.

    So I went in on Saturday and did some "conditioning",,, waste of a day, I guess somethings better than nothing; chins bwx4 bwx3 bwx2, Rippetoe curls; 45x10 55x10 65x10, hiit concept 2 rower 190 yds 2 min rest x9. First time doing Hiit on the rower,, it was kinda fun. I can do better.

    Baby on the way mad bills to pay,,, Its hard to get in there

    My numbers today;
    squat; 205x5x3
    Lbr; bwx10x3
    chins; bw(213lbs)x3x3

    Hoping to get back in there on Saturday... if not Monday for sure.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The Bronx


    So last Thursday the 23rd I got in there and my numbers were;
    squat; 205x5x3
    bench; 175x5x3
    lbr; 10lbsx10x3
    chins bwx3x4

    today my numbers were;
    press 115x5x2 115x6 too easy
    deadlift 255x5

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    When's your baby due? It this one your first? It's great to be a Dad! Do as much as you reasonably can but also spend some solid time with your wife. She needs your support. Being a Dad and husband are first. Then work to make a living. Then keeping your body strong.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The Bronx


    My baby is due June 26, and it's our first. We just found out that it's supposed to be a girl. We are very excited. I agree with your order of priorities. I spend every moment I can with my wife, she's my best friend.

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The Bronx


    I got under the bar yesterday, my numbers were;
    squat; 225x5x3 ... 2 plates again,, finally. I got to start using the belt again.
    bench; 180x5x3 easy, on the last set i missed just missed my chest on the second rep, and did an extra rep to make up
    lbr; 25x10x2, 25x8x1
    chins about 219lbs body weight; 4, 3, 4, 3

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The Bronx


    Fucking 3 snow storms in a week. Does shoveling count as conditioning? Took me over an hour to shovel yesterday and tweaked my shoulder. If it wasnt for my friend, I wouldnt of went in today. Good thing for him, because it wasnt a bad day.

    Squat; 230x5x3 stayed conservative after all that shoveling. I really need to bring by belt in, I felt good for the whole routine, but I think really screwed the last rep. Came to far forward. Need to start with the video again.
    Press 120x5x3 a good working weight, slept bad on my shoulder or sore from shoveling. Diddnt matter, still went up.
    DeadLift 260x5 I really felt like in my memory I see two 45s and two tens loaded last time, thats why I chose this number. This was way too easy. I shoulda been more agressive. At least I made some progess.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The Bronx


    One of the snowiest winters I remember, When I was in 7th grade was the last time I remember snow piles like this.

    squat;235x5x3 did an extra rep on the last set because I just missed the last rep
    bench;185x3 185x4x2 i don't know if it was being distracted by a old friend that I haven't seen In a while, but not hitting the bench in 12 days is more likely the reason.
    diddnt finish the workout cause my friend tweeked his back.

    today i got in there late, and went to a location that I haven't been to before. just repeated some numbers and recorded myself for the first time in a while
    squat; 235x5x3 been concentrating on keeping my lower back tight, I think thats helping my bar path problems. Did a set of 2 between set 1 & 2. hit the plates on the way out. they were vibrating and the reps felt like shit.
    press; 120x5x3 easy, but after missing on the bench, i wanted to stay conservative and not start chasing numbers. It was time for a repeat on the bench, not a reset.
    deadlift; 275x5x3 hit it with iron grip 12 sided plates. I hate them. had to reset my stance between rep 3, 4 & 5 due to the plates. Double overhand grip. No problem.
    Rippatoe Curls; 45x10 65x10x2
    Last edited by LennyD; 02-15-2014 at 09:46 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The Bronx


    starting strength coach development program
    Squat: 245x5x3
    Bench; 180x5x3
    Lbr: 25lbsx10x3
    Chins@220lbs bw x4 bw x3 bw x4

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