Omg, that’s right!
Omg, that’s right!
sat 3/5/22
dl 135 1x5, 185 1x5, 225 1x5, 275 1x5, 315 1x5
ohp 45 1x10
just wanted to get some easy deads done in the midst of my squatting
Sun 3/6/22
sq 45 1x5, 135 1x5, 185 1x5, 225 1x5, 275 3x5
ohp 45 1x5, 75 1x5, 105 3x5, 45 1x5
sq felt good, need to rest a bit more between ohp works, reps 4 and 5 were a bit of a struggle on each set
I'll bet if you did the press first, the shorter rest would be ok, but doing them after squats, "they" require more rest.
Not saying you should change, just saying you're still recovering from the squats.
i don't disagree
thurs 3/10/22
sq 55 1x5, 145 1x5, 195 1x5, 235 1x5, 285 1x5
ohp 55 1x5, 75 1x5, 95 1x5, 110 3x4, 45 1x5
dagnabbit I forgot to do the 3 sets at the top weight again before reloading the bar for ohp. oh well.