nice PRs. You sure you counted to 5 correctly? (happens to most of us!)
today- effing math problems. brain wasn't working or something
4x5 @ 240 (checking form/depth, wasn't happy with a couple reps so threw in an extra set)
2x5 @ 115 (damn, 120 feels easy! oh. dammit. it's 115)
1x4, 1x3 @ 120 (120 doesn't feel easy.)
1x5 @ 275 (295 feels good! dammit. it's 275.)
1x5 @ 298(5 rep PR!)
nice PRs. You sure you counted to 5 correctly? (happens to most of us!)
my training partner of the day (my 5 year old son) helped with the rep counting . he convinced me my last set of presses was not 4 reps and only 3 as i didn't hold at lockout on the last rep. hard judge, this one.
he does pull-ups in between my sets, for a total of 47 yesterday.
Ah ah! Did it last monday, but in the other direction (That warmup set was hard, and it's not even the last one! I'm gonna crash badly... Oops, it was my work set weight!)
Nice work on the DL.
Unrelated, but how old is your youngest (father of 4 here)? Couldn't get back seriously to strength training before mine turned 4 (there were other reasons too).
deadlift left me gassed. i was 'done' at the 275lb set when i thought it was 295. got pissed and did one more set at 298... then was really done.
ate a one pound ribeye and a pound of potatoes after that... then crashed at 9pm.
my youngest is 10 months old. she's pretty easy at night. she slept next to me most of the night as i apparently snored away.
next oldest is 3 1/2. she's always been an easy one, too.
son is coming up on 6 in another couple months.
daughter is 9.
step-daughter (she points that part out) is 18.
3x5, 1x4 @ 248 reviewing the videos i take of each set, i felt like the 3rd rep on each wasn't deep enough; added the 4th set
1x8 @ 205 trying to get a bit more depth and loosen up the hips a bit. i'm going to not do this going forward, because...
1x3, 1x2 @ 190 ... i was feeling absolutely gassed. either that or i'm stuck. so i pulled 5lb off and...
1x3 @ 185 couldn't get 5 reps
1x7 @ 145 unloaded a big amount and knocked out some reps for form
3x4 at body weight hahaha... almost just called it a day
the "extra" sets i've thrown in after the 3x5s are wearing me out a bit.
i know... it's not doing the program.
i'm backing off of those extra sets and making sure i stick totally to the program. also going to add some more carbs in before/after training.
Hey Dan - thanks for checking in on my log. You are right, we are somewhat similar. Except when you were into bro science.....I was into being lazy.... Although I did lift a bit in high school and have tackled various forms of cardio (sprint triathlons, etc.) over the years. I am also a HUGE fan of eating....Hence my 190lb weight at 5'6". And...I'm gluten free now as well (not by choice, but feel much better when I stick to it). I do need to lean out a bit now, as I also put on 20 pounds....but unfortunately on a shorter frame. I'm contemplating cutting some carbs out, but I am loving that my lifts are finally moving up again. And I have multiple kids and a demanding job competing for my time.
Anyways, great progress so far. Keep it up.
man... today, i dunno. went into it feeling great. squats felt fine... but bar speed was suffering.
reviewing the videos, i'm not getting depth at working weight in sets.
3x5 @ 255
3x5 @ 115 (last press weight, form & bar speed feel good. going to go up 2.5lb next time)
1x2 @ 303 (third rep was not happening.)
i'm considering resetting squat and deadlift. posting the squat vid on the technique sub-forum:
on the plus side, now it's time for LUNCH!
3x5 @ 225 i did a reset because i was not hitting depth at 255 and bar speed sucked. i actually did 7 sets at 225 today, working on depth. some questionable, some high, some ok... so i'm just calling it 3x5. still, it was fun!
3x5 @ 190 the bar just floated up on all except the last rep of the last set. really, it felt smooth and easy other than the very last rep. stoked about this.
chin ups
3x6 @ body weight the first 5 of each set went easy and smooth, 6th was tough, 7th would not happen. still, pretty stoked that they started improving. funny thing is it just now occurred to me that when i was able to do 15+ reps at any given time, i was less fat. that's when i was 160lbs and lean. today i'm 193lb. on the plus side, my gut is getting smaller since quitting dairy again.
3x5 @ 230 easy peasy, just deep enough. still barefoot, but have a pair of VS Athletics that'll appear tomorrow. I'm screaming to myself to keep my knees out... left knee wants to wander back in. patellar tendon is sore today (old injury), but feels great after a long warmup and when squatting.
3x5 @ 120 bar just cruises up to lockout.
3x5 @ 305... new PR! first three reps were oddly easy and smooth... third and fourth were easy, but grip wasn't excellent... no chalk & my bar sucks ass. the knurling on one side is weak. hook grip helps.
going to get some chalk...