Good! This place is a target rich environment for scenic lakes.
Good! This place is a target rich environment for scenic lakes.
8/12/2020 Wednesday
Adding Farmer walks to the mix because it feels like the thing to do.
Good excuse to visit my barbells. LOL.
FW: 120' out and back, will post the weights for completed walks.
FW: 70,90,90 (AKA 120' farmer walk with 70, 90 and 90 pounds)
We'll see how this plays with recovery.
8/17/2020 Monday
While adding those farmer walks was not the dumbest thing I've ever done... it makes the group photo.
My lower back was in an uproar the next day... and for several days.
Press 42x5 101x5x3 +1
Squat 45x3 95x3 175x3x3 +5
Dead 135x3 185x3 235x3 +5
Happy feet, after the first rep of the first work set of squats, I walked the bar back into the rack.
I decided there wasn't really a problem, the rest were much easier. I never put the bar on the pins... but I thought about it... LOL.
Two things shock me.
1. How much of lifting is mental.
2. How bad I am at that aspect of lifting.
Play the cards you're dealt I guess.
How so? I approach lifting pretty much like any project when I was working. Schedule, task, assessment afterwards.
I schedule when to lift, I select the weight and reps to be performed and generally I get them. The assessment afterwards is my recording it in my log here and any thoughts I have about how, how not, and what to do next. The most mental preparation I occasionally do is glance at the planned lifting session the day before and get the task ingrained in my mind.
It's not so different from the years I spent in technical security in aerospace. At least after I figgered out it was a good idea to have a plan and then work the plan. Then again, I didn't figger it out on my own. I had to cycle up from 0 to 180 like a landing gear tire by learning (painfully) and reading a lot about management when I landed in the B2 program moving at high speed.
8/21/2020 Friday
Bench. 45x5 95x5 149x5x3 +2
Sq. 45x3 105x1 180x3x3 +5
Thanks Mark. But when I see the approach of successful lifters like yourself, Carson, Chase... and many others the problem seems clear.
But lifting is better than not lifting.
Last edited by Cheesepuff; 08-21-2020 at 02:51 PM. Reason: my phone ads crazy stuff
Ah, my friend, all anyone else can do, unless they are a well trained coach, is suggest what works for them.
When Karl Schudt referred me to Dr. Sullivan his advice was "Do whatever he tells you to do." That isn't easy. All of my life I've been put into leadership positions. I know a good leader is a good follower. Still, I don't always like people telling me what to do. But I find that a good coach who tells me precisely what to do is a great help. I don't have to think about it, though I sometimes do.
My left knee tends to collapse. Sully says, "shove it out and keep it there." He even tells me to stagger my foot placement. So, I put my left foot about an inch or two behind my right foot. (Not directly behind, mind you.) In order to keep my behind behind me he says chest up. If I thought to much about that cue I would argue with myself and probably fail to do what I'm told. Since I usually do what he says, I find that somehow or other when my chest is up my behind drops lower than if my chest is not up so much.
When I try to think about all of this at the moment of the squat I fail it. When I don't, and just do what I'm told, then I make it.
What I'm saying is having a good coach yelling at me helps me a great deal.
Do you check in with Karl once in a while?
Great advice. Thanks.
8/26/2020 Wednesday +5 day gap
PR 42x5 112x0 102x5x3 +1 2nd set a missload
SQ 45x2 105x1 185x3x3 +5
DL 135x3 225x1 240x3 +5
Double down on form.
Focused on the movement.
Looking at craigslist prices considering selling a bunch of my plates.
I figure a full set of Hamptons with 4 pairs of 45's and a pair of Troy 45's should be enough... along with my 8 pairs of 10's.
These prices can't last forever.
Would be parting with nice set of Troy calibrated deeps dish, and a set of "Standard" plates.
Maybe two pair of Troy 35's as well.