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Thread: Teens SS log from 105lbs to 130lbs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2025

    Default Teens SS log from 105lbs to 130lbs

    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    I am starting this log for my son and any parent who wants to follow along. My son is 12 and currently weighs 109lbs. He is very tall for his age at 5’7. Quick back story my son has always been very tall, very lanky, very weak, and very unathletic. This never stopped him from playing and enjoying sports. He ended up loving Wrestling and now does that year round. The last 6 months he has really hit puberty and starting to develop more and catching up to his peers athletically. He does have some insecurities about being so thin and really wants to hit the gym and gain some weight. I am a life long gym rat so he does has a lot of exposure. About 4 months ago we gave SS a go but he immediately suffered a groin strain wrestling. Because he was so motivated to lift I still took him and did all upper body stuff. He’s gone from not being able to bench the bar to being able to bench 100x3. Overhead press he can now do the bar for 3x5. We are ready to jump into SS completely the next 6-8 months.

    He is a picky eater, and still only 12, so took us a while to figure out foods he likes and can eat consistently to keep the scale moving up. And of course foods he can take to school for lunch. We landed on tacos, cheese burgers, and rice. Basically I take a lb of 93/7 ground beef and make a bunch of cheese burgers using 1/3 lb and keep them in the fridge. Then I’ll make taco meat and using a lb of ground beef and seperate it into 3 containers. He eats 3 meals a day consisting of one of those 2 meals. That way he gets a lb of beef a day. Along with this he drinks a weight gainer shake a day either after we lift or during his 1.5 hour long wrestling practice. Then ontop of that we found a nice hack to get in calories using Lactaid chocolate milk. 9g of protein per cup is a great easy way to get calories. We also have protein bars he likes for in between. I think moving the scale up won’t be an issue for him.

    Wednesday was our first SS workout and it went well. Surprisingly the deadlift came extremely natural to him but the squat needs lots of work. Having long legs and some rounded back issues( he has slight Kyphosis) I thought the DL would be a nightmare but was pleasantly surprised. I got some 1lb micro plates for the press, and I think by end of next week we’ll be rocking and rolling. Should be a fun log to see a scrawny weak 100lb kid move up the ranks. I am extremely proud of where he is already as he has had to fight for every little nugget of athleticism he has. With hard work and dedication he was able to pin his way through his state qualifier and make the NJ state tournament this year. I think with the addition of SS and his dedication it will be a fun journey to follow.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    Starting weights for day 1
    Bench 90x5x3
    Press 47.5x5x3
    DL 100x5x1
    Squat 65x5x3 (should jump quickly with form)

    All these #s I know he can hit but are difficult… let the loading begin

    Some Aux stuff he likes
    Dips 3 sets of 12
    DB curls 27.5x12x3
    3 sets of pull ups AMRAP usually 4-5 each

    Will put dips at the end of bench day, and pull-ups and DB curls at the end of press day. Also I purchased micro 1.25 weights to use for press and maybe bench if he starts to stall.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2025



    Bench- 90x5x3
    Squat - 75x5x3
    Deadlift - 100x5
    Dips 3 sets of AMRAP
    Standing calf raises 3x12
    2 sets of deadhangs as long as possible

    First real SS workout which he really liked. Bench is good to go, DL seems gtg, but squats we are still working on form as opposed to purely progression. One thing I’ve noticed with other people is sometimes it’s hard to get to depth when then load is to light. A little extra poundage can sometimes get you into the hole. bench we will add 5lbs next workout then after that most likely only 2.5 until he proves he can make a 5lb jump. No rush on progression and don’t want to stall 2 weeks into the program

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2025



    Press 47.5x5x2 50x5x1
    Squat - tough day couldn’t get it. Worked on form with 45 and 65lb sets of 5
    DL - 105x5
    Pull ups 2 sets of AMRAP
    DB Curls 27.5 x14 x3

    Rough day on squat, focused on form. I think some of the problem is he’s so boney it’s tough to keep the bar low on his back and he’s to upright. We’ll keep at it. Looking for a coach to help him really get the form down.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    Check the coach's listings on this website. It will show you where the nearest coaches and gyms are.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    Quote Originally Posted by carson View Post
    Check the coach's listings on this website. It will show you where the nearest coaches and gyms are.
    Thank you

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    get him some porkroll egg and cheese sammiches stat!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2025


    We’re working on it!!!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2025



    Bench 95x5x3
    Squat 65x5x3
    DL 110 1x5
    Dips 3 sets
    Standing calf raises 110 3x12

    Something clicked with squats today and he was able to get decent form. I think for press and bench micro increases will still be too much. Most likely get to 3x6 then increase. Don’t want to stall early. Overall good start

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    starting strength coach development program
    good for him for qualifying for state in NJ, thats a competitive state! i used to wrestle and it was the absolute best thing for me development wise both physical and mental. all young boys should do it

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