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Thread: LP Log, (re)Starting Strength

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Also a quick follow up on my bench failure. This thread popped up on search Bench Press not increasing - Everything else fine
    TL;DR is that a guy about my size failed on 140lbs as well. I don't have his technique issues (shoulder blades in, full body tight, driving with legs) so I'm going to deload 10% next Monday and ramp back up from there.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Archon3D View Post
    So this might be a total confabulation, but I thought I remembered the advice being to try to do all sets on 1 breath because you'll set your best Valsalva at the start of the set. Resetting it intraset is not going to be as strong because you're already under load. Again, could be a total confabulation. I had success on this latest set of squats but my lifts aren't that big so maybe it makes no difference yet
    You're remembering it right, but that's only for the bench press, and only if you can stand it.

    I might pick up some sardines...sardines and eggs could take my bedtime snack to the next level.

  3. #13
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    Aug 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by readytheharpoon View Post
    You're remembering it right, but that's only for the bench press, and only if you can stand it.

    I might pick up some sardines...sardines and eggs could take my bedtime snack to the next level.
    Ahhhh got it. Okay, that was my experience on my bench work sets last night - couldn't do it in one breath and resetting breath felt weaker. Thanks for clearing that up for me!

    White anchovies (Wild Planet has tinned white anchovies) are also quite good. Tons of omega 3s (800mg of EPA and DHA) and decent protein (19g) per tin and not quite as fishy as sardines. Some people despise the taste of oily fish and can't do it, but you get some eggs and soy sauce on there... primo! I also make "yakimeshi" for my kids for breakfast and I eat it too - it's just soy sauce, scrambled egg and last night's rice scrambled up. Yakimeshi is actually the word for Japanese fried rice, but it's a family staple to make it more like a rice+soy sauce scramble.

  4. #14
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    Apr 2016


    re warmup sets, i dont like to prescribe anything APART from always starting with an empty bar (high volume) and gradually add weight (finger in the air) until it 'feels' sufficient.

    Also re unrack on the squat, i Valsalva to unrack, walk back 2 steps then deep breath/Valsalva again ready for the first rep, 1 take a deep breath at the top of each rep.

  5. #15
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    Aug 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by bruja View Post
    re warmup sets, i dont like to prescribe anything APART from always starting with an empty bar (high volume) and gradually add weight (finger in the air) until it 'feels' sufficient.

    Also re unrack on the squat, i Valsalva to unrack, walk back 2 steps then deep breath/Valsalva again ready for the first rep, 1 take a deep breath at the top of each rep.
    I suspect since I haven't hit all time PRs yet my warmups aren't affecting my work sets too much - I *do* always start with an empty bar and add weight; the differences being 4 warm up sets, 5s across vs 5 warm up sets, tapering. The only lift giving me trouble is the Bench so I'm not sure I'll notice a difference yet. It's good to have the app on hand nonetheless.

    Thanks for the tip on squats - I will switch to breath per rep for sure. I also do a Valsalva to unrack and get a feel for the weight on my shoulders, then reset and go. Glad to hear I'm not the only one

    Thanks for the tips and feedback!

  6. #16
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    Aug 2020


    Friday, Sept 4

    I’m beat. It was a long day, but the weights are calling me!

    I’m using the app for warmups so I’ll enumerate the reps for posterity.

    I also picked up some rock climbers chalk and a bag.

    Warmups: 45x5, 45x5, 80x5, 115x3, 150x2
    Work: 190x5x3
    Set 1 felt heavy. The last warm up set felt kinda heavy. I changed breathing to between each rep as suggested. I think it helped but I may have done a set of 6 (blasphemous, I know). Will count better.
    Set 2 was better. I gave myself an extra two minutes of rest despite being at 99BPM. A little treat for me also counted aloud at the top of each rep.
    Set 3 felt a little weird coming out of the rack in my mid back but otherwise went great. I had to focus on standing up a little sooner as my low back was informing me during set 2.

    Trying 4 warmup sets with the app as 5 did look a little daunting
    Warmups: 45x5, 45x5, 60x3, 75x2
    Work: 95x5x3
    Set 1 was rough. I was worried because traps were burning during warmups. I gave a little more rest after final warm up than normal (4:30 v 3:30) and will do the same between work sets.
    Set 2 was better. Slowed a touch on the last rep. 5:00 rest. Doing that again.
    Set 3 was tough again but barely any slowdown. My left trap felt like it stung on the 4th and 5th rep.

    Writing this ahead of time, these warm ups look easier than my last session so depending on feelz I may bump the work set up.
    Warmups: 45x5, 45x5, 95x5, 150x3, 200x2
    Work: 255x5x1
    Did 235x2 on final warm up by accident. Bad plate math. Must just use app. It did give me confidence, deserved or not, to bump the work set though.

    Undeserved. I did 275x1, then 255x4. Form felt poopy. I’m stubborn and will probably pay for it.
    Last edited by Archon3D; 09-04-2020 at 08:25 PM. Reason: Early post - missing content

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Monday, Sept 7
    Happy Labor Day!

    I spent a few hours in the car today which is quite unusual. I fear my knees and back are going to be rickety for this work out. Also it’s crazy smoky here from fires. Let’s see what happens!

    Warmups: 45x5, 45x5, 80x5, 120x3, 155x2
    Work: 195x5x3
    Set 1 “felt” rough but my body was ready because reps and breath were fine. Is this what “perceived” effort is?
    Set 2 also felt hard but the reps weren’t that bad.
    Set 3 same. Back feels fine despite having to keep it hard locked for these.

    I only missed 1 rep last time so I’m going to try for 140 again today.
    Warmups: 45x5, 45x5, 65x5, 80x3, 115x2
    Work: 140x5x3
    Warm ups felt just fine today. There is a part of me that wants to try 145 but the better part wants to honestly complete 140
    Set 1, glad the better part won. I felt a little tweak in my elbow during warmups that gave me a little hiccup between reps 4 and 5
    Set 2 was a little better, no elbow tweak! But I did have reset breath twice. One more. Come on body!
    Set 3. Got 5! Felt like a rough final rep but I’m so glad I just did it.

    I finished up with 2 sets of 3 chins. Bench just seems so exhausting for me. Not sure what’s up...

  8. #18
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    Aug 2020


    Wednesday, Sept 9

    Body weight up to 179/180lbs now.

    We had a freak snow storm yesterday (highs for the week prior were 95, then snow and high of 33) so I get to try training in my garage when it’s cold! I’ve been lifting barefoot and I’m not enjoying a cold ass floor/platform. Perhaps... shoes?

    Warmups: 45x5,45x5,80x5,120x3,160x2
    Work: 200x5x3
    Warmups felt a little creaky knee but...
    Set 1 was smooth
    Set 2 was pretty good but I definitely lost focus on the first rep. I didn’t bounce out of the bottom on a few and the difference is real
    Set 3 good bounces and 200lbs is done!

    Still a little trepidatious about too much warmup work and fatigue. Trying another fast taper. I also noticed some grip “creep” outward so correcting that this time. I rewatched Chase do presses and there is no way on earth my grip should be wider than his

    Heartburn setting in after warmups... maybe all those hot dogs with hot chiles wasn’t such a good lunch choice
    Warmups: 45x5, 45x5, 60x3, 80x2
    Work: 100x5x3
    Set 1 good! I’m starting to feel the “groove” for the bar path.
    Set 2 good again.
    Set 3 and we are over 100lbs! A tiny slowdown on rep 5. I know I held the lockout position long in other reps to make double sure I got my shrug in.

    Warmups: 45x5, 45x5, 100x5, 155x3, 210x2
    Work: 265x5x1
    Finally lost double overhand grip after 3 reps. I finished the set with hook grip. I’ll keep trying double overhand - could be those chins I did on Monday.

    For Friday I’m determined to work on power cleans. I’ve watched the 6 part series on training and coaching the power clean and I really want to incorporate it. I’m not sure how to deal with how exhausting bench is, but I’ll figure it out.

  9. #19
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    Friday, Sept 11

    Today may be a dud. I’m tired as heck. First work set on squats and I failed rep 5. I replaced the bar and weight and did the last rep. I’m going to wait several minutes and if set 2 crushes again, I’m calling it and will try again tomorrow.

    Warmups: 45, 45, 80, 125x3, 165x2
    Work: 205x4+1,x3+2

    Had to take a break, not a failure on second set but this is after 10 minutes. I’m going to call it and say I haven’t recovered enough.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    starting strength coach development program
    Monday, Sept 14

    Skipped Saturday - kids were up all night, exhausted, didn’t want to set myself up to fail again. So here we are on Monday!

    Warmups: 45,45,80,125x3,165x2
    Work: 205
    Set 1 had a slow 5th but otherwise good. A bit scared of it, being honest, given the failure last week.
    Set 2 breathing hard but went well
    Set 3 done!

    Work: 145x3+2,x5,x3+1+1
    I think I need to drop to 2.5lbs jumps.

    Set 1 was terrible. I set my grip unevenly and discovered it at rep 3. I racked, breathed, finished and rep 5 groooound up to lockout.
    Set 2 was less terrible! Still grinder on rep 5 but no reset and grip was even.
    Set 3 was terrible again. 2.5lbs it is

    And again I’m totally wiped so skipping third exercise. I hate bench.

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