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Thread: LP Log, (re)Starting Strength

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Wednesday, Sept 16

    Warmups: 45,45,80,125x3,165x2
    Work: 210
    Set 1 heavy; failed to bounce on rep 4 made that haaard, but focused up for rep 5. Clean.
    Set 2 heavy. Doubted myself after 2 reps but finished on a hard 5th rep
    Set 3 hoooooly shit that was hard. Started to lose balance on 3 and had to good-morning it up. 4 and 5 were a biiitch. Done with 210!

    I upped the last warmup to 85 from 80 so the jumps were uniform. Right trap feels tight so here goes nothing!
    Warmups: 45,45,65x3,85x2
    Work: 105
    Set 1 was rough. Starting to feel quite heavy in my hands. Felt a wobble in left knee on rep 5. Must focus.
    Set 2 was a tad better, still heavy and had to lean back a little on last 2 reps. Knees in hard extension while time.
    Set 3 was tough but felt good! It’s been a hard workout thus far.

    Warmups: 45,45,100,160x3,215x2
    Work: 275
    Ugly ugly ugly set of deadlifts. I had to change my grip multiple times and take a few attempts at rep 5. I was exhausted today - long rests between every set to bring heart rate down. It showed in the end.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Friday, Sept 18

    Warmups: 45,45,80,130x3,170x2
    Work: 215
    Hard but doable.

    Bumping 2 lbs to see how that feels. This exercise whoops my ass for some reason.
    Warmups: 45,45,70,95x3,120x2
    Work: 147
    Failed. Then failed after 2 reps of 145. My shoulder is bugging me but I don’t think that’s entirely to blame. Sadness.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Monday, Sept 21

    Trying 6 warm ups because I feel out of it
    Warmups: 45,45,80,115x3,150x2,185x1
    Work: 220
    Done, but I felt form deteriorate a bit - knees track forward. Focus up on Wednesday.

    Warmups: 45,45,65,80x3,95x2
    Work: 110
    Set 2 I had to try rep 5 twice. I think I’m at the end of 5lbs jumps
    Set 3 was good and hard with longer rest.

    Warmups: 45,45,80,140x3,185x2,235x1
    I done messed up. I should have repeated 275. Instead I got 2 reps, then 1 rep of 275, then grip failure on my left hand. Will repeat 275 until it’s done right.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    Wednesday, Sept 23

    Warmups: 45,45,80,115x3,150x2,185x1
    Work: 225
    Set 1 felt hard as hell. I think I rested too long between reps because I was breathing hard before taking reps 4&5.
    Set 2 I didn’t break for longer than to reset breath and it went better.
    Set 3a I unracked and did one rep. I don’t know why but I freaked a little put it back
    Set3b did 5, more like set 1 with hard breathing between reps 4&5

    I don’t know what’s up with this exercise for me so I’m going to reset to 135 and go up slower
    Warmups: 45,45,60,80x3,95x2,115x1
    Work: 135

    My shoulder is still feeling “pinchy ” and this was hard but doable. I’m not sure what’s up. I also still feel totally spent after bench. Maybe it’s rest/food deficit? Eating hasn’t been consistent lately

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2020


    starting strength coach development program
    I swapped to a paper log so missed a couple updates

    Friday, Sept 25

    Squats: 230
    Press: 113
    Deadlift: 275

    Notes: press going to 3lbs jump was the right move for sure. Deadlift, I did something weird to my thumb on hook grip so did that for 1 rep then switched to alternating grip to finish out.

    Monday, Sept 28

    Squats: 235x5, x1, x4, x1, x4, x1
    Bench: 138
    Chins: 4,3,3

    Notes: squats were weird. On set 2 I pulled it out of the rack, did one and my low back felt very weird. I put it down and took some breaths. On the next attempt I failed rep 5 as I felt myself tilting forward too far (set on pins, crawled out), unloaded, reset the bar and did my last rep (hence x1,x4,x1). Third set my low back was feeling it and my abs just couldn’t seem to hold me steady and I failed rep 5 again. Unload, reset, do the 5th. Now on Tuesday I’m sore as hell in my low back. I will probably bring this up on the main Q&A board but thinking it might be time for a light day. I’m at week 8 so timing seems right?

    3lbs jump on the bench felt just fine.

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