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Thread: Linear Progression Log

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


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    October 28, 2020
    A lot of people in the gym today. I was waiting around for a squat rack and decided just to bench first.

    270 x 5 x 5
    My biceps were getting worked

    Light Squat:
    275 x 5 x 3
    I really hope I'm recovered by Friday.

    405 x 1
    Last warmup set

    445 x 0
    I couldn't break it off the ground.

    425 x 0
    405 x 0
    315 x 1, 1, 1
    365 x 1, 1, 1
    405 x 5
    I wish I had better things to report but I don't. There's no excuse for this, my food and rest have been excellent. I don't feel unrecovered, I just can't pull hard enough. I don't know what the hell my problem is.

    70 x 15 x 3

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    October 30, 2020


    Light Squat:
    225 x 5 x 3

    180 x 4, 3, 2
    I think my bench interfered. I called it a day.

    This is at least the second time I've been unrecovered after my light day, so I'm changing my programming to 1 day on, 2 days off. I'm definitely an advanced novice at least, and my recovery isn't what it used to be. However, I can't workout during the weekend, so my training will be every Monday and Thursday. My diets been at about 3,500 calories, 250 grams of protein also, which certainly isn't what it was when I started. I don't have a very big appetite, thank God for milk. Even at 3,500 calories, I'm steadily gaining weight. Currently at about ~220 lbs which is about 10 lbs in 2 months.

    I've also bought a test booster mentioned by Jordan while he was here to aid in my recovery. Will probably boost my test by 1-10% (while still being within normal levels). Jordan did blood work before and after, and had a boost of 10%. I spent $60. Sounds like a good deal to me. Will cycle it as well. 8 weeks on, 6 weeks off.

    Excited about my training with this adjustment in frequency. Looking forward.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    03 November, 2020
    Couldn't workout yesterday. That's 3 rest days, after a light day. Lol.

    345 x 5 x 3
    This weight required that I take them at a slower pace. Felt like I did 15 singles.

    275 x 5 x 3
    I'm going to respect my press day coming up and stop with 5 x 3. Possible PR coming up next bench day.

    16 (!!), 15, 13

    Good workout today.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    November 06, 2020

    350 x 5 x 3

    180 x 4, 5, 5
    These were heavy. Leaning back made these stronger. I wish I could do these with a very strict press.

    Ran out of time for Power cleans. Again. I guess not doing them makes me a pussy. I hope to not be a pussy some day. That day isn't today.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    November 09, 2020

    355 x 5 x 3

    280 x 5, 5, 4.5 PR
    My spotter stole my last rep from me. I don't know if I would have had it or not. I hate to call this a PR when it's not a true 5 x 3 but this is the most weight I've ever benched before.

    15, 15, 12

    In other news, I ordered some Do-Wins from Rouge Fitness. They're wider, flatter arched, lower heeled, and much lighter weight than my Nike weightlifting shoe, which needed to be replaced. They fit my flipper feet perfectly. Today was my first day using them, and I've gotta say that I feel like my Nikes supported my feet better (under a 350 lb squat); but I'm excited to try these doing power cleans. Rogue Fitness says their heel height is preferred for doing Olympic lifts.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    November 13, 2020

    Didn't workout yesterday because of quad DOMs. It's sad but it's true. I needed an extra rest day. That's 3 days. I need to eat and sleep more, but it can be difficult sometimes.

    360 x 5 x 3
    Knees were tender during warm-up. Started seeing dots during the work set weight. My legs felt completely shot afterwards. Like someone took a wrench and beat my quads with it.

    185 x 5, 4, 1, 2, 3
    These were intense. Later sets kept getting away from me. On my fifth set, some clown wandered into my working area to get a plate. People can be really rude sometimes. Will gain mass and try this weight again next time.

    315 x 3
    Last warmup set. These were heavy. I swear I can't pull to save my life.

    410 x 5
    Pulled 5 somehow.

    Also, my T booster that I ordered still hasn't come in the mail yet. There's no number, or email to contact NSI Sports; their website is devoid of any contact information. I'm going to call my bank's fraud department and reverse the Mastercard charge. Don't order from them. Don't make the same mistake I did.

    Ordered from N2BM recently, and it's already shipped. So that's a supplement that I'm looking forward to taking. Already taking everything else on the supplement list.
    Last edited by Charles Thomas; 11-13-2020 at 11:15 PM. Reason: Typo

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    November 16, 2020

    Tired from work. Legs are unrecovered. The gray book doesn't say anything about 1 day on, 3 days off, so it probably isn't an ideal thing to do. I really don't want to reduce my training volume. The only thing I can think of is to eat more. 3,500 and steadily gaining weight. Something has to give. I'm not sure what I'll do yet, but I'll consider all of my options.

    Light squat:
    225 x 5 x 3
    Making absolutely certain I can recover from this. Looking back at my previous log, back in my 20s, and a light day here would have been @ 295. And I would have been ready and rearing to go after a gallon of milk and solid rest day. Getting old sucks.

    285 x 4.5
    It would not go up.

    280 x 4.5
    A grinder from hell that I lost.

    275 x 5, 3, 3
    I called it a day after this.

    Started my N2Generate (T booster) today.

    My legs need to get their shit together. I'm stepping up my calories to 4,500. I'd hate to have a light day every other squat workout, but that's one option the book illustrates... Perhaps 4,500 calories and a light squat day every other workout is the right move. Instead of 1 day on 3 days off.

    Will also microload my bench and press starting next workout. Hopefully they will progress consistently with the added calories and I can keep the training volume of 5 x 3.

    Hopefully this will be enough to keep the gains coming. If not, there's still a reduction of volume I could do, but I'm going to save that for last.

    Looking forward with these adjustments!!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2020


    starting strength coach development program
    November 19, 2020

    Not getting up to 4,500 calories the past few days. I didn't feel unrecovered until I started squatting.

    365 x 1, 1
    Sore. Bar moving slow. Going to do a reset and I'm not sure what else yet. The light day isn't working.

    185 x 4, 4, 3
    Will reset.

    Really didn't feel like being in the gym, so I cut power cleans and left. I wish I would eat more like I said I was going to.

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