squat 140x5x3
press 95x5x3
dl 145x5x1
Almost 40, 5'8", 183 lbs. I trained with SS many years ago and stopped because I wanted to learn BJJ and didn't think I had time and energy for both. I've been out of training for a couple of years now due to life and minor medical issues, and back to working on strength.
I was making decent progress recently, but got a little too greedy and ended up reinjuring my hip/groin. I'm starting over very light and hope to finally get passed this.
squat 135x5x3
press 95x5x3
dl 135x5x1
squat 140x5x3
press 95x5x3
dl 145x5x1
squat 145x5x3
bp 135x5x3
dl 155x5x1
squat 150x5x3
press 100x5x3
dl 165x5x1
Are you still involved in the grand art of Gracie JuJitsu? Does BJJ still consider MMA something of a degradation of BJJ? How far did you go with it?
What were your prs when you did SS before? Welcome.
One of the professors at the academy where I trained is an x-ufc fighter, so MMA was huge there. I didnt train a whole lot of it, I spent the limited time I had on BJJ. I did a few competitions and stuck with it through blue belt. I miss it terribly and hope to continue one day in some capacity.
I cant quite remember my previous prs. I know my squat was just over 300 and I was weighing around 205.
Thanks for the welcome!
Squat 155x5x3
BP 140x5x3
DL 175x5x1
Squat 160x5x3
Press 100x5x3
DL 185x5x1
Worked out early morning today and felt my hip a little. I'll need to allow for more warm up time if I'm going to train early.
squat 165x5x3
bp 145x5x3
dl 195x5x1