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Thread: Situational Novice LP

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Monday (B)
    Deadlift 435x5
    Press 177.5x5x3
    Tempo Squat 320x3ื5
    BB Curl: 70x8ื3

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    Wednesday (A)
    Squat 410ื5ื3
    Bench 280x5x3
    Row 210x8x3
    BB Curl: 70x8x4

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    Friday (B)
    Deadlift 445x5
    Press 180x3ื5
    Tempo Squat 325x3x5
    BB Curl: 70ื8ื5

    I track the 1st three questions for every session. They were excluded from these initial posts because transferring my log has been a pain. I also have typed up all the MED changes from Barbell Logic. As for diet I'm adhering to Rips recommendation of at least a 1,000cal/ day surplus. I also have the Renaissance Periodization 2nd edition book. I believe the nutrition coach @ SS also works for them so I figured that's a good route.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    Monday (A)
    Squat 420ื5, 420ื3ื3
    •Felt pretty solid going in. I definitely felt the first set was a 5RM or damn close. Figured I would take the second set close to failure. Knocked out the rest of my volume with triples.

    Bench 285ื5ื3
    • Very solid performance. This is an all time PR for 3ื5!

    Row 225ื8ื3
    • I didn't want to mess with all the plates to put 220 on the bar. So I just put 225 because I had very limited time before work. It was difficult but doable.

    Fatigue: LOW
    Weight: 233lb
    Q1: 5m SQ, 5m BP, 2m Row
    Q2: +10 SQ, +5 BP, +15 Row
    Q3: 7h // 3,800cal

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    MED: I will change Squats to 5ื3. Its not the preferred way but we're going to try it out. I was able to complete today's volume at 420 with the volume rearranged. So Friday will be 425-430ื3ื5

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    Wednesday (B)
    Deadlift 455x5
    • I definitely almost fainted on this set. The last pull was 4 seconds from start to finish. From what I've gathered on the Barbell Logic podcast, this is actually pretty quick, but I was redder than a tomato.

    Press 185x3x5
    • First set was grooved very poorly on the fifth repetition. Every successive set was very manageable.

    303 Tempo Squats 330x3x5
    • These continue to be by far my least favorite exercise. I can see the utility but still despise slowing down reps to 6 seconds when I'm accustomed to exploding every rep on squats (for better or for worse).

    BB Curl 70x8x6
    • Barbell curls are barbell curls.... there's nothing of worth to say here other than I like filling out my sleeves and this hasn't interrupted the core lifts yet.

    Fatigue: LOW
    Weight: I forgot to weigh in
    Q1: 5m DL, 3-4m Press, 3m Tempo SQ, 1-2m Curls
    Q2: +10 DL, +5 OHP, +5 SQ
    Q3: 7h // 3,800-4,000cal

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    Friday (A)
    Squat 430x3x5
    • This is another all-time PR. I was very pleased with how well these sets went since it appears to go against the top set + back off's conventional wisdom.

    Bench 290x5x3
    • Yet another all-time PR to celebrate. I feel that 295 will be within the realm of possibility next Wednesday.

    Row 235x8x3
    • 235 was very challenging; I will proceed with 5lb jumps from here on out.

    BB Curl 70x8x7
    • The last set made my arms feel like they were going to tear the sleeves right off my shirt. The pump was sought out, and the pump was achieved!

    Fatigue: LOW
    Weight: I forgot again
    Q1: 5m SQ, 5m BP, 3-5m Row, 2m Curl
    Q2: +10 SQ, +5 BP, +10 Row
    Q3: 6h30m // 3,800-4,000 cal

    I have one full week of training before I leave for the middle east. I have chunked up in the gut area a lot more than I would have liked. However the numbers I'm hitting I never thought were possible. I have no idea when I will be able to pick a barbell up again while I'm away so I've decided to all out bum rush intensity. I figure that this deployment will lean me out plenty so its far more important to get strong in the time I'm given!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    Monday (B)
    Deadlift 470ื1
    • Long story short: I have small hands and use straps on my top set just so my tiny hands don't limit my progression. I always pull a single at the work weight to ensure my grip is sufficient to actually lift that weight. Today I pulled a very quick single then rested. Came back with straps and that weight would just not budge.

    Press 190ื3ื5
    • I had to get my head in the game. Took the 5lb jump and really tried to throw the barbell through my ceiling. The intent to explode antidotally really helped.

    303 Tempo Squats 335ื3ื5
    • These were miserable as usual. Not due to the weight being difficult but because holding my breath for 6 seconds at a time is awful

    BB Curl 70ื8ื8
    • Curls produced a nice pump

    Fatigue: LOW
    Weight: 238lb
    Q1: +15lb DL, +5lb OHP, +5lb Tempo SQ
    Q2: 6m DL, 4m OHP, 3m Tempo SQ
    Q3: Unsure on sleep probably around 7h // 3,000 cal

    **I know that the 15lb jump was excessive/ greedy on the Deads. However looking back 455 was so hard i almost fainted on the last rep. That should have been the cue to start the more advanced pulling program in LP.
    A) DL / Row
    B) Chins
    I only have this week and Monday left but I will make this change now to avoid overtraining or stagnation.
    ***I have to reduce the calorie surplus. I have gained about 18lbs in 5 weeks. I wasn't even underweight and its becoming a concern for me the next time I get taped in the Army.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    Wednesday (A)
    Squat 440ื3ื5
    • I crushed this and I'm excited to see where this goes. Every set was very crisp, with no problems with the form, and gun to my head I know I could get five reps for one set. ALL-TIME PR!

    Bench 295ื5ื3
    • I am continuing to focus on throwing the weight and making the plates rattle. I cannot observe a huge difference in the reps than before. However, I have noticed that the speed after my sticking point is faster. ALL-TIME PR!

    Chin Ups ื7, ื6, ื5
    • My weight gain definitely showed here. I have in the past had no problem hitting 8-10 per set. However, I'm 100% fine with the chin ups taking a small hit in the absence of me practicing them.

    BB Curl 70ื8ื9
    • Curls are curls... yes 9 sets is excessive.... yes curls are not in the program. I do fall into "YDNDTP". The moment these prevent problems for the core lift they will be cut. I just have a little vanity in me. *I'm using the renaissance periodization progression formula*

    Candlesticks 3ื5
    • I re-read some of Rips and Santana's articles on body recomposition during LP. I am hoping that Candlesticks on Chin Up days may help with the waistline coming down or having a flatter stomach at higher body fats. NO, I don't care about washboard abs. I just want to continue passing tape so I can go to the E6 board in 4-6mo.

    Fatigue: LOW
    Weight: 235
    Q1: SQ +10lb, BP +5lb
    Q2: SQ 5m, BP 5m, Chins 3m
    Q3: 8h // 3,500 cal
    ^^re-read the blue book and conceded on the calories. I picked the lowest recommendation with my waist line pushing 38.5" (ie ABCP fail)
    Last edited by Notyouravgdoc; 11-18-2020 at 12:01 PM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Friday (B)
    Press 195x3x5
    • I'm incredibly happy with this performance! I currently am on track to move more weight for 5x3 on my Press than I could for a heavy single six weeks ago. Next week will potentially be my last week of lifting for a long time so it's game on.

    303 Tempo Squat 340x3x5
    • This was unusually easy for tempo squats. All my recordings showed that the tempo was closer to 4-0-4 which is great. I feel that these are greatly helping my PR day squats as it simulates "grinding" out hard reps.

    Row 245x8x3
    • My grip strength is far stronger than it has ever been. I recall not long ago (probably about 3-4 months) that I was unable to row above 225 for reps over 5. I look forward to tomorrow and Sunday having DOMs in the lats. It's a great feeling knowing that the SS styled rows can be done heavier than bodybuilding style variants and still create a nice stimulus for lat growth.

    Drag Curl Barx10x7
    • My biceps were not insanely fatigued but I did have some residual soreness. I picked the drag curl to just try something different. Curls in the grand scheme are of almost zero relevance so screw it.

    Fatigue: LOW
    Weight: 234
    Q1: OHP +5lb, Tempo SQ +5lb, Row +10lb
    Q2: OHP 4-5m, Tempo SQ 3m, Row 3-4m
    Q3: 8h // 3,500-4,000 (boozing tonight)

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