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Thread: Fit for Fifty beginner log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2022


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Tuesday, 3/22
    Weight: 184.9 (+16.4 since start 12/31/21)
    Waist: 40
    Sleep: 7h29m

    Squat: 45 1x5, 45 1x5, 95 1x5, 135 1x5, 175 1x3, 215 3x5 (+5, rest 5 mins b/w work sets)

    OHP: 45 1x5, 45 1x5, 85 1x3, 120 1/3/1 (+5, rest 5, 8, 10 minutes, first fail @ 120)

    Deadlift: 135 1x5, 185 1x5, 205 1x5, 245 3x5 (+5, rest 5 mins all sets)

    Wore belt for first time on all lifts last warm-up and work sets. Sleep much better. Nutrition cleaner, but low calories (~1700) yesterday. Struggled on last squat rep which caught me by surprise and stalled on press which was not unexpected as I believe I am at an all-time high for OHP. Probably need to eat closer to ~2500 daily.

    Feedback, comments or insights welcome.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2022


    Thursday, 3/24
    Weight: 186.6 (+18.1 since start 12/31/21)
    Waist: 40
    Sleep: 7h35m

    Squat: 45 1x5, 45 1x5, 95 1x5, 135 1x5, 185 1x3, 220 3x5 (+5, rest 5 mins)

    Bench: 45 1x5, 45 1x5, 95 1x5, 125 1x3, 160 3x5 (+5, rest 3 mins)

    Deadlift: 135 1x5, 185 1x5, 225 1x5, 250 1x5 (+5, rest 5 mins, 8 mins work set)

    3-minute rowing warm-up to start (tested skipping it last session) and more calories seemed to make squats go better. Weight going up but waist size staying same. Appearance wise stomach seems to be getting smaller but waist size holding steady. Chest getting larger which is also contributing to optics. Continuing to eat more than usual to keep strength gains going and will worry about appearance down the line.
    Last edited by red95blue; 04-08-2022 at 10:21 AM. Reason: typo on deadlift sets

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    nicely done!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2022


    Sunday, 3/27
    Weight: 186.6 (+19.7 since start 12/31/21)
    Waist: 40
    Sleep: 7h46m

    Squat: 45 5x1, 45 5x1, 95 5x1, 135 5x1, 185 3x1, 205 2x1, 225 5x3 (+5, 5 minutes rest work sets)

    OHP: 45 5x1, 45 5x1, 85 3x1, 120 1/2/3 then singles to 15 total reps (+5, second fail, 5 - 8 minutes rest work sets, then 1 minute rest for singles)

    Deadlift: 135 5x1, 185 5x1, 225 5x1, 255 5x1 (+5, 5 minutes rest all sets)

    Lack of sleep Thursday and Friday night so did yoga Saturday and pushed lifting to Sunday. Had a few drinks Saturday night but got decent night sleep. Nutrition ok. Second fail on OHP but liked new plan of doing singles to get total reps vs just bailing.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Gatineau, QC


    For your OHP, have you considered using smaller jumps, like 2.5 lbs instead of 5? As per The First Three Questions, Question 2, "5-pound jumps don’t work very long on the press".

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2022


    Yes, good tip on the 2.5 jumps on the OHP...I've considered it but wasn't sure when to implement.

    I stalled out at 105 previously and then was able to progress through to 110 and 115 before stalling recently at 120.

    I'm thinking that I should de-load at next session to 100 and build back 2.5 per time?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2021
    Gatineau, QC


    Quote Originally Posted by red95blue View Post
    Yes, good tip on the 2.5 jumps on the OHP...I've considered it but wasn't sure when to implement.

    I stalled out at 105 previously and then was able to progress through to 110 and 115 before stalling recently at 120.

    I'm thinking that I should de-load at next session to 100 and build back 2.5 per time?
    When switching to smaller jumps, it is indeed best to give this approach some room to work, but de-loading to 100 seems a bit much. That said, the only downside to "de-loading too much" is the potential for wasted time. If you don't care about that (I personally don't), it's a non-issue. But if I were in your position, I wouldn't go any lower than 110 since you are able to hit all your fahves at 115.

    Being small and female, I had to start with 2.5-lb jumps right away. I then stalled when I went from 57.5 to 60 lbs. At that point I backed down to 58 lbs and started adding only 1 lb per session. That's all it took in my case.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2022


    Tuesday, 3/29
    Weight: 185.5 (+18.6 since start 12/31/21)
    Waist: 40
    Sleep: 6h47m

    Squat: 45 5x1, 45 5x1, 95 5x1, 135 5x1, 185 3x1, 205 2x1, 230 5x3 (+5, five minutes rest last warm up and work sets)

    Bench: 45 5x1, 45 5x1, 95 5x1, 125 3x1, 165 5x3 (+5, five minutes rest work sets)

    Deadlift: 135 5x1, 185 5x1, 225 5x1, 260 5x1 (+5, five minutes rest all sets, eight minute rest last set)

    Tough workout as I have now hit more challenging weights on all the lifts, which is requiring more than basic three minute rest on all sets. Total workout was 1 hour 8 minutes, which is a bit longer than I can really afford at the gym weekday mornings on a consistent basis. Squatting and deadlifting each session (3x/week) is also taking its toll. Went to bed at a reasonable time but had a hard time falling asleep and woke up in the middle of the night for an extended period which lead to not enough sleep. Also, don't think I ate enough yesterday. Considering switching to an A/B split schedule with "A" Squat/OHP and "B" Bench/Deadlift for 3x/week. Will post this question on the Programming forum for more feedback.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    no i think that's a good call, squats and deads every session can work when your 25 and have testosterone oozing out of every pore. That ship has sailed

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2022


    starting strength coach development program
    Thanks Mr B. for your perspective...also read this SS article after I initially posted which helps confirm this line of thinking: Two-lifts-a-day-for-the-post-novice-master

    Just about 13 weeks into my version of the NLP am am going to make this switch for next session, along with dropping to 2.5 increments on the OHP and bench as previously recommended...will see if I can keep going with 5 pound jumps on squat and deadlift.

    Pretty satisfied that I went from essentially untrained to 115 press (+70), 165 bench (+120), 230 squat (+185) and 260 (+190) deadlift without missing any training sessions through the first quarter of the year.

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