starting strength gym
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Thread: Starting from less than zero

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    good! yeah DOMS will hit, but that's a good thing

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Kingdom


    Catching up the log again
    Nov 23
    Squat 135x5x3
    No problem during the squats. My lower back is pretty tight, but did not impact the movements.

    Press 80x5x3
    As I have the past few sessions, I have done these standing. Bad idea.

    Deadlift 235x5
    It's been difficult getting into a good starting position due to the lower back stiffness. I've worked with a couple of SSC's and the most difficult issue for me has been deadlift starting position. I have the flexibility of rebar.

    Nov 26
    Squat 145x5x3.
    Felt good and moved well. My back did not give me any issues.

    Bench Press 135x5x3
    I'm focusing on keeping my elbows tucked. I have a problematic right shoulder from a 30+ year old pitching injury. If my elbows start to flare, my shoulder gets pretty stiff.

    Deadlift 245x5
    I decided to pull sumo, which I've rarely tried, in an effort to spare my lower back. Reps 1-4 went well. I lost tension on 5 and tweaked my back. So much for sparing my back.

    I have a long history of back tweaks. They come in two varieties. They either last 2 days or more than 2 weeks. I think this is the first version. I'm going back to seated presses. Undecided on deadlifts.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Kingdom


    Nov 29
    My back tweak ended up only costing me an extra rest day. I'm still stiff, but am able to work. I'm switching to alternating deadlifts with chins.

    Squat 155x5x3
    Back was a little stiff, but I was able to work through the sets.

    Seated Press 85x5x3
    These save my back.

    10, 8, 6

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Kingdom


    Also, Bodyweight up to 163 pounds

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    New Jersey


    Quote Originally Posted by TartanEagle View Post
    Also, Bodyweight up to 163 pounds

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Kingdom


    Here are my last two workouts:

    Squat 165x5x3
    Moved well. Felt light.

    Bench Press 145x5x3
    No issues once I really tightened up. Got some good leg drive. Pre cancer I was a good bencher. My brain says these are light, but my diminished body disagrees. So it took some additional effort to get into a good starting position

    Deadlift 155x5
    I kept these light as my back is still pretty sore.

    Squat 175x5x3
    Form felt good. The first set seemed irrationally heavy, but moved fine for the second and third sets.

    Seated Press 90x5x3
    Sets were solid and moved well.

    11, 9, 8

    Sleep isn't great lately. My mouth is extremely dry and worse than usual lately. This disrupts my sleep, so I've been pretty tired. I keep hoping I'll turn the corner. This is the last side effect that I'm dealing with.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Kingdom


    Squats 185x5x3
    Knees have been a little sore. I focused on knees out (especially on the way up) and they felt fine. The weight went up easily.

    Bench press 150x5x3
    I moved to 5 pound jumps. I need to really focus on tucking my elbows to avoid elbow flare. I have a cranky right shoulder from an ancient shoulder injury, and elbow flare really irritates it.

    Deadlift 175x5
    I'm working the weight back up in 20 pound jumps. My back is very tight, but this weight was not difficult.

    Body weight is up to 170 pounds

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Kingdom


    Dec 12
    It seems I'm taking one step forward and two steps back. I further tweaked my back playing softball. I've been hobbling around for the better part of a week, barely able to tie my shoes. But I neednto move to get it moving in the right direction.

    Squat 135x5x3
    I backed off the weight and was able to move this without pain and keep solid form.

    Seated Press 85x5x3
    No problem here. Weight moved well and no pain.

    Chins 10, 8, 8

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Kingdom


    I spent 2 weeks at home in the US for holidays. It was great time, but zero training. No regrets.
    Here are my last three workouts. I take squats slowly as I get really bad DOMS after short layoffs. Deadlifts are low due to the back tweak I suffered last month. The rest are low because I am small and weak.

    January 1, 2023
    Squat 85x5x1
    Bench press 145x5x3
    Deadlift 165x5x1

    January 3, 2023
    Squat 135x5x1
    Seated Press 75x5x3
    Deadlift 175x5x1

    January 5, 2023
    Squat 135x5x3
    Bench press 150x5x3
    Deadlift 185x5

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    The Kingdom


    starting strength coach development program
    January 10, 2023

    Squat 155x5x3. Still nice and easy
    Bench press 155x5x3. Not easy and felt quite heavy. I really needed to focus on keeping my elbows tucked to avoid elbow flare.
    Deadlift 205x5. No issues here

    As noted above, bench press felt very heavy. I was not expecting this so soon. I've gone through NLP a bunch of times, but usually after a vacation or minor injury layoff. This time I'm coming back from a major illness, where my body basically consumed my muscle to stay alive. I need to remind myself to be patient and be happy with any progress.

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