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Thread: Starting in Austin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2023

    Default Starting in Austin

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    52 M, 5' 9", 165lbs. I mainly started to get stronger for brazilian jiu jitsu (have trained for 2.5 years). Im in pretty good cardio shape. At 155 I had abs, but Im pretty weak. Im looking to get my weight up to about 185 to make sparring with the bigger guys a little easier. Want deadlift/squat > 300 to make it easier to push people around during the standup/takedown part of sparring. Want bench > 250 to make it easier to get guys off of me.

    I do BJJ 4 days/week (around 4 hours of sparring and 1 hour of drills/instruction)

    My food target is 3K calories surplus (after BJJ which is about 400kcal/day) and 190g protein. I cant always do 3 days/week because the BJJ days change based on the kids' schedules. As I get more used to the lifting Ill have one lifting + BJJ day which will allow me to more consistently hit 3 days/week. I gain weight super easy and after 3 weeks Im already up 4-5 pounds at around 169.

    I read the blue book and watch the form videos every time I workout.

    Here are my lifts since I started (pounds). All are 3x5 except deadlift which is 1x5. A few times a week I do 3 sets of 10 pullups.

    squat: 85
    Bench 115
    Deadlift 145
    Press 55

    squat: 95
    Bench 125
    Deadlift 155
    Press 65

    squat: 105
    Bench 130
    Deadlift 165
    Press 70

    squat: 110
    Bench 135
    Deadlift 175
    Press 75 last set was very hard

    squat: 120
    Bench 140
    Deadlift 185 - felt like it was going to be impossible, but then when I did it, it wasnt hard.
    Press 85 - first set was hard, last set was much easier (maybe didnt warm up enough?)

    some of the incorrect weight jumps are because i miscounted the weight but didnt realize it until after.

    What is really interesting about the program is the last set can be really hard, then when I increase the weight the next time it is easier than the lighter weight. At my age the warmups really help. I havent had much DOMS at all and it feels like Im not really working that hard after the workout compared to when I lifted in the past. I do get DOMS from BJJ and am pretty much always sore, especially my lower back. The 3x5 are pretty easy to do compared to when I did 5x5 before covid with a trainer or when I did 3x10 20 years ago. I do feel overall tired so Im trying to make sure I have one rest day with nothing (except pullups).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    The Novus program in SS is genius. Session after session you will find that you will regularly increase your strength every session until you can't. Then there are other programs that will push you to increase strength bi-weekly or monthly.

    Make sure to increase your calories to 3000-3500 daily and your protein to 180-185 grams per day. If you have a SS coach in the area go see him/her. If not, try online coaching,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    squat: 130
    Bench 145
    Deadlift 195
    overhead Press 90 - by far the hardest lift. It does get easier at the end so maybe Im still not warming up enough?
    Last edited by atx_bjj; 02-03-2023 at 10:35 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by carson View Post
    The Novus program in SS is genius. Session after session you will find that you will regularly increase your strength every session until you can't. Then there are other programs that will push you to increase strength bi-weekly or monthly.

    Make sure to increase your calories to 3000-3500 daily and your protein to 180-185 grams per day. If you have a SS coach in the area go see him/her. If not, try online coaching,
    Im definitely eating 3K calories and 190g protein/day. It is a big change from when I cut from 180 to 155 and was eating 1500 calories (2000 on bJJ days).

    I have zero problems gaining weight.

    We are in the middle of an ice storm and Im lugging around 5 gallon jerry cans of gas that weight about 40 pounds. I want to say they are easier to move around than in the past so that is a great benefit. Filling the generator when the jerry can is full requires precise control and Im able to easily do it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    squat: 140
    Bench 150
    Deadlift 205
    overhead Press 85 - I thought my form was terrible at 90 so I went back to 85 and it wasnt too bad

    bench is getting extremely hard, squat and deadlift are ok.

    My weight is up to 170
    Last edited by atx_bjj; 02-07-2023 at 01:13 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    Most people can squat heavier than they can bench. Maybe it's time to shift to 2.5 lb. increases on the bench.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by carson View Post
    Most people can squat heavier than they can bench. Maybe it's time to shift to 2.5 lb. increases on the bench.
    I didnt follow the directions on the starting weights as I wanted to start light to work on form. So my squat was probably just way low. It was slightly difficult at 130, but 140 was somewhat easy.

    It still blows my mind how a lighter weight can be so difficult, then next time the heavier weight is easier.

    My jeans are starting to not fit. Luckily I saved the ones from when I lost weight from 180 before.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    squat: 150
    Bench 155
    Deadlift 215
    overhead Press N/A

    squat felt comfortably hard. Bench was much easier than 150. Hard but not ridiculously hard. Dead lift - always feel like Im not going to get it off the ground, then when I do it is relatively "easy".

    i think I might not be able to do overhead press and bench on the same day anymore so will switch to more of the official plan and alternate them. My highest warmup weight was 75 which was fine, but I could not do 90 at all.

    What blows me away is that the bench at 150 was so catastrophically hard that I thought I was done with the nlp. But then a few days later I do 155 and it is fine.

    I have definitely been feeling overall fatigue so Ive been trying to go to sleep earlier. Im good at pacing myself at BJJ but skipped tuesday class this week due to being tired. When I show up it is usually fine and my rolls are good.

    I dont know if the strength is helping but Ive been rolling a lot more effectively lately.

    Im also not really getting any DOMS which is so weird. When I used to lift 30 years ago in college I would do 3 sets of 10 reps and if I wasnt sore the next day I felt like I wasnt progressing. Reps being high meant I couldnt really stick with it because it took so long to get through a session. Also was doing more isolation on machines so there were so many lifts to keep track of.

    I love 3 lifts and 3x5.
    Last edited by atx_bjj; 02-10-2023 at 11:28 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    squat: 160
    Bench N/A
    Deadlift 225
    overhead Press 90

    Normally a bjj day, but was going out of town so did a quick session in the morning before leaving.

    deadlift is starting to leave me tired, though it isnt impossibly hard yet. This squat felt really hard and I was starting to lose form. The overhead press was very hard, but I was better able to keep form.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2023


    starting strength coach development program
    2/13/23 bad session all around

    squat 170, first and second set were only 3 and 4, but then did 5 on the 3rd set, did an extra set of 3.
    bench 160, hard, but fine
    deadlift 235 - warmup sets to 215 were fine, couldnt even do 225.

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