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Thread: First timer

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


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    Quote Originally Posted by bigstrongmanthings View Post
    Breakfast: 6-8 eggs
    Lunch: Chicken & rice, protein shake (whey, pb powder, oats, yogurt, banana, milk)
    Dinner: Anything to get calories up

    My goal is 2500+ calories with ~156g protein and 78g fat which I think is covered both by the above and drinking nearly a gallon of milk per day. I didn't weigh myself in the beginning of the routine but around mid-May I was ~151. Eating (and the tracking of) is an issue.
    Not sure what your metabolism looks like but you should gain at least 1lb a week (considering current weight, this is a minimum). It can be difficult to achieve with 2500kcal a day. I suggest to track you weight and bump up calories if you are not gaining.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2023


    Following all given advice to the best of my ability. Numbers:

    - 6/21/23 -
    Squat: 145
    Press: 70
    Deadlift: 150

    - 6/23/23 -
    Squat: 150
    Bench Press: 80
    Deadlift: 165

    So far the DL feels great but the squat is rough. Still able to push through.

    I've heard that when tracking weight using the week's average is preferred. So far I feel the overall trend is looking great with a current 4-day average of 162.
    Last edited by bigstrongmanthings; 06-25-2023 at 12:58 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2023


    - 6/26/23 -
    Squat: 155
    Press: 75
    Deadlift: 180

    Everything was really tough today. I'm unsure of what the issue is: autoimmune, diet, form, mental roadblock or time to reduce the weight increments. Will record myself to observe my form and increase caloric intake this week as suggested above.

    After finishing the last set I feel satisfied - every workout is a new PR and lifting 180 lbs off the floor is an amazing experience (I struggled lifting milk into the fridge as a teenager). Of course then I get home and look at myself in the mirror and remember it's not enough.

    Rip, I know you want to make strong *clothed* men but you'll have to give me a pass when my weight gets up. I'm here to improve my strength for my family's sake but you better believe I want to go swimming without a shirt on.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2023


    - 6/28/23 -
    Squat: 160
    Bench Press: 85
    Deadlift: 195

    Ate a ton yesterday and today which solved the problem. Still able to do +15 on the DL and the squat felt normal again. Low they may be, I'm very excited about these numbers. Thank you Bill, Maydach and adm for your advice!

    Personal thoughts:

    We can quickly estimate our ability to pick up objects by considering information like physical touch, appearance, and prior experience. Knowing our bodies and how they interact with the world around us makes us pretty good judges most of the time. Today, the feeling of rolling a bar loaded with 195lbs to my shins combined with the sight of all of those (45x2, 25x2, 5x2 is quite a lot to me) plates and the opinion that I've probably never lifted over 130lbs all combine into a singular conclusion: I can't lift this. Five seconds later, after securing a grip on the bar and taking a deep breath, that notion is shattered and I feel pretty damn alive. I think something like that done 3 times a week requires trust in the program which - in the beginning - is gained by small steps of faith.

    This may be a bit early to say, and it should be known that I'm no stranger to exercise, but I've already noticed such a huge difference in everyday activities from playing with my kids to using a hammer and everything in between that I have to say it:

    If anyone reading this happens to be weak like me and is looking for a way out - put your faith in Starting Strength.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2023


    I've been unable to get into the gym for the last month and anticipate returning next Monday or Wednesday. The following numbers are taken from my tracker indicating what would have been the next workout (note that I miscounted the weight on the squat bar at one point so I think it's lagging a session or two). I plan to jump back into the routine and follow the previously given advice but I'd like to ask: is there anything I should do or adjust to compensate for the missed time?


    Squat: 165
    Bench Press: 90
    Deadlift: 225

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    It happens, but, as you know, it's important to get back on the wagon.

    Read The Reset by Dr Rori Alter. Good advice in there.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2023


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Anders View Post
    It happens, but, as you know, it's important to get back on the wagon.

    Read The Reset by Dr Rori Alter. Good advice in there.
    Painful to read - thank you.

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