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Thread: Theodor's NLP (starting logging from week 6)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    Tallinn, Estonia


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Week 8.1

    Squat: 85kg (187 lbs) x3x5
    Went back in weight to work on correct depth and stance
    Here's a warmup set of 2: Squat 70kg (warmup) form check - YouTube
    Work set 1: Squat 85kg (work set 1) form check - YouTube
    Work set 2: Squat 85kg (work set 2) form check - YouTube
    Didn't film the final work set. Overall, I think I understood what the right depth should be. Although for some reps I was perhaps a couple centimeters away from the bottom position, so it still needs some honing.

    Press: 42.5kg (94 lbs) x3x5

    Deadlift: 100kg (220 lbs) x5 - also went back in weight to work on technique, tried it this time with the hook grip which I've been using for cleans. It felt more stable for the back than the alternate grip, but not sure how high I can go with it.
    Deadlift 100kg form check (hook grip) - YouTube

    Will have to miss the rest of this week's sessions due to work...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


    Squat: For the second squat set rep 1 and 2 are to depth, and rep 3-5 are high. Now, they are to parallell, but Starting Strength teaches depth to be roughly an inch BELOW parallell. Squats are looking much better though!

    Deadlift: These look better too but it's easy to have good form on light weight. You need some weight on the bar to get good feedback.

    Your hips are a little low. Look at the first rep, your hips rise a tiny amount before the bar leaves the floor, that is your correct starting position. "Lifting your chest" means back extension causing a STRAIGHT back, not to be confused with a VERTICAL back. Stop dropping your hips to get your chest up. Raise your chest without moving your hips. Hook grip shouldn't be an issue if you use chalk.

    Shoes look fine to me, though I would still prefer some adidas powerlifts to be honest.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    Tallinn, Estonia


    Thanks again for the feedback.

    In the meanwhile I missed two trainings, but got back on track on Monday.

    Week 9 - Monday
    Squat: 85kg (187lbs) x3x5 - just repeated the last training a week earlier
    Bench press: 67.5kg (149lbs) x3x5 - bar was moving up in slow motion for the last few reps, but grinded it out.
    Power clean: 55kg (121lbs) x5x3
    Chins (bodyweight): 8,8,6

    Week 9 - Wednesday

    Squat: 87.5kg (193lbs) x3x5
    Press: 43kg (95lbs) x3x5
    Deadlift: 102.5kg (226lbs) x5

    Weight: 73kg (161lbs). Not training and not eating enough resulted in -1kg.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    Tallinn, Estonia


    Week 9 - Friday

    Squat: 89kgx5x3 (196lbs) +1.5kg
    Bench press: 69kgx5x3 (152lbs) +1.5kg
    Chins (bodyweight): 8,7,5
    45-degree back extension (bodyweight): 11,11,11

    Week 10 - Monday

    Squat: 90.5kgx5x3 (200lbs) + 1.5kg
    OHP: 44kgx5x3 (97lbs) + 1kg
    Deadlift: 105.5kg x5 (233lbs) +3kg

    Was supposed to do the clean instead of DL, but achilleus heel was aching for some reason, so decided not to do any sudden movements today. A few weeks ago when I went up to 100kg squats and 115kg DL, I used larger increments, but now I will try slower but stedier progress with smaller increases.

    Current training plan:
    Day A
    Squat 5 reps x 3 sets
    Bench Press 5 reps x 3 sets
    Deadlift 5 reps x 1 set OR Power Clean 3 reps x 5 sets

    Day B
    Squat 5 reps x 3 sets
    Press 5 reps x 3 sets
    Back extn
    Last edited by theodor; 12-22-2023 at 03:06 AM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    Tallinn, Estonia


    Week 10 - Wed

    Squat: 92kgx5x3 (203lbs); progress +1.5kg

    Bench press: 70kgx5x2 (154lbs) and 70kgx3+2 (didn't manage to do the last set of 5 reps, so split it up by waiting 45sec); progress +1kg

    Chins (unweighted): 10,7,6

    45-degree back extension (unweighted): 15,15,12.
    Last edited by theodor; 12-22-2023 at 03:06 AM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    Tallinn, Estonia


    Week 10 - Fri

    Weight: 73.6

    Squat: 94kgx5x3; progress +2kg

    Squat 94kg (work set 1, submitted for Starting Strength form check) - YouTube
    Squat 94kg (work set 2, submitted for Starting Strength form check) - YouTube
    Squat 94kg (work set 3, submitted for Starting Strength form check) - YouTube

    First reps are to the bottom in all the sets. However, it seems I struggle with replicating it for other reps.

    Press: 45x5, 45x4, 45x5; progress +1kg

    Press 45kg (work set 1, Starting Strength form check) - YouTube
    Press 45kg (work set 2, Starting Strength form check) - YouTube

    Missed a rep in the 2nd work set. Rested 6 minutes instead of 4-5 that's usual and completed the final set.

    Clean: 57.5x3x5; progress +2.5kg

    Will try to film this the next time, too. I think I still need to hone the racking part, there's a bit of help from hands so it doesn't rack with just the pulling movement.
    Last edited by theodor; 12-22-2023 at 03:07 AM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    South East Tennessee


    You're a lot younger than I am and adding weight to the bar at a higher rate. Feels good to get stronger!

    The only thing I will say is that watching you lift without a belt makes me nervous. I can't give you form pointers since I have no coaching experience.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    Tallinn, Estonia


    Quote Originally Posted by w35773 View Post
    You're a lot younger than I am and adding weight to the bar at a higher rate. Feels good to get stronger!

    The only thing I will say is that watching you lift without a belt makes me nervous. I can't give you form pointers since I have no coaching experience.
    Have to agree with you on this, consistently getting stronger is amazing. Still very early in the process, but each training I'm more motivated than before!

    I'm a bit on/off with the belt at this point, but whenever I feel I'm at my limit I will wear it for squat and deadlift. Just need to get a 3'' belt, then I'll be more comfortable with it. Currently have one of those which is wider at the back.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    Tallinn, Estonia


    Week 11 - Monday. Weight: 73.8kg (163lbs).

    Squat: 90kgx5x3 (198lbs); progress -4kg.
    Went back in weight (again) to work on consistent depth.

    Bench: 70.5kgx5x3 (155lbs); progress +0.5kg
    Grinded it out, last reps in absolute slow motion (again).

    Deadlift: 108kgx5 (238lbs); progress +2.5kg

    Chins: 9,8,5
    Last edited by theodor; 12-22-2023 at 03:07 AM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    Tallinn, Estonia


    starting strength coach development program
    Week 11 - Wednesday

    Squat: 92kgx5x3 (203lbs); progress +2kg. Didn't film, but I think the depth was good.

    Press: 46kgx5x2; 46kgx4+1 (101lbs); progress +1kg. Missed a rep in the final set. Had to wait a few minutes to get that in.

    Power clean: 50.5kgx3x5 (111lbs); progress -7kg. Went back in weight to work on form. Watched the tutorials and read the blue book material on this again. Definitely need to film this the next time.
    Last edited by theodor; 12-22-2023 at 03:07 AM.

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