I'm a 235lb male 33 years old. Previous consistent "exercise" experience in the gym in my mid twenty's trained BJJ for a few years(plagued with injury) never been an all star athlete. Most of my life I have been relatively lean sub 200 lbs. However I have been rather sedentary for the past few years coupled with some bad habits resulting in some bad weight gain.

March 2024 I decided enough was enough time for a change and discovered starting strength while figuring the best way forward. April 1st was my first workout.

April 1
Squat - 145
Bench - 135
Deadlift - 225

April 4
Squat - 170
Press - 80
Bench - 135
Deadlift - 245

April 5
Squat - 185
Bench - 140
Press - 90
Deadlift - 260

April 10

Squat - 190
Bench - 155
Deadlift - 285

April 12

Squat - 200
Press - 95
Deadlift - 295

April 15

Squat - 210
Bench - 155
Deadlift - 295

April 17

Squat - 220
Press - 110
Deadlift - 305

April 19

Squat - 230
Bench - 160
Deadlift - 315

April 22

Squat - 235
Press - 112
Deadlift - 320

April 24
Squat - 240
Bench - 162
Deadlift - 325

April 26

Squat - 245
Press - 115
Deadlift 330

After a month of NLP I have put 100lbs on my squat & deadlift. Bench and press I have been not as aggressive in the loading in the early phase due to a previous shoulder injury, however now that I have dropped to 2lb jumps it feels to easy. I may try at least 1 day with 5 this week I wish these numbers were higher at this point.

Although My weight has not fluctuated much I'm still between 235-240 (closer to 240 generally) my spare tire is smaller and I am generally more muscular in my chest/back/shoulders.

I track my calories most days and generally hit 3000-3500 & 1 gram per lb. of body weight.

I have been tracking workouts in the Starting Strength App and ran with a lot of the default jumps, rest periods until the last few workouts and thought I needed to adjust.

Looking forward to the journey.