My time has come, to begin my first starting strength program with my NLP. Pretty cool forum here, figure I will hop in and hopefully a person or two besides myself, will find this useful.

Background: I’ve been lifting pretty consistently for the last 3 years. Started on Michael Matthew’s bigger leaner stronger program( with a few tweaks here and there). That’s how I first discovered Mr. Rippetoe. Quick thanks to Mr. Matthews. His book is filled with a fair amount of logic, especially in regards towards diet. However I now care more about putting weight on the bar and becoming as strong as possible instead of purely aesthetics. So let’s jump in.

I will be starting with phase 1 NLP.
Current stats:
Current PR’s (for a set of 5):

notes: I burn a considerable amount of calories at work (ups driver) I average over 4000 calories daily along with a consistent 250 grams protein (and no I don’t believe that is overkill). Gaining weight is my largest inconvenience. It’s moving along though. All these PRs have been set within the last 2-3 workouts.

long term goals: weight on the bar, bodyweight range of 180-190lbs. Turn into a meatball.
Bench-don’t care
Press-185 (set of 5)

any input in appreciated, thanks.