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Thread: Second Attempt at SS - Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2024

    Default Second Attempt at SS - Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    This is my second attempt at the program. My last attempt was in December 2021 and I kept it going for a month and a half. I am doing the it by myself at home. I already read SS:BBT, and I'm reading PPST. I may also have to resort to online coaching in the future.

    I am planning to post weekly updates with new data and a small comment for each workout.

    Age: 31
    Height: 168cm
    Weight: 111.8kg

    Week 01:


    Squat: 50kg x5x3
    Press: 28kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 66kg x5x3

    Found the workout weight for each exercise and completed three sets of each.


    Squat: 54kg x5x3
    Bench: 34kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 74kg x5x3

    First attempt at the bench press in the program. The bar slowed down on the last rep.


    Squat: 58kg x5x3
    Press: 30kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 78kg x5x3

    I caught the flu and couldn't sleep enough, but I managed to take a nap and decided I was good enough to train. Had a bit of difficulty locking out the last two reps of the deadlift.

    Weekend Weight: 110.1kg
    Last edited by lspr_93; 08-25-2024 at 03:58 AM. Reason: Changed the date format to "YYYY-MM-DD". And added a few formatting tags.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2024


    Week 02:


    Squat: 62kg x5x3
    Bench: 38kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 82kg x5x3

    I was fully recovered from the flu and the workout felt easier than last time.

    A small callus appeared in my left hand due to an incorrect grip in the deadlift.


    Squat: 66kg x5x3
    Press: 32kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 86kg x5x3

    I was feeling a discomfort in the right side of my hips but it went away after warming up the squat.

    I have missed the depth on a few reps where I did not move the knees to the correct position.


    Squat: 70kg x5x3
    Bench: 42kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 90kg x5x3

    I started working out with a bit of pain in the left thigh, which went away after warming up the squat. The work sets felt better after a few form corrections.

    I failed locking out the last rep of the deadlift. Tried again after resting and failed after three reps. Decided to use straps and completed the work set with relative ease.

    I will try to improve my grip for the next workout and only use the straps again if needed.

    Weekend Weight: 110.6kg

    Next week I will add power cleans to the program. I have practiced a bit with the empty bar and it is hard to get into the rack position. I will try stretching at the rack and practice some more.
    Last edited by lspr_93; 08-25-2024 at 03:59 AM. Reason: Added a few formatting tags.

  3. #3


    Looking forward to seeing new results this second time!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2024


    Week 03:


    Squat: 74kg x5x3
    Press: 34kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 94kg x5x3

    I had poor form on the squat. I need to correct it in order to hit proper depth in all reps.

    Had a bit of difficulty in the first set of the press, but corrected it by watching the video tutorial.

    I used the hook grip in the deadlift this time. Felt better than the double overhand.


    Squat: 76kg x5x3
    Bench: 44kg x5,5,4
    P.Clean: 32kg x5x3

    I had bad form on the squats. I bought a tripod and filmed the sets. I wasn't hitting proper depth even on the warm ups. It improves when I push my knees a bit further than what I thought was right.

    I failed on the bench press after trying four times. Always on the last rep of the last set. Feeling a bit disappointed for failing so early in the program. Will try again next time.

    I was able to complete the first sets of the power clean with good form. Stopped adding weight when I noticed I started to use my arms to help the bar go up.


    Squat: 50kg x5x3
    Press: 36kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 98kg x5x3

    I've only been able to squat with proper form with 50kg after paying attention to my knees. I think I can jump way closer to where I was next workout if I figure what I am doing wrong.

    I was able to complete the sets on the press, but I really need to work on better technique.

    I completed the deadlift with the alternate grip. Felt even better than the hook grip.

    Weekend Weight: 109.3kg

    I'm going to get an online SS coach to help me for the next month.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    Good luck with your workout plan. Keep at it!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2024


    Has filming your lifts been helping?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2024


    Week 04:


    Squat: 76kg x5x3
    Bench: 44kg x5x3
    P.Clean: 36kg x3x5

    I decided to go back to my 76kg squat and was able to do it with better form than before, but still only getting close to parallel.

    The first set of the bench press felt easy, so I decided try 46kg and noticed I wouldn't be able to complete it yet. Completed the two sets of 44kg and called it a workout.

    The power cleans were alright, but I think I may be on the less explosive side of the spectrum.


    Squat: 60kg x5x3
    Press: 36kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 102kg x5x3

    I hired an online coach to help me with my problems. The changes in weights are his adjustments after our first interview.

    Even with the weight reduction my squat is only reaching almost parallel. I also recorded my warm ups and I am missing parallel on most of those as well.

    I noticed that something was wrong with the press as I did not feel the bounce. Turns out I am driving the bar up too early in the movement.

    I successfully completed the deadlift with alternate grip. Tried the double overhand but the bar slipped on the second rep. The coach couldn't find many issues, but that is because I filmed it from a bad angle.


    Squat: 61kg x5x3
    Bench: 42kg x5x3
    P.Clean: 30kg x3x3

    After getting the first video of my workout the coach decided to keep the weights light so I could practice the form with his inputs. And I did everything wrong again. I'm getting a bit frustrated with the squats, but I'm nowhere near giving up.

    The bench press was reduced and felt reasonably easy. Perhaps I could add 4kg next time, but I will let the coach decide.

    I reseted the power clean and did them with reasonable form. I am surely lacking in power, but I like doing the power cleans. I will let the coach decide if they stay in the program.

    Weekend Weight: 108.3kg

    For the first time I could notice a waist size reduction. I am measuring every weekend and I lost 3cm this time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2024


    Quote Originally Posted by 3432432143214321909870908 View Post
    Looking forward to seeing new results this second time!
    Quote Originally Posted by BrooklynJerry View Post
    Good luck with your workout plan. Keep at it!
    Thanks. I will achieve better results this time around.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shanelaidir85 View Post
    Has filming your lifts been helping?
    It is helping me identify a few issues and correct them, but some patterns are hard to fix even when you can see them. And this is why they insist that you should learn the correct form from the start.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2024


    Week 05:


    Squat: 60kg x5x3
    Press: 34kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 104kg x5x1

    My grip on the squat seems to be causing the bar to move to the right. I need to adjust it so the bar remains centralized through the workout.

    Improved the timing of the press by pushing it up right after I rebound with my hips. I am also supporting my arms with my lats, which made the movement a lot easier.

    The deadlift felt good, but I am still slightly moving my hips down as I pull the bar.


    Squat: 50kg x5x3
    Bench: 44kg x5x3
    P.Clean: 32kg x3x5

    I am improving my form through the use of a "box" as a cue to depth. I also had to decrease the weight to see if I can get the correct form.

    The bench press felt easy. It is also the easiest to execute with good form. Or perhaps it is just the weight that is still low.

    The power cleans are getting better now that I am jumping with the bar further down the thigh than before. I still need to do the partial squat at the end of the movement.


    Squat: 52kg x5x3
    Press: 36kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 106kg x5x1

    After getting good results on the warm-ups, I decided to ditch the "box". And I managed to get most of the reps below parallel. I was moving my knees out too early.

    The press felt reasonably better. I managed to further improve form while increasing the weight.

    I am having a problem with the grip on the deadlift. I already complete my heavier warm-ups with the hook, but for the work set I need to switch to the alternate grip.

    Weekend Weight: 108.0kg

    I'm not happy with the small weight loss. I want to get at least to 100kg. After that I can just maintain until finishing the NLP.

    I'm going to start swimming on free weekdays and walking one day on the weekend.

    P.S.: I post the weekly results before receiving feedback about the last workout from my coach.
    Last edited by lspr_93; 10-06-2024 at 12:27 PM. Reason: Wrong number of sets for the power clean.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2024


    starting strength coach development program
    Week 06:


    Squat: 54kg x5x3
    Bench: 46kg x5x3
    P.Clean: 34kg x3x5

    The squats were not as good as the previous workout, but they were better than my average squat before signing up for online coaching.

    The bench press is the easiest one to do correctly. Felt easier than I thought it would be. Tried with 50kg but noticed I wouldn't be able to do it yet.

    The power clean needs some corrections, but it seems I already have a good catch. And I thought I would have difficulty racking and I have slightly larger forearms.


    Squat: 56kg x5x3
    Press: 38kg x5x3
    Deadlift: 108kg x5x1

    Had a reasonably good depth with the squats, but I need to improve other issues such as getting my wrists to remain straight and keeping my toes out.

    Definitely improved my form on the press. No windup in the movement and corrected my timing to press.

    I am still getting my butt a little bit down when I start going up in the deadlift. I was able to complete the set with the hook grip.


    Squat: 60kg x5x3
    Bench: 48kg x5x3
    P.Clean: 36kg x3x5

    I decided to go straight to 60kg on the squats. Had a correct depth on all warm-ups, which is an improvement as I was not getting it with the empty bar. Did not get it perfectly done in the work sets.

    The weight felt a bit harder on the bench, but I was able to do it correctly.

    I am still trying to include a partial squat at the end of the power clean. I still need to get the timing down.

    Weekend Weight: 107.5kg

    I am not losing weight as fast as before, but my waist-hip ratio and blood glucose improved. I believe I will get to 100kg by the end of the year.
    Last edited by lspr_93; 10-06-2024 at 12:27 PM.

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